Nov. 13th, 2010


Mod: Secret Non-Denominational-Santa Fic Exchange?

Right now I am pegging interest in a proposed fic exchange for our wonderful asylum. In the past thirty months we have had some wacky and interesting challenges. Some worked, some petered out fast. What I am purposing is not so simple this time, at least, for my part.

Would anyone be interested in signing up to write a fic for someone in exchange for a fic of their own? It would be short, minimum of 1000 words. You would have several weeks to write it.

What would happen is that you give us several fandoms/pairings that you want to have a fic in. Along with that, you give us what fandoms/pairings/genres/kinks/styles you're willing to write. When sign ups would close, you would receive a matchup from someone who has similar, if not exact, tastes/interests. You write a fic for that person based upon the information they give you, and someone else will do the same for you. When the due date arrives, we post all the fics. In case someone drops out, there will be pitch hitters.

So, what do you think? Please reply with yea or nay votes, yea if you would participate, nay if you would not. We need at least 10 people to sign up.

I am number 1.

Nov. 1st, 2010


Mod: Halloween Is Dead And Buried!

Well, my darlings, Halloween has officially come to an end in the E.S.T. That means our challenge has come to an end as well. It was fun while it lasted. I would like to thank all those who participated. You are wonderful and you did a great thing!

Goodnight and unpleasant dreams!

Dec. 13th, 2009


Mod: Advertisements.

OT posts twice in a week, we must be special. First time it was your forgetful moderator, this time, it was a spammer. Well, never fear, your mod is on the case. The spam message has been deleted and the offender removed.

Just in case anyone else joined with eyes on advertising your asylum, read this first:

Rule 1.) No Off Topic Posts. This means if it isn't fanfiction, recommendation for fic, or an announcement about a fanfic, it isn't allowed. This includes announcements about other asylums without moderator's permission.

I assure you your moderator team was neither asked or gave permission for a RPG asylum to advertise here.

If you have an asylum you would like to advertise here, you must ask first, and then, we will make a special post for you to advertise on. There will never be permission given for individual advertisement posts made by anyone not on the mod team.

For reference, the mod team includes myself and [info]tabakat.

EDIT: This asylum will not go to moderation. You may post whenever you feel like it.

Dec. 10th, 2009


Mod: *Face-to-keyboard*

My previous post has been removed, several hours too late, of course. Personal posts are not allowed in the asylum, obviously.

Okay, I know I am not the first one to have done this in the history of journals, but your mod is a dumbass. Your Mod is not smart enough to check the "Post to:". I can't believe no one told me my proverbial dress was stuck in the back of my pantyhose.

Now, I will return you to your regularly scheduled amusement at my expense. If you will excuse me, I have a bridge to throw myself off of.

Thank you.

Nov. 2nd, 2009


Moderator: How Can I Hitch Up Your Bandwagon?

Hello there,

Your friendly neighborhood Moderator here. How are all you happy people?

This asylum has been lingering along for months with little participation and I'm confounded as to why. There are over a hundred and thirty of us here, surely more of you have something written you'd like to share. This is the perfect place for you to post your fic; we're very lax in our rules and happy to take anything you have to offer.

Is there something I can do to help inspire you? Would you like a special incentive? Do challenges that combine the two sound good?

It's understandable that with the way things are in real life, fandom is likely to suffer. We can't help that. However, fanfic is a way for people to escape from their problems. Not only in the reading, but the writing itself can be a wonderful tool. Feedback is a great thing.

Anything you can think of that we can make happen, let us know.

Lopaka Tanu, Moderator BSA

Feb. 20th, 2009


Moderator: Addendum To The Rules

There is a list of authors works who do not want their fandoms to write fanfic in. I have posted that list to our info to let people know. However you feel about their decision, we will respect their request.

No, I was not contacted by them, a representative, or a concerned citizen. This was a preemptive step taken by me to prevent any of our writers from having to deal with the headache. In other words, let's stomp that ember before it can set a fire.

Now, as far as I know, no one here has posted anything in those fandoms. I ask that we keep it that way.

Aside: I once wrote an entire series of stories featuring part of LKH's verse in them. When I learned she was telling people to stop, I edited her crap out of my stories. If there's an author out there who's so self conscious of their work, then who am I to offend?

Jan. 7th, 2009


Moderator Post: Five New Tags

There are five new tags added to the listing for posting ease. Over the months, we have had very little problem with correct tagging, but there are some relationship situations our tags just don't cover. To combat this problem, I am now introducing five tags.

Moresome - For all those sexual relationships where the more the merrier is not just a saying.

Threesome - For all those relationships that contain three partners in a sexual relationship.

Self/Mast. - For those times when your character has a sexual relationship with the one person they can truly love.

Beast - For those stories where the sexual relationship is between a person and their furry friend.

Were/Beast - For those stories where Were Creatures are the main sexual relationship.

We're not telling you to use the tags, I will happily do that for you if you forget. Just put in your header how many people/aliens/animals are having a sexual relationship.

Here at [info]multi_fiction, we do not judge your story...unless you're in to that sorta thing.

Sep. 16th, 2008


Moderator: Linking To Fic

As far as I know, it has not happened here, and I am going to make sure that it does not in the future.

New Rule:

Do not link to friends locked posts. So called 'Fake Cuts' are links. Any posting to this asylum that links to a friends locked post will be warned, then deleted.

Posts asylum locked to Multi_Fiction are different. A few people do not feel comfortable posting some content for the general public. If you wish to view these asylum locked posts, you will have to join multi_fiction, not just friend.

As you know, new rules are extremely rare here, but when they are made, it is for a good reason. This one is to allow people to enjoy the stories without having to go through the hassle of the waiting game for friending approval.

Aug. 8th, 2008


Mod: Fic and Reviews

If you haven't noticed, there is a distinct lack of both of those. This is a fiction asylum, we need fics to keep us going. What keeps authors writing is feedback.

Uncle Lemming challenges each of our members to do their part.

Inspire, write, request, review.

It is up to you to make this asylum a success. Each of you is more than just a person, you are the reason this asylum exists. You must choose to be a part of it, to make something of it.

Uncle Lemming believes it can happen, but only if you do. Will you answer his call?

<< This message brought to you by the People For Uncle Lemming. All views within are approved by Uncle Lemming. >>

Jun. 24th, 2008


Affiliates, Asylum Links, Satellite Organizations.

What do all these things have in common? Well, none of them are allowed to post a notice here without mod approval. That is not changing.

Now, what is going on here is I am creating a request post. This post is to everyone who has an asylum and wishes to be an affiliate of [info]multi_fiction.

If you would like to become an affiliate, respond to this post. If you want to also advertise your asylum, here is the place to ask to do so. I will grant any request so long as it meets one standard: No Fat Dicks No specialty size or color fonts. That's annoying and will get a post deleted.

Also, You may advertise only once.

So, if you've wanted to be an affiliate, here's your chance.

May. 23rd, 2008


Time to dust off those old fics....

All right, folks, we are having a two for one smell on all old fics. Bring out your dead...fics! Bring out your dead...fics! Open the door and let the cat drag your fics out. You've got'em, we want'em. Post your old fics.

I'm pretty sure you're all tired of seeing my fics posted every day, time to begin your journey through your old catalog of completed works. I'm not asking for you to unload everything all at once. One a day is the way to go. Bring life to this asylum, let people read your old work.

Come on, what do you say?

Apr. 3rd, 2008


Pokes Members and Watches alike

This community has 27 members and 35 watchers, which is very good for a newbie community! Yeah. The thing is, very few of you/us post any work, and even fewer comment on the work! Why is this? This is not a good thing! This is discouraging to both your moderators and fellow members alike. I want this community to be a successful and active one. My question to you then, all of you members and watchers alike than is how, can I make this community more engaging and entertaining? Help me , help you, by replaying with your comments and suggestions.

Apr. 2nd, 2008


Time to get your entries in.

There are only 6 more hours to get your entries in before it is too late.

Come on, you know it is the right thing to do. Join us! Join us! JOIN US!


One day left!

Hey there!

There's only one day left for all you happy people to write just 100 words. Come on, it's easy! Everyone can do it.

One hundred words to describe the first time your characters met.

One hundred words to describe the first time your characters slept.

One hundred words, a first kiss in the rain.

One hundred words, a tear falls from the shame.

That's all it is, just one hundred words and you are done.

So, what do you say? Are you interested in writing yet? We have lots more fun to have.

Apr. 1st, 2008



How are we today? Good? Shiny, I hope.

Well, I'm just popping in to tell you there are still two days left in the Firsts Challenge. You still have time to type up a short little "First Time" drabble and post it.

Come on, you know you wanna!

All entries must be posted to the Challenge Post by Thurdsay, 12:00 A.M. PST. At that time, I will gather up all the entries and put them on a single Entry Post to be judged by everyone who wants to.

To judge, you must read every story. Next, pick the one you liked best. Then, you add your winning choice by replying to the Entry Post. Judging will begin once the Entry Post is up and end Saturday, 12:00 A.M. PST.

Our winner will select the next Asylum Challenge, which includes the parameters and the time limit. They will also get a nifty graphic*.

* Graphic will say: "I won the Multi-Fiction Firsts Challenge, and all I got was this lousy graphic."

Thank you, and remember: Post short, and post often, because you may just be our next big winner!

Mar. 26th, 2008


Thank you.

This community has existed for one week today. That doesn't say much, but the variety posted here by all our great writers speaks volumes. 7 days, and already we have 23 members and 30 people watching. I'll let that little record stand for itself and just say something simple.

Thank you.

I hope there will be more to come from all of you. Your willingness to join and give us a chance makes me proud.

Remember, the Firsts challenge has just opened and we are accepting any and all submissions. The more you post, the greater your chances of willing a lousy graphic. So let's keep on making me sound like that schmuck from your school daze and go get'em tigers!

Thank you.

Mar. 21st, 2008


Mod Post: Rule addendum

Dear Members,

Due to this being a new community, your lovely moderators are working out the kinks in the rules and regulations. We would like to advise you of a new rule. ABSOLUTELY NO PEDOPHILIA will be tolerated.

Clarification: Participants (yes even fictional ones) MUST be of the legal age of consent in your state, province, country of origin. Your mods have decided to simplify this and say absolutely NO ONE UNDER 16 if you laws say 18 or 21, you are responsible for seeing your work upholds this standard, since we have no way of knowing where you live.

I don't want to come across as a hard case people. I am not but once again, KIDDIE PORN WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!!!

Once again we apologize for the inconvience and promise that changes like this will not be a common occurance.

Mar. 19th, 2008


Welcome and Be Welcome.

This is the first post of this new Asylum. I will begin adding my fic and I encourage everyone who joins to do the same. It is my hope that this will be a welcoming and inviting place for everyone to participate in fandom.

Thank You,
Lopaka Tanu

November 2015




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