Jan. 31st, 2011


Challenge: Post 1000 Fic Meme!

This is the thousandth post to [info]multi_fiction! It's taken us just under 3 years and the help of dozens of people. As such, this calls for a special challenge!

I am calling this one 'The 1000th Post Comment Fic Meme!'

Challenge: What this entails is that anyone and everyone can reply with a challenge in the comments to this post. It doesn't have to be much, maybe just a fandom, a pairing, a few words. Fandom and pairing are also optional. If you want, it can be just a few random items thrown together.

Anonymous Commenting Is OPEN.

Fills: If you see one that strikes your fancy, you can fill it by writing a story, or, for this challenge only, making a fanart. You don't have to post the entire fill to the comments, a link to your fill is just fine too. There is no word minimum or limit. Anyone can fill a challenge, multiple fills are also welcome.

Time Limit: New Challenges will only be accepted until March 20th, our third year anniversary. Fills can be made at any time, before and after.

Master List: A master list will be made and kept on this post of all fills. If there is room and demand, a master lists of challenges will also be maintained.

Standard Asylum rules apply. No linking to f-locked posts.

Above all else, have fun!

Dec. 24th, 2010


Challenge: 12 Days Of Xmas

In keeping with the American obsession with this holiday, no matter their affiliation, we are going to celebrate it the old fashioned way. Starting Christmas day, we are going to begin posting 1 ficlet a day for the next 12 days. If you have any fics, recs, or challenges you would like to contribute, by all means, feel free to share. Tis the season of giving, after all.

Cheers, ducks!

Oct. 22nd, 2010


Challenge: Werewolf Traits!


I hope you're having a howling good time so far. I know I'm certainly keeping busy with the undead.

Today's challenge: To inspire people, share your favorite werewolf traits in the comments. What makes a werewolf to you? Do you like them scary? Does that shaggy beast drive you wild? Are those hairs so annoying during sheddings?

The authors want to know! Who knows, you might get a fic out of it...but most likely, just bitten on the hand for petting it too rough.

Oct. 21st, 2010


Challenge: Skeleton Sentence Fic Meme

It's the witching hour, dearies! You know what that means. It's the time skeleton's come out to dance!

Challenge: Write a single sentence fic in the comments of this post where a skeleton is involved in your fandom!

The challenge ends when the clock strikes thirteen, and the witching hour ceases to be!

Oct. 19th, 2010


Challenge: 13 Days of Halloween!

Today is the 19th, that means there are 13 days left until Halloween! At least, where it is celebrated, that is. But, who cares! It's an excuse to have lots of spooky fun!

Mwa hahahahaha!

This challenge has a limited amount of time before it dies. 13 days of fic! 13 days of recs! 13 days of death! OooooooO!

Ghosts, Goblins, Vampires, Werewolves, Aliens? It doesn't matter what creature haunts your dreams or creeps in the shadows of your bedroom at night. We want to read them all!

Participation is not mandatory, but it just might...SAVE YOUR SOUL!

Give us your scary, give us your chilling, give us your deepest, darkest fears! Share your fics, share your recs, frighten the pants off of everyone here!

At the stroke of Midnight, November 1st, E.S.T. The challenge ends and all the ghoulies return to hell to wait for another year.


Aug. 7th, 2010


Challenge: Go To Hell!

Some character/situation/plotline is bothering you in your fandom of choice? Fix it with a 100 word drabble.

That new Mary Sueish character they just added to your show needing a good 'accidental' trip in to a woodchipper? Your favorite character ruined by a relationship that is totally OOC? Two characters playing that 'will they, won't they' game pissing you off? Your favorite show had a major cast shakeup that ruined it for you?

Well, with fanfiction you are the writer. Fix it! Send that mishap of bad writing straight to the gates of Tartarus.

Jul. 21st, 2010


Challenge: Shaved Monkey.

Challenge: A character in your fic is in a primitive state. Are they suffering from a brain parasite that makes them a cave person? Did they get hit by a regression ray that is slowly devolving them in to the missing link? Or is all this normal for your knuckle dragging, banana eating grunter?

Either way, your character is reliving the days of primate past.

Include: Primitive grunt like language. Mutual Grooming. Funky Smells.

Feb. 20th, 2010


Challenge: Official 2 Year Anniversary Challenge.

Coming in exactly one month is this asylum's second anniversary. Yes, it's hard to believe, but our little asylum is about to hit the terrible twos. It's been a long and winding ride with plenty of fun along the way. We've had over a hundred people join us and this marks our 850th post!

So, in order to celebrate, we are bringing in an Official Asylum Challenge:

Title: 200 words for 2 years.

Challenge: Write a 200 word drabble in any fandom of your choice. No less than 200 words, try not to go over 250. Any genre, any pairing (or no pairing), just write it.

Finished: Post your finished drabbles to the asylum proper. Mark somewhere on the post that it is for the "2/200 Challenge".

Prize: For those who complete the challenge, you will receive a custom made icon commiserating our 2 year anniversary. Submit your fandom/character of choice on your post or reply to this post after you finish.

The deadline for all submissions is March 20th, our anniversary. You must have posted your response by the end of the day to the asylum to claim your prize. Posting of your drabble can happen any time between now and then, just make sure you're done with it before posting. WIPs do not count as drabbles.

Dec. 22nd, 2009


Challenge: These Dreams.

Your character of choice is having dreams of an unusually vivid detail. While this makes your character feel a little weird, that is nothing to how they feel when things in the dreams make their way to the waking world. Is it prophetic dreaming? Does your character need meds to combat their psychosis? Is there a new ability manifesting itself? Or, is there something else much stranger at work?

Give us at least 500 words. Descriptive details are encouraged.

There is no time limit on this challenge, but it is hopeful of something before January 4th.

Sep. 16th, 2009


Official List Challenge: New Moments Drabble-a-thon.

From now until 12 A.M EST. October 1st [info]multi_fiction is hosting a drabble ficathon. That means stories with more than a 100 words, less than 500.

Premise: With the new season of shows upon us in the United States and other parts of the world, we are once again presented with a variety of new shows. Over the next fifteen days most shows will premier. We would like to see several new fandoms.

Challenge: Pick at least one of these new shows, that means they have never aired an episode before this season. Find something you like about this show that makes it unique, some part that stands out to you. Then, introduce us to that show by writing that singular event/person/thing in a drabble. Try not to use dialog verbatim, we want this to be straight from you.

Limits: Word limits are 100-500 words per drabble. There are no limits to how many drabbles or fandoms you add. Shows that premiered before May 25th, 2009 are not eligible. Asylum rules still apply for content.

Posting: Please post your drabbles to the asylum directly. You may lock them at your discretion. Please include the fandom in your header for tagging purposes.

We would like to see at least ten new tags added to the asylum from new fandoms.

Jun. 18th, 2009


Challenge: In The Time Of The Dinosaurs

It's time for another asylum challenge:

Whether through time travel, genetic cloning, discovering a hidden society, or spacial anomalies, your character suddenly comes in contact with Dinosaurs. They are suddenly every where. Life must adapt to their appearance and your character must realize they are no longer top of the food chain.

Must Include:

Fire. Lizard Tails. Orangutans As Snacks.

Apr. 9th, 2009


Challenge: Trivia Ficlet Contest!


From now until Midnight E.S.T., there will be a useless trivia contest. Want a ficlet in the fandom of your choice, min. word count 500? You can have it simple, here's how. I am going to give the asylum a trivia question. Every person who gives me the correct answer, wins one ficlet to be written me. With your answer, submit five fandoms with the optional pairing of your choice. If your answer is correct, I will write a ficlet in one of your fandoms with the optional pairing, then post it here to [info]multi_fiction. Got it? Good!

Now, on to the question:

From "Married...With Children": During the request hour on the radio, what song was dedicated to Kelly Bundy?

In the interest of fairness, you must sign in to post a response. All anonymous responses will be ignored.

Mar. 30th, 2009


Enterprise Fic Challenge

Hi everyone, new here and it looks as though I’ve found the right place to read some good Star Trek fic. Hopefully this is also the right place to be able to post challenges for fics (just shout at me if it isn’t I’ll understand, although I’ve been looking everywhere and there are not many places out there!). Anyhow, as I’m absolutely useless at writing myself, but can’t get enough of the Enterprise stuff to read, I got a bit of an idea in my head and it won’t go away.

We all know that Denobulans aren’t too keen on touching and also Doc Phlox really does seem to rely heavily on all his electronic gadgets to diagnose and cure - but I’m sure he’s an excellent doctor without them – and that’s where I got my idea from. Can someone come up with a story (the longer the better) where Phlox is stranded on a planet with a seriously injured Trip, with no gadgets to help him, not even a hand scanner, he’ll just have to rely on the old fashioned “hands-on” technique to treat him and keep him alive until rescue arrives. Also we know how unsure of herself Hoshi can be on away missions, maybe she could be with them. How would a squeamish Hoshi cope having to help Phlox! OMG poor Trip, what am I letting him in for!!:)

If you know of anywhere else I can put this challenge, please let me know. Thanks

Feb. 25th, 2009


Challenge: The 4400 Fusion/X-Over

Pick a fandom of your choice. Take the characters from that fandom and give them 'The 4400' treatment.

Your character/characters were taken from their original place in time without warning or reason. No trace of them was ever found.

Cut to 2004 when a glowing UFO appears out past Jupiter, on a collision course with Earth. The closer it comes, the more distinct the ball of light. It slows as it approaches Earth, until it stops over a lake outside of a major urban city. The ball of light explodes in a wave of light that blinds everyone who showed up to gawk. When their vision clears, your character/characters are just one of 4400 people returned from parts unknown.

Here is where your creative part comes in. What happens next?

Jan. 25th, 2009


Challenge: 500 Posts Challenge!

*Drum Roll*

Ladies and Gentlemen, I now present to you, the 500th post!

In celebration of our achievement, we the Moderators, issue a 500 Posts/500 Words Challenge. How this works is that the members of this asylum reply to this post with a challenge/prompt with the fandom/pairing/warnings they want included. There is no limit to how many a person can post, just that they must be a member of this asylum. Then, someone can write 500 words on that challenge/prompt. When they do, they post it here to Multi_fiction.

Step 1 - Members post challenges.
Step 2 - People write challenges.
Step 3 - Post response to asylum.

Ladies and Gentlemen, let the challenges/prompts commence!

Remember, you must be a member to post a challenge/prompt. That means joining the asylum. It doesn't matter when you join, just so long as you are a member.

Dec. 6th, 2008


Challenge: Fandom Promotion Weeks

Got a fandom you think should be promoted? Is there little to no fanfic in a fandom you really like and want to see more? Are you just wild about some show/movie/book/RP/game that you are tired of having to explain to people what it is about just to have someone to talk to about it?

Well, here at Multi_Fiction, we are proud to announce a new idea. Reply to this post with the name of the fandom. Give us a brief description, along with a couple links to where we can find more information, may be some pics too. Then we will devote an entire week to it here starting Monday.

A new fandom will be selected every Monday. We will give a brief description and a challenge to inspire drabbles. A banner will be presented to the best entry.

Sound like fun? Well, it will be.

Nov. 22nd, 2008


Challenge: Official Asylum Challenge

Dramatic Character Death - That hated fandom plot cliche, when the Powers That Be kill off a character for ratings. Most people will not read a fanfic that kills off a central character. Ours is not to question why, ours is to make it happen.

Your quest, should you choose to undertake it:

Kill your character. One, two, three, all of them, who cares how many. Just kill the character. Make it funny (Ducky Soup; NCIS), make it abominably sad (Chuck's Brain Aneurysms; Chuck), give it a little of both (Cordelia Chokes on Vampire Dust; Buffy/Angel).

Word Minimum: 100 words.

Due Date: December 1st.

Write as many fics as you want. Write it gory, write it quick, just kill those characters!

Let the heads roll! Mwa Hahahaha!

Sep. 29th, 2008


Challenge: Woke up Gay/Straight!

It's Monday, which means you're going to be kicking yourselves for having stayed up so late last night. Well, what if your character did the same, and something happened?

Be it Fairy Dust *Ahem!*, a wacky mirror ala Alice, some freak occurrence due to atmospheric conditions and lightning, a blow to the head, alien encounters, or just plain old Latent Genetics.

Some how, your character wakes up the opposite of what they are canonically.

Make it silly, make it camp, make it stereotyped! Write your character waking up one day 'Gay As Spring Time' or 'Straight As An Arrow'.

There is no word limit, no limit to the time, no limit on how many you can write.

Every story must end with '(Character's Name) woke up (Gay or Straight)'.

Have fun!

Sep. 21st, 2008


Challenge: Results.

Thank you to the wonderful [info]hyel for her most generous offer to make icons/fanart for those who participated in the six month challenge.

Here is the following list of participants:

Lets give them all a big hardy thank you! Without you, this challenge would have been a success.

Here are your rewards:

I would like to personally thank everyone who wrote 100 words or more for this challenge. Yes, it took a great deal of effort and time, but you did it anyways. Thank you, you truly were an inspiration to us all.

Sep. 6th, 2008


Challenge: Six Month Anniversary

Yes, it's hard to believe, but Multi_Fiction has been around for six months...in two weeks.

On the twentieth of this month, Multi_Fiction will turn half a year old. To celebrate this occasion, I am making an Asylum challenge.

What is included:

Character/Fandom of your choice. Big, life changing moment. Fallout from said event.


Curly hair. Green Moon Cheese. Magic wand. Car doors. Three mice.


Your character/fandom is at the perfect place in their existence. Something happened, now they are in for it.


Rules: You have from now until September 20, 2008 to complete your response. Responses must be at least 100 words strong. They must follow asylum rules. Otherwise, have fun!

Reward: Icon or fanart of fandom/character of your choice (within internet reach, be prepared to have a backup if I can't find your first choice). Notice there is no voting, no choosing. Every participant gets a reward!

Posting: By or on the 20th.

Jun. 19th, 2008


Challenge: Let's Go To The Movies!

Write a short story involving characters from a movie. Big budget, low-rent indy, doesn't matter.

Transformers: Sam likes his new car and all, but there are just somethings a guy should do alone. Car Kink!

Superman Returns: Richard White is not your average guy, he's also in touch with his inner fan-boy. His collection of Superman Memorabilia is on par with that of the president of the Superman fan club, Jimmy Olsen.

Grease: Sandy's a slut, but for who?

Also: If you have a movie based fic, feel free to post.

May. 14th, 2008


Challenge: In the Interests of Science!

Fandom: General Super Heroes/Heroines

Summary: Your character is conducting or taking part in an experiment for the greater good. What their motives are, their ultimate goals, are up to you.

Scenario: 1.) Your character is captured by their nemesis during experiment. 2.) Your character is the subject of a shadow experiment, not associated with the one they are actively participating in (read mad scientist, government gone rogue.) 3.) Experiment suffers from lack of full understanding and something unexpected happens, negative/positive consequences.

Must Haves: Laser scanner. Death Ray. Ocean.

Exclusions: The character's mother.

Optional: Protesters heckling your character.

Apr. 5th, 2008



After a very close race, we have a winner!

With two first place votes, [info]lomeinie has won with this entry:
Read more... )

Let's all give her many congratulations and love.

Apr. 3rd, 2008


Time To Exercise Your Right To Vote!

Well, ladies and germs, here as promised, are your entries. Don't let them fool you, these people worked long and hard on them. Some of them took fifteen minutes to write. It's not all we hoped for, but then again you're no prize winners yourselves. *Bada-dum-dump* Ho, tough crowd! Hey, sir, if you're gonna throw fruit, start with your son! No respect at all these days. I tell you, I've seen a livelier crowd in morgues. But you're not all bad, there's a lady in the front row who's still got two days left in her 'sell by' date. Then again, with a face like that, who'd know?

All kidding aside, we're here to judge something other than my hackneyed jokes. We asked you to post them, and you responded. So, without further adieu, here they are!

First Time: To Love A Human )

First Time: Kissed )

First Time: Sexually Harassed (And Liked It) )

First Time: Close Encounter )

First Time: Alien Sponge Cake )

First Time: Lesbian Experience )

Now, time to vote. To vote, simply reply to this post with your top two selections. All votes will be screened for impartiality. At the end of Friday PST., the challenge response with the most votes will be declared the winner.

Thank you, and good luck to all our participants!

Mar. 25th, 2008


The First Stage Challenge!

The First Stage Challenge.

Be it their first meeting, the first Timelord, or the first time they have sex. In honor of our first week anniversary, we are offering the following challenge.

Write a first time in your fandom of choice.

We are looking for anything that you can think of, from crack to death fic. There is no limit of times you can respond to the challenge, just so long as you do it at least once. Come on, for us, purty fleas?

There are three simple requirements for the challenge.

1. First time _______. Fill in the blank by writing.
2. 100-500 words, longer responses are always nice, but not what we are looking for here. But we won't turn you away for going over.
3. Have fun.

Ending date is one week from Wednesday, our two week anniversary. We will then take all our participants' entries and then mash them up in a big post. The readers will choose a winner by replying to that post.

Voting will last 2 days!

The Winner will get a graphic* and choose our next community challenge.

*Graphic will say: "I won the Multi-Fiction Firsts Challenge and all I got was this lousy graphic!"

Post all entries to this post either by link or the whole thing in the reply form. Comments are screened to prevent bias.

Thank you, and good writing.

November 2015




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