Dec. 18th, 2008


Fic: Eros Theory 6/6 Wolf Lake

Eros Theory: Legend of the White Wolf.

Lopaka Tanu

Disclaimer: I do not own Wolf Lake.

Warnings: MPREG SLASH AND TRANS GENDER FLIPPING oh and a few minor things like beastiality, violence, language, and wolf Sex.

Archive: Yes plese tell me where.

Summary: This picks up where Wolf Lake left off. With my own twist added.

Rating: Nc-17

Any other good stuff just add it to my bill.

Author's note: This is not just about a MPREG or Lou Diamond Phillips being naked. Though that right there is enough. So just stick with me here. I have wanted to write this fic since Tyler Creed first confronted John Kanin.

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Dec. 17th, 2008


Fic: Eros Theory 5/6 Wolf Lake

Eros Theory: Legend of the White Wolf.

Lopaka Tanu

Disclaimer: I do not own Wolf Lake.

Warnings: MPREG SLASH AND TRANS GENDER FLIPPING oh and a few minor things like beastiality, violence, language, and wolf Sex.

Archive: Yes plese tell me where.

Summary: This picks up where Wolf Lake left off. With my own twist added.

Rating: Nc-17

Any other good stuff just add it to my bill.

Author's note: This is not just about a MPREG or Lou Diamond Phillips being naked. Though that right there is enough. So just stick with me here. I have wanted to write this fic since Tyler Creed first confronted John Kanin.

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Dec. 16th, 2008


Fic: Eros Theory 4/6 Wolf Lake

Eros Theory: Legend of the White Wolf.

Lopaka Tanu

Disclaimer: I do not own Wolf Lake.

Warnings: MPREG SLASH AND TRANS GENDER FLIPPING oh and a few minor things like beastiality, violence, language, and wolf Sex.

Archive: Yes plese tell me where.

Summary: This picks up where Wolf Lake left off. With my own twist added.

Rating: Nc-17

Any other good stuff just add it to my bill.

Author's note: This is not just about a MPREG or Lou Diamond Phillips being naked. Though that right there is enough. So just stick with me here. I have wanted to write this fic since Tyler Creed first confronted John Kanin.

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Dec. 15th, 2008


Fic: Eros Theory 3/6 Wolf Lake

Eros Theory: Legend of the White Wolf.

Lopaka Tanu

Disclaimer: I do not own Wolf Lake.

Warnings: MPREG SLASH AND TRANS GENDER FLIPPING oh and a few minor things like beastiality, violence, language, and wolf Sex.

Archive: Yes plese tell me where.

Summary: This picks up where Wolf Lake left off. With my own twist added.

Rating: Nc-17

Any other good stuff just add it to my bill.

Author's note: This is not just about a MPREG or Lou Diamond Phillips being naked. Though that right there is enough. So just stick with me here. I have wanted to write this fic since Tyler Creed first confronted John Kanin.

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Dec. 14th, 2008


Fic: Eros Theory 2/6 Wolf Lake

Eros Theory: Legend of the White Wolf.

Lopaka Tanu

Disclaimer: I do not own Wolf Lake.

Warnings: MPREG SLASH AND TRANS GENDER FLIPPING oh and a few minor things like beastiality, violence, language, and wolf Sex.

Archive: Yes plese tell me where.

Summary: This picks up where Wolf Lake left off. With my own twist added.

Rating: Nc-17

Any other good stuff just add it to my bill.

Author's note: This is not just about a MPREG or Lou Diamond Phillips being naked. Though that right there is enough. So just stick with me here. I have wanted to write this fic since Tyler Creed first confronted John Kanin.

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Dec. 13th, 2008


Fic: Eros Theory 1/6 Wolf Lake

Eros Theory: Legend of the White Wolf.

Lopaka Tanu

Disclaimer: I do not own Wolf Lake.

Warnings: MPREG SLASH AND TRANS GENDER FLIPPING oh and a few minor things like beastiality, violence, language, and wolf Sex.

Archive: Yes plese tell me where.

Summary: This picks up where Wolf Lake left off. With my own twist added.

Rating: Nc-17

Any other good stuff just add it to my bill.

Author's note: This is not just about a MPREG or Lou Diamond Phillips being naked. Though that right there is enough. So just stick with me here. I have wanted to write this fic since Tyler Creed first confronted John Kanin.

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Aug. 29th, 2008


Fic: The Highway Man 2/2 Due South/Mountie Slayer/Wolf Lake

I was smoking some good crack back in '02. This was written in one day, so, yeah.

Fic: The Highway Man

By: Lopaka Tanu

Disclaimer: I do not own Due South.

Email: lopaka_tanu @

Fandom: Due South

Category: Slash AU Crossover

Rating: Nc-17.

Warning: Character Death, Horror, Out of Character, Violence, Humans Getting Ate, Language, and some other odds and ends.

Archive: Sure, tell me where.

Challenge: A story for Halloween, and The HighwayMan by Loreena McKennitt.

Summary: While Benton Fraser is on the trail of a Nodalisk, not all is what it appears to be in a small town. Can he survive his prey, a delinquent wolf, and the crazy denizens of Chicago Lake? All in all, it is just another day in the life of The Highway Man.

Author's Note: This story is a whole lot of stuff mixed together. Some of it is in POV mode and some not. Just hang in there and you may yet survive. I created a monster specially for this story, in writing, there is no bad monster, only bad authors. Guess the Crossover, I dare ya.

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Fic: The Highway Man 1/2 Due South/Mountie Slayer/Wolf Lake

I was smoking some good crack back in '02. This was written in one day, so, yeah.

Fic: The Highway Man

By: Lopaka Tanu

Disclaimer: I do not own Due South.

Email: lopaka_tanu @

Fandom: Due South

Category: Slash AU Crossover

Rating: Nc-17.

Warning: Character Death, Horror, Out of Character, Violence, Humans Getting Ate, Language, and some other odds and ends.

Archive: Sure, tell me where.

Challenge: A story for Halloween, and The HighwayMan by Loreena McKennitt.

Summary: While Benton Fraser is on the trail of a Nodalisk, not all is what it appears to be in a small town. Can he survive his prey, a delinquent wolf, and the crazy denizens of Chicago Lake? All in all, it is just another day in the life of The Highway Man.

Author's Note: This story is a whole lot of stuff mixed together. Some of it is in POV mode and some not. Just hang in there and you may yet survive. I created a monster specially for this story, in writing, there is no bad monster, only bad authors. Guess the Crossover, I dare ya.

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Aug. 12th, 2008


Fic: Inner Solar Communications 1/1 M7 AU Xover

Inner Solar Communications.

By: Lopaka Tanu

Disclaimer: I do not own Wolf Lake, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Kindred the Embraced, World of Darkness, or Magnificent Seven.

Summary: If men are from Mars and women are from Venus, Buck likes to think he is the hot Earthling Connection of Love.

Warning: Sexual Situations, Underage Sexual Situations, Violence, Blood, Biting, Cannibalism, and Were Sex.
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Apr. 25th, 2008


Fic: Chronicles Of A Lunatic 2/2 Due South

Chronicles of a Lunatic.

Lopaka Tanu

Disclaimer: I do not own Due South.

Fandom: Due South.

Summary: Midnight encounters bring Benton his greatest fantasies.

Author's Note: Yes, it is a Panthera Tigris! Some of the aspects of this story are derived with permission from a story written by MR. Thanks Sweet Heart.

Warning: Crack.

Rating: Adult

Pairing: Kowalski/Fraser

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Fic: Chronicles Of A Lunatic 1/2 Due South

Another oldie from back in the day. Written 8/19/03, I have since improved. I at least ran a spell check! Also, anyone know the correct spelling of Vinder/Vendor?

Chronicles of a Lunatic.

Lopaka Tanu

Disclaimer: I do not own Due South.

Fandom: Due South.

Summary: Midnight encounters bring Benton his greatest fantasies.

Author's Note: Yes, it is a Panthera Tigris! Some of the aspects of this story are derived with permission from a story written by MR. Thanks Sweet Heart.

Warning: Crack.

Rating: Adult

Pairing: Kowalski/Fraser
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November 2015




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