Apr. 8th, 2011


Fic: We Go In Sadness 1/1 Terminator/The Magnicient Seven.

Title: We Go In Sadness
Author: Lopaka Tanu
Disclaimer: I do not own Terminator or The Magnificent Seven.
Characters: Vin, Kyle, Connor.
Words: 916
Prompt: SFulton's Birthday.
Fandom: Terminator/The Magnificent Seven
Pairing: Vin/Kyle
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Language, Angst.
Summary: When he came from the future, Kyle left someone behind.
Author's Note: A little melancholy for a birthday gift, sorry about that. Takes place in the T1verse, pre-movie.
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Jan. 2nd, 2011


Fic: We Catch Our Breath 1/1 Terminator

Title: We Catch Our Breath.
Author: Lopaka Tanu
Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership of any part of the Terminator Franchise.
Characters: Sarah.
Words: 2027
Prompt: Sarah Connor with no John, possible AU. For Yuletide.
Fandom: Terminator Movies.
Pairing: None.
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Language, PTSD.
Summary: She's been running, outpacing the world with every step. So why did she stop now?
Author's Note: Slight Parallel Universe based upon a scene in T2.
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Jul. 8th, 2010


Fic: Entreaties Of Deceit 1/1 Terminator/Terminator: Salvation

Title: Entreaties Of Deceit
Author: Lopaka Tanu
Disclaimer: I do not own Terminator or Terminator: Salvation.
Characters: Marcus, The Terminator, Kyle, Sarah.
Words: 5907
Prompt: The machines sent back another model, one who knows Kyle intimately.
Fandom: Terminator/Terminator Salvation
Pairing: Kyle/Sarah, Kyle/Marcus
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Language, Termination, Violence, Language.
Summary: Sent back in time, Marcus is lost as to what his ultimate goal is.
Author's Note: A study in manipulation and the various means to overcome it.
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Feb. 19th, 2010


Fic: Time's Trouble Past This Point 1/1 Terminator/Supernatural

Title: Time's Trouble Past This Point.
Author: Lopaka Tanu
Disclaimer: I do not own Terminator or Supernatural in any form.
Characters: John Connor, Dean Winchester.
Words: 7216
Recipient: [info]wizefics
Prompt: No rest before dawn/before sunrise.
Genre: Het/Slash/Threesome
Fandom: Terminator Saga/Supernatural
Pairing: In order: Connor/Kate, John C./Dean, Connor/Dean/Kate.
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Language, Angst, Violence, OC Deaths, Sexual Situations.
Summary: A mission in 2024 goes wrong and 2004 John Connor's life is never the same.
Author's Note: Fused Dean from SPN to T4/T3 verse. Title is deliberate.
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May. 29th, 2009


10 ficlets

Title: Untitled
Author: [info]paraka
Character/Pairing: Mostly John/Cameron, some gen.
Rating: PG-13 for glazed over sex and some implied violence.
Warnings: No specific spoilers but references scenes and characters from Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.
Summary: This was in response to a meme, write 10 different categories of fic in as few words as possible.
Disclaimer:Terminator, SCC and Stargate Atlantis don't belong to me.

Cameron had told Derek "Sometimes they go bad. No one knows why," but that was a lie. She knew why.

Jul. 19th, 2008


Fic: Asta Le Vista, Baby 1/1 Terminator

Deliberate Bad!Fic for an ancient challenge.

Title: Asta La Vista Baby

By: Lopaka Tanu

Rated: R

Warnings: MPREG, no beta, & really bad jokes.

Disclaimer: I do not own Terminator.

Summary: Bad!Fic, John gets pregnant, Sarah finds out.

Author's Note: Okay sleep deprivation and working on my stories gives me really weird ideas.

Category: T2 Drabble

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November 2015




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