Mar. 6th, 2009


Mrs Wogan's Most Singular Amour (the Aubreyad)

Title: Mrs Wogan's Most Singular Amour
Author's Name: Hyel
Disclaimer: The Aubrey/Maturin series (c) Patrick O'Brian.
Warnings: Femslash and short.
Ratings: PG
Word Count: 200
Summary: Yay obscure pairings... Diana Villiers/Louisa Wogan.

Mar. 5th, 2009


Five Creatures Stephen Maturin Has Drawn in His Notebook (the Aubreyad)

Title: Five Creatures Stephen Maturin Has Drawn in His Notebook
Author's Name: Hyel
Disclaimer: The Aubrey/Maturin series (c) Patrick O'Brian.
Warnings: Listfic?
Ratings: PG
Word Count: 280
Summary: Five things fic suggested by a friend.

Mar. 3rd, 2009


Husbands and Lovers (the Aubreyad)

Title: Husbands and Lovers
Author's Name: Hyel
Disclaimer: The Aubrey/Maturin series (c) Patrick O'Brian.
Characters: Jack/Sophie, Stephen/Diana.
Warnings: As usual: sex!
Ratings: adult
Summary: Jack and Sophie have rotten sex - Diana and Stephen have awesome sex. Sophie is increasingly aware of this as the two couples live under the same roof.
Author's Note: Nothing much to say about this one. It's kind of pointless, but I like it.

Stephen was always late, and Jack was always just in time. )

Oct. 9th, 2008


Fic: Precise and Accurate Description (Lack Of) (The Aubreyad)

Title: Precise and Accurate Description (Lack Of)
Author's Name: Hyel
Disclaimer: The Aubrey/Maturin series (c) Patrick O'Brian.
Pairing: Jack/Stephen
Warnings: M/M afterglow.
Ratings: teen
Summary: Jack and Stephen discuss the question of sin after the fact.
Author's Note: Crossover between the Aubreyad and Northanger Abbey, originally written for an Aubreyad ficathon on Perfect Duet.

May. 29th, 2008


Fic: Three Meetings (PotC/Aubreyad)

Title: Three Meetings
Author's Name: Hyel
Disclaimer: Pirates of the Caribbean (c) Disney, the Aubrey/Maturin series (c) Patrick O'Brian.
Warnings: Character death.
Ratings: PG
Word Count: 864
Summary: More oldfic. I kinda emulated Patrick O'Brian's writing style here. Also wrote this in a very short time, and I must warn you that it is somewhat pointless. Nonetheless.

Dr Maturin's usual subjects for dissection were either of a zoological nature, or dead foundlings off the streets. )

November 2015




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