MonsterMatch: IC
“Embrace your monster.”

Posts Tagged: 'preston+edward+neufeld'

Feb. 22nd, 2016



I leave for SIX DAYS to go on a retreat, and when I come back, I see that my sister has been chatting with you fine folks.

If anyone does anything untoward to her, I swear to all gods and goddesses above and below I will curse you. Curse you rotten.

Feb. 17th, 2016



[No Subject]

WHO: Genevieve [mundanejane] and Preston [gentlemancollar]
WHERE: Gene Woods Racing Experience
WHAT: Something ridiculous
WHEN: Tuesday afternoon
WARNING: None to start
Zoom zoom zoom )




Hypothetical question here:

Is there a way to maybe filter things so you can block out certain members? Not that I have anything to hide, but maybe I don't want everyone to see. Just away from a few people. Exes. Coworkers. [...] Siblings. That kind of thing.

Feb. 16th, 2016



Private to [gentlemancollar] from [mundanejane]

Free and bored by any chance?

Feb. 13th, 2016




Okay, I know we've all got the profile and it works, but just for a little bit of fun I'm throwing out a question: what's the most personal fact about yourself you're willing to admit on this site?

Feb. 11th, 2016



[No Subject]

WHO: Everyone invited to attend the Monstermatch event!
WHAT: The first party
WHEN: Saturday night, February 13
WHERE: The Keep Memory Alive center
WARNINGS: Check headers
NOTES: For convenience, when starting a post mark where you are in the header. If the contents of your comments move beyond a PG rating, please mark them in the header accordingly. For questions, check out our OOC post. Otherwise, go wild, and have fun!

Make sure you know everyone else knows who you are in case you forget. )

Feb. 10th, 2016



quick q: on a scale from djibouti to amurrica how relevant do you feel clothing in the house is? djibouti, right? like who has time to wear clothes when you're just home by yourself?

to be clear, this is not a sex question. this is a lazy vampire's survival guide question.

Feb. 9th, 2016



public to [LASVEGAS] from [mundanejane]

Mardi Gras is over, next pointless commercialized excuse to drink please. In the meantime, sometimes I want to be like this guy. Let's get crazy with some pickup lines. Hit me with your best. Or worst. I'm talking cheesy like "did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" Best gets a prize which may or may not include a massage.

Feb. 3rd, 2016




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