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“Embrace your monster.”

Posts Tagged: 'lindsay+robert+%22blair%22+moray'

Feb. 19th, 2016



public to [LASVEGAS] from [sharkbait]

Finally! It took me forever to find out where I wrote down my password. Hi, Vegas! I'm Vanessa! But you can call me Nessie. I'm 23, originally from Cali, and I work at the Silverton. Come by and see me sometime! I'd love to meet some people off this site.

Where would you go if you could go anywhere in the world?

Feb. 15th, 2016



public to [LASVEGAS] from [SEXYPIPER]

Did everyone's Valentine's Day go as wonderfully as mine did? Because mine went wonderfully.

Feb. 14th, 2016




Thank you for the gift. The cookies were delicious. Are you at Baroque or do you have plans tonight?

Feb. 13th, 2016



[No Subject]

Who: Blair, Mathias
What: Valentines Gift
When Sunday February 14/2016 late morning

Delivery by Cab to Blair... )


Delivery by Cab to Mathias... )

Feb. 12th, 2016



Remind me. I know I was fair soft in the head daft in the 1740s and so my remembrance might be but a fever dream, but people weren't this stupid back then, were they?

I haven't fed in a few days, would you mind so bad if I stopped by?




Most vampires on a weekend: clubs, feedings, crazy wild sex...

Me on a weekend: Group PS4 gaming sessions (WWE 2k16 this week!), go to see Deadpool, another viewing of The Force Awakens.

And the award for Worst Vampire Ever goes to..... THIS GUY!

Feb. 11th, 2016




Ha, I forgot about this account. Good thing I only have five passwords for everything ever, huh?

Dear potential spouses I may or may not find here: in the interest of transparency I would just like to get out of the way that whether it happens in two, five, ten, or no years - THIS will be our wedding march. I just found it, and it is the most beautiful piece of music to ever enter my ear-holes, so it's staying.

Thank you, please proceed.

Feb. 10th, 2016



So, I've never been on one of these before. Completely original, yeah?

I like funny people. Tell me a joke, and make it good.




Well this is a fun little site isn't it?

I'm currently living inside of the Palazoo and while I'm sure at one point living in a hotel like
Eloise is every little girl's dream, I've not taken to it overly well. Where are some of the better places to go around here where a girl can get a decent drink and some warm company?

Or warm company and then a decent drink. Whichever works out best as I am a Vampire.

My concierge has suggested a few places but I question his judgement as he was most excited about the hotel's new Chipotle restaurant.

Thinking about it gives me heartburn.

Feb. 8th, 2016




You're all very [...] free [...] with your names on here. Isn't that defeating the purpose of usernames?

Feb. 7th, 2016



If you tell Matty I said this, I will vehemently deny it, step on your foot, and drown you in absinthe. Strictest of confidences, of course.

I'm sorry. It has come to my attention that I may have been [...] unnecessarily aggressive in my dealings with you. You are neither slow-witted nor unattractive.

Once again, if you tell Matty, I will drown you in absinthe, etc. etc.

Feb. 5th, 2016



Who's thinking about fucking Valentine's Day when they could be making plans for tonight? Specifically in the 10pm to 3am range. Or earlier, if you want to play dead. Not a euphemism. My dead housekeeper's bairn's got some sort of virus or somesuch and I'm out a dead body. Payment in food and sex and likely some money because I'm not a barbarian.

Feb. 3rd, 2016




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