Multiverse of Madness Logs


Layout By

June 6th, 2021



LOG: Bucky Barnes (616) & MJ (MCU)

WHO: Bucky Barnes (616), MJ (MCU)
WHEN: Sunday, June 6th - middayish
WHERE: Tony Stark's fancy-boy garage at the Avengers Compound
WHAT: Two teenagers "borrow" one of Tony's cars.

She probably should have thought of that /before/ jumping into the car with him. )



Who: Bruce Wayne (DC Comics) and Okoye
Where: On the roof
When: After the meeting
What: Brooding, making friends with roof gargoyles... except there are none of those. Sad.
Rating/Warnings: Low
Status: Incomplete.

The Rules Were Different )



Who: Open to Everyone
When: Sunday, June 6 Evening
Where: Game Room
What: Watching Stranger Things
Warnings: Low/None (though the show is a higher rating! ...also watch out for spoilers?)
Status: Open to Everyone, In progress

Read more... )



Who: Kate Bishop, Scott Lang, and Cassie Lang
When: Backdated to Saturday, June 5, nighttime
Where: Game Room
What: Pizza and a movie
Warnings: Low/talk of superhero character death
Status: Closed, Complete

Kate always wanted a slice of pizza. )



Who: Dick Grayson and Wally West
Where: In town, near Castle Park Fun Center
When: Saturday night
What: The boys stayed back after mini golf for a date night
Rating/Warnings: Low
Status: Incomplete

Dinner was great but that movie... I am so sorry )



Who: Sam Wilson/OTA
When: 6:30 Sunday morning
Where: The kitchen off the common room
What: Breakfast
Warnings: Not so far

The facility was still quiet when Sam finally came in from a long run. The sun had been up for almost an hour already and he hadn't been able to stay in bed once the light started invading his room - he'd been awake long before the time his alarm usually went off, and ended up slipping quietly out of the room shortly before six, trainers in hand as he tried not to wake Dean. He felt better for the exercise, endorphins pumping, t-shirt damp around the neck with clean sweat, head clearer after the fresh air.

The trouble with an early run, though, was getting out of the shower afterwards and not having anything much to do. He could have lain back down, he supposed, but he didn't think he'd be any better at not tossing and turning now than he was before.

Instead he ended up in the big communal kitchen mixing up a massive bowl of pancake batter. Most people wouldn't be up to get them fresh off the griddle, but he'd found that the warmers here actually did a surprisingly decent job at keeping things edible. (Yeah, okay, so this wasn't the first time he'd done this. Maybe it was the Southern in him, but there was something satisfying about making something that would nourish people.) Once the stove heated up he was quick to develop a rhythm: pour the batter, set the bowl down, then work on chopping fruit for toppings until it was time to flip them. Soon he'd done his first full stack, moving the plate into the warmer and pulling out a new one.