August 13th, 2010

[info]rezident_sk8er in [info]midianasylum

Tuesday - June 9th, 2015

Who: Rez and Zowie
When: Late Morning
Where: The Rec Room
What: Rez likes daytime tv.
Rated: NSFW

There was but one television in the rec room, and Rez had the remote for it, sprawled out on the sofa in front of it, still half asleep, watching some random ass daytime talk show. Daytime tv was the best. It put on display the dregs of society and made half the people in here look fucking normal. It was amusing, to say the least.

"Oh, come off of it lady. You did that shit to me, I'd be fuckin' pissed." The dumb bitch told the guy that his kid wasn't his kid just because she was mad at him and wanted to leave. And now she was up there all crying and sobbing and shit, trying to get him to take her back, having a fucking fit because he said he couldn't trust her no more. It kinda reminded him of...

Rolling his eyes with a groan, Rez flipped to another channel. He couldn't listen to that woman's voice no more. Oh great, it was one of those rehab episodes. "Boo-fucking-hoo! My kid's on drugs. Where did I go wrong?" Sometimes it wasn't about the parents. Sometimes it was just about the high. And the woman was rambling on and on about how she couldn't understand how anyone could do such a thing to themselves, ie shooting up. Rez shook his head as he muttered, "Don't knock it till ya try it, fool."
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[info]rezident_sk8er in [info]midianasylum

Tuesday - June 9th, 2015

Who: Rez and Riley Quinn
When: Tuesday Afternoon
Where: Riley's office
What: Therapy take two
Rated: NSFW

Rez was in a much better mood today when he headed to therapy than he had been the day before though that was due in large part to Zowie. He was still thinking about her, trying to figure her out, as the orderly ushered him down the hallway to Riley's office. She was strange. She was kind of like.. him, only a girl. And that was just weird. He was so used to girls being so... clingy and expectant that the fact that she wasn't just amazed him. And that was all that was on his mind, pretty much, until he arrived at that door once more.

A knock sounded their arrival and the orderly waited for the okay to open the door and gesture the patient inside. Rez was grinning, a sort of Cheshire cat grin as he strolled into the room, plopping his ass down on the sofa in the room instead of the chair, stretching himself out as the orderly dismissed himself. "What's up, Doc?" He asked, suddenly even more amused. Shit was about to get entertaining and he knew it.
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October 2010

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