Sep. 14th, 2010


Wednesday-June 24th

Who: Mara and James
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where:The grounds
What: A session for James.
Rated: TBD

Mara made her way down the hall towards James' room, she had spent the morning with Riley Quinn, talking professionally and also about a few things she needed to talk about. She felt better about her choices now and figured now would be a good time to talk to James. She wasn't dressed the way she usually was for a session but she was so comfortable in her hot pink converse, jeans and dark grey v-neck sweater.  Somehow Mara didn't think James would care that she wasn't in a skirt and heels, plus she could take him outside much easier this way.

She knocked on the door frame and smiled when she entered the room. "Hey James, I think we should have a chat and I was hoping that you wouldn't mind having it outside while we take a walk instead of sitting in my stuffy office." Of course it sounded like a suggestion, a request but Mara was his doctor so it was more than that it was what was going to happen. She pulled her hair back as she waited for his answer and checked her phone briefly, making sure it was vibrate before shoving it into her pocket.
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Sep. 9th, 2010


Sunday 6-21-2015

Who:  Julien and James
When: Sunday Afternoon
Where: Boy's Dorms -> Hall -> ?
What:  Julien is tired of staring at the wall in A 8
Rating: Pg-13 for potential violence, sexual innuendo and coarse language

Julien had had enough of sitting staring at the wall with his hand down the front of his jeans. Nothing was happening. It was utterly pointless. Granted, that wall made some interesting sounds in the middle of the night. It cut part of A 6 after all, but for now it wasnt doing jack shit. And that was just not cutting it. He sat up, pushing his dark brown hair out of his eyes and swung his legs over the side of the bed. Hand dipping to fix his fly before he stooped over to look for his shoes. They'd been kicked far under his bed the night before and he had to dig them out. The dust stuck to his black T shirt.  It was raining out. Only a bit though, but it made the air smell wet. He felt it on his lips. Maybe he would go outside, no one would expect anyone to want to sneak out in the rain, right? As far as they knew, Julien didnt even like the rain, so they'd never suspect.

He pulled his shoes on, lacing them up before slipping out of his room, carefully padding down the hall past the other patient rooms. Instead of going straight towards the  stairwell he decided to try finding something to snack on. If they saw him for a few minutes they wouldnt come look for him again until nightfall. That would be perfect. He slowed down as he passed A 4 coming up to A 3.
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Sep. 2nd, 2010


Thursday - June 19th, 2015

Who: James and Will
When: Afternoon
Where: Will's Room
What: James heard a rumor and went to check on the pretty boy.

James was in an exceptionally good mood today considering that he hadn't gotten that much sleep last night. But here lately, he had been remaining in a good mood, and that was probably due to one reason and one reason only; he had been getting laid. Before this past weekend, James hadn't had sex in over a year, since the last time he and his girlfriend had been together, long before he tried to kill her, and it was about time that that had changed. And changed it had. And thank God! He was starting to get unbearable he'd been so moody.

A stroll through the halls had led him to the common room where he had overheard a rumor. William had lost it a few days ago and Dalyn, the nurse that James had fucked earlier this week, had had to calm him down and take him off somewhere whilst the boy was screaming about God. That sounded... interesting. He wasn't really sure if he was concerned about it or just amused. Either way he'd decided to track the boy down and see what the deal was.

His mission to locate William had led him back to the Men's ward. Just down the way from his room, William's room would be found and the boy would be spotted sitting on his bed. James tapped on the door frame as he peered inside. "Hey there, pretty boy." He was probably one of the last people Will had expected to show up outside his room, ever.
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Aug. 31st, 2010


Wednesday June 18th 2015

Who: James and Fisher
What: More rule breaking
When: Late night, around 11pm
Where: Their rooms
Rating: TBD

Ninety percent of Fisher's plan had been pure luck. He had been trying to think of some brilliant plan to get into James' room without someone following him. He couldn't convince the staff that he didn't need someone tailing him because he was no longer suicidal, and he couldn't outrun whoaver he was with. It was looking pretty hopeless. James' plan had been brilliant, there was no way he could top that. Except, of course, with dumb luck. While sitting in the rec room next to his assigned nurse, Fisher had found the hairpin. He'd always wondered how those little hats stayed on the nurses' heads. He had managed to palm it without anyone noticing, slipping it into the waistband of his scrub pants.

More blatant luck came later, when one of the night staff called in sick. That meant there wasn't a spare body to hang around Fisher's room all night, which meant sedation. He swallowed the pills easily and willingly, forcing them back up once the nurse had walked off and was sauntering down the hall. Now all he needed to do was wait. Bed checks came every ten minutes right after lights out, until around eleven. Then it was assumed all patients were down for the night and they didn't check in again until sunrise. So when his door opened for the last time, Fisher curled up and seemingly dead to the world, he knew that it was time to move. Creeping out of bed, he put an ear to the door, listnening for the footsteps of the nurse to fade. Then he went to work on the lock, snapping the hairpin in half and prodding at the tumblers until the door opened with a loud, satisfying (but dangerous) click. Staying low, Fisher peered out into the hallway, checking for anyone passing by. More luck- coast was clear, and two nurses could be heard talking loudly at the nurses' station far off down the hall. Staying low, he crept silently to James' door, checking down both directions of the hall once more before setting to work on the lock.
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Aug. 25th, 2010


Sunday-June 14 2015

Who: Dalyn and James
What: Randomness
Where: Main hallway
When: Sunday early morning
Rating: TBD

Dalyn was finishing up his shift, filling in the required forms at the nurse's station so he wouldn't get in shit like before when he forgot a few. He rolled his shoulders and stretched his arms over his head for a moment. Last night had been pretty quiet, he had to sedate a couple of patients but all in all not much had happened. Which he was actually pretty happy about, after his run in with Julien, Dalyn was a little leery of some of the patients.

The blonde got out from behind the desk, said good bye to the other nurse he had worked with last night and started to make his way down the hallway, past the boy's ward, amazed at how quiet it was...of course it was very early in the morning most of them should be asleep right now. Dalyn reached into his pocket and checked his phone, his ex boyfriend had texted him last night. He rolled his eyes and shoved it back into his pocket, he so didn't need that crap right now. What he planned on doing was changing into his jeans and going outside for awhile before he crashed.
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Aug. 17th, 2010


Friday - June 12th, 2015

Who: James and Raquel
When: Friday at Noon
Where: Rec Room
What: WTF is Raquel doing at Midian?
Rated: Language for sure

James was not happy. His week had been going so well and then this happened. His sister was here, at Midian, as a patient. How had that happened? He had thought she was smarter than that. It just pissed him off to think about it. This was their father's fault. All of this was their father's fault. And again James found himself fixating on his father. They had no idea where the man was. They had no idea if he was even alive or dead. But James wanted nothing more than to fucking kill him, to rip him apart limb from limb with his bare fucking hands.

And these were the thoughts that were going through his head as he sat perched on the edge of a chair in the rec room, dressed in a pair of jeans and a nondescript white t-shirt, rocking back and forth, waiting for Rocky to show up. He looked on edge. He looked completely fucking insane. And he only made it worse when that one lunatic, Cecilia whatever her name was, came up to try to talk to him and he growled at her, causing her to screech and little and then run away, pouting as she glared at him from afar.
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Aug. 16th, 2010


Friday - June 12th, 2015

Who: James and Fisher
When: Friday Night
Where: Ward A - The Lighthouse
What: James is one crafty motherfucker.
Rated: NSFW

Thursday had been good to James, aside from the fact that his sister was here now too. Playing nice had afforded him a few amenities and a meeting with Nic that evening had afforded him a few more. And now he had all that was necessary to keep up his end of the bargain he had made with Fisher, he just had to wait for other things to fall into place. And they would. Today was Friday, and that meant that it was time for the weekend staff to come on duty who were far more easy to manipulate than the weekday crew was. Once he'd seen who had been assigned to not only the ward itself, but to Fisher for his "suicide watch", he knew this was going to be a cake walk.

He waited until it was half an hour until time for lock down to put his plan into action. Part one, he flirted with the nurse at the nurse's station. She was young and pretty and she liked the attention. He'd done this a million times. And while she wasn't looking, he slipped into her drink a few of the crushed sleeping pills that he had managed to keep. You see, every night that he wasn't in solitary confinement, they gave them to him, but he never took them. He had perfected a way of hiding them far back in his mouth so they never knew and he kept them tucked safely away in his mattress for events such as this one.

James McCafferty was nothing if not crafty. )
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Aug. 14th, 2010


Tuesday - June 9th, 2015

Who: James and Fisher
When: Tuesday Afternoon
Where: The Rec Room
What: James is trying to relax after a night spent on the floor.

The best thing about solitary confinement was that James actually got some sleep. There was no one yelling or screaming or banging into walls next to him. It was quiet, it was peaceful, and that part was great. The worst part, however, was the fact that they didn't even give you a bed. If you were lucky, which he hadn't been last night, you got a mattress on the floor. If you were unlucky, you just got the floor. And that had been the case for James last night after he'd pissed off the orderly enough to get moved to an entirely different ward for his confinement.

Because of the sleeping situation, coupled with the fact that he'd been thrown around like a rag doll during the fight in the cafeteria yesterday, his back was hurting today. And that was why, instead of being sociable (which he rarely was regardless) or spending his rec room time doing something that could be considered entertaining by some people, he was simply laying stretched out on one of the sofas with his arms folded behind his head, trying to relax his back as much as possible and ignore that nagging cut on his bottom lip that his tongue just couldn't seem to stay away from.
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Aug. 12th, 2010


Monday - June 8th, 2015

Who: James and Will
When: Dinner Time
Where: The Dining Room
What: James has anger management issues.

Six months. That was how long James McCafferty had been here, how long he had been eating this bland ass food, how long he had been listening to these idiots blathering on, how long he had been dealing with communal showers and horrible linens and sleepless nights. Six months. Six months too fucking long. And as he sat at the table in the dining room, his scowl only seemed to grow more and more with each passing second, each bite of food he pushed aside, each person that passed him on their way to their table.

"Fuck!" He finally growled, shoving the tray away from him and causing it to slam into the tray of the person sitting across from him. They glared at him but all he had to do was give them that look and they were getting up and scurrying off to find somewhere else to sit. That was right. Six months and he already had it like that. All the people that were tenured here had more than enough sense to keep away from him. He was volatile at his very best, and a danger to himself and everyone around him at his worst.

"I can't believe they get by with calling this shit fucking food!" He was pissed, but he would probably end up eating it. He didn't want to go hungry, after all. But for now, he was just going to sit there with his arms crossed over his chest, staring off at nothing, his jaw set with a scowl as the clatter of the diners around him raged on.
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