Aug. 12th, 2010


Tuesday - June 9th, 2015

Who: Cissy and Ric
When: Tuesday Afternoon
Where: The Recreation Room followed by the Gardens.
What: The patients are allowed a little playtime.
Rated: NSFW

Rec Room time was most definitely Cissy's favorite time of the day. She loved to socialize. She was a social butterfly, after all. And people were lucky to have her around. She also loved the chance to get out of her room which was stuffy and gross sometimes. Bu the thing she loved most of all was the fact that she got to be around the boys. She loved boys, though not quite as much as she loved men.

Cissy had spent the last hour making herself look pretty before heading into the rec room, and she was happy with the end result, even if they didn't let her have all of her makeup. She had decided to dress in her cute little pink dress with her hair down in soft curls and her feet bare. And she had taken some stickers with her, little pink heart stickers, which she was now skipping around the room happily sticking wherever she could find a place for one; computer monitors, windows, the backs of chairs. And if she knew the person, and she liked them, she would sometimes stick one on someone's forehead. Though sometimes she did this only so she could meet someone, which was exactly what she'd decided to do now.

Scanning the room for a potential victim... scratch that, a friend, a potential new friend, Cissy chewed on her lower lip and twirled a strand of hair between her fingers. Her blue eyes lit up when at last she spotted someone, a grin forming upon her lips, and with sneaky steps, she began to close the distance, trying not to giggle once she got close.
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October 2010



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