11 March 2010 at 10:42 pm
[Nana's sitting on her bed, brushing a few strands of pink hair out of her equally pink eyes, touching her horns gently before setting her hands down on her lap. It always feels weird to touch things when she can't feel them directly because of her limbs being fake.

She seems a little nervous, if not lost, but she focuses when she looks at the camera and asks her question.]

Um...Nana was wondering...

Well...Nana heard that a school is a place where people go to learn things and Nana doesn't really...know a lot of things so Nana was wondering...

Can anyone go to school? Would Nana be allowed to? Nana would really like to go to school!

[voice | video | action]
12 March 2010 at 02:29 am
[A view of a young brunette sleeping peacefully on a bench comes on screen. The girl begins to wake and at first her brown eyes open slowly before snapping open in shock and surprise. Instead of the four walls of her dorm room, what she sees instead are trees in a park. Sitting up quickly, she notices the welcome message and takes a moment to read it before getting more panicked.]

This..this can't be right! I'm not a criminal! I haven't done anything wrong. It can't be right..

[She takes off the communicator in her panic and places it down on the bench before walking around the bench area. Sayori looks around at the trees and the park in front of her. It all seems so pretty, but its nowhere she's ever been before. It just doesn't make sense to her.]

I..how am I here? This doesn't look like anywhere near the school.. I can't stay here though, I have to get back. Everyone will worry. I can't ...can't stay..

[She stops pacing as she runs through the message once more in her head and realizes that they mean this to be a permanent home. A permanent home for criminals. Sitting down heavily, the word criminal keeps running through her mind. Cupping her face in her hands, she just can't imagine what she'd done to get her placed here.]

Why me?..I haven't done anything. Missing curfew once couldn't have been the reason..could it? I ..I don't understand.

I'm not a criminal..
10 March 2010 at 05:33 pm
[For all of those who responded to the question that Takami asked over the comm, his voice sounds very different in this post, as he disguised it in the first.]

A-ah, excuse me? Sorry to bother you, inmates, but... Is there a gym in this complex? I've been wondering, since this place has so many things that I wouldn't find in a normal prison.
07 March 2010 at 02:39 am
[One step. Another step. One step. Another step.

He's not even going to bother searching for a room, there is no point in finding one when he is not going to be able to sleep. He had let anger get the worst out of him and he was now paying the consequences of his actions. If he hadn't been so impulsive, his communicator wouldn't have broken, and he'd be able to call Sora.

If he hadn't been so emotional, he wouldn't have said those things. But he couldn't help himself. The moment he saw Yuuri all that welled up anger just exploded inside him. He doesn't regret it, he had wanted to find an excuse to stop seeing that black haired boy; the faster Wolfram would forget Yuuri as a romantic interest, the better for both of them. However, he does regrets having involved Conrad and worst of all, having offended their King with words that Wolfram was well aware would affect Conrad.

Yet he didn't hesitate to say them out loud.

His feet are dragging against the soft grass. No, he is not tired. The blond is sore, empty, lost. If only... he had place to go to. He has no right to feel sadness or anger, after all it was his fault he had single-handedly pushed away every single person he treasured.

He is the only one to be blamed.

Walking amidst the blinding darkness is both annoying and dangerous. Sitting down, he hugs his legs and lets his face rest atop of them.]

Location: Somewhere around sector 4

{ooc: If someone is awake and nearby, please feel free to poke the emo kid.}

EDIT: {ooc 2: Even though he broke his communicator, the communicator didn't recieved that much damage. So, let's assume that Wolf's communicator is still able to translate for him. All the other functions- Ability to follow network announcements, map, etc etc- are gone until he's able to get a new communicator from Senti.}

01 March 2010 at 11:12 pm
Egh, I am so bored.

Scaring the new people is only fun for so long. Most of them have the same reaction. They're all really confused and easy to manipulate.

I need something new to play. Something more challenging and less stupid.

When I wake up, I can't help but to feel a little angry when I realize that I'm still stuck in this damn place.
[Private, Action]
28 February 2010 at 06:02 pm
[Takami managed to find the baths during the daytime, but it was now dark, and what he suspected the very early hours of the morning. He had spent the day jogging as he explored the place, and was thankful that he didn't run into to many people, he was slow, after all. It was at this odd time he would be able to bathe without running into crowds, as nobody would frequent the area at this hour.

He had managed to find the clothing store and buy a few bundles of clothing for himself a little while ago, and although he hadn't picked an apartment out for himself yet, he felt the need to shower first. He was sweaty, after all. Slipping out of his clothes and placing them on a bench near the showers, he wrapped a towel around his waist, enjoying the privacy. He ran a hand through his gelled hair- It really did need a wash. Without much thought, he slipped into the warm water, and placed his glasses nearby, diving under the water for a moment, and then coming back up again.
24 February 2010 at 09:54 pm
[The video appears, revealing what appears to be a young man - or woman (it's rather hard to tell, actually), with long back hair, adorned in jewels and an outfit clearly designed to emulate flames. Golden eyes peer into the screen with a mixture of confusion, amusement, and quiet sereness. As for where he is? It seems he's sitting down in what looks like some sort of park area beneath the shade of a tree.]

You’ll have to forgive me if this is an inappropriate means of communication, but I’m unsure how to work these devices. 

All the same, it seems I have arrived here at the disadvantage. My name is Ashura-ou. To be honest I have no idea where I am, nor even how I arrived here. While I am aware that it may be impossible to explain my arrival, I hope that the question of where I am is easier to answer. This... Sentience has informed me of the name of this place: Marina Asylum; though I am not entirely sure what an 'asylum' is or why it insists on addressing me as 'criminal'.

At any rate I have tried exploring this place on my own for the time being, but have found that without the aid of someone who has been here longer I am little more than confused. There are many technologies and magics here I have never seen before. I would appreciate it if I could receive answers as soon as possible. I do not wish to be an imposition, but there’s little I can do about that if I am ignorant of your ways.

[It should be noted that his voice is melodic, giving no indication of his sex either.]
[Action, open]
24 February 2010 at 05:41 pm
[Akito's running around the kitchen today! He's trying out his cooking skills, which while decent, are letting him down a little in the cookie department. But that doesn't bother him overly.

He rubs his cheek and winces as it stings at the pressure; he'd forgotten about the fresh bruise there from last night. But it's not that bad. He's got a matching spot on the other cheek, only in white. Flour is messy stuff.

He sings away happily to himself in Japanese, communicator off to keep it clean. Feel free to bother him or comment on the not-quite-shaped-right test cookies scattered around the bench. They're edible at least?]

((Aki only understands English and Japanese, fwi. And this can be an all day post, since he'll be there awhile, at least all morning))
[voice | action] [open]
12 February 2010 at 01:06 pm
Thanks to everyone's help, I've been able to put together a few baskets for new arrivals. If anyone who contacted me before about helping or anyone who wants to join in now would like, I'm in the kitchen assembling more.

I would really appreciate help distributing them. Sentience is giving me a list of all the newcomer's names, but no addresses of course. I'm sure it will be a little hit or miss. [A little apologetic sounding.] But I hope it helps a little.

I also added extra chocolates to these since it's Valentine's Day. [Does not sound sad! ...Might sound a little uncharacteristically formal on this point.]

[Added a few moments later as an after thought] And if you are recently arrived and haven't gotten one, please feel free to drop by or speak up.

[OOC: Set in the late afternoon.]
09 February 2010 at 04:11 pm
[Takami does not reveal his name, but just believes that it is necessary to ask this simple question. He disguises his voice by speaking at a lower pitch than he usually does, although he is sure that he is fallible, it doesn't hurt to gather some information.]

Is killing justifiable? Please justify your claim regarding said matter.

If anyone is curious as to why I am asking, I am merely gathering data. If you do not wish to have your thoughts viewed by anyone else, I am capable of making conversations private. The technology here is slightly more enhanced than mine back home, but it is manageable.