22 August 2011 at 04:53 am
Dean Winchester [AU]
[It's late when he makes to the shelter and its kitchens. From far enough away it was faint, barely noticeable, but close up like this, the smell is strong. He hadn't realized he was following his nose until it led him to something that was pretty fucking disturbing even for him.

A fridge full of human blood? Really? Come on. As if this place wasn't bad-touching him enough, it was like it was going out of its way to fuck with him now.

He shuts the door to the fridge harder than he had intended, leaving a small dent into the handle. What kind of twisted place was this that there's a fridge of blood that smells fucking human? He has to get away from the temptation. The itchy, empty feeling is under his skin.]

This place has a fucked up sense of humor. All that's missing is pre-packaged altars on sale at the supermarket.

{OOC: You can catch an agitated AU!Dean inside the shelter or on his way out. Don't worry he won't bite!}
Location: Sector 0 / Midnight
[action / closed] [backdated to evening]
22 August 2011 at 10:09 am
Allen Walker
[so here is Allen, curled up in a secret bunker under Kitty's place, trying not to relax enough to get to the point where he can go to sleep. he's hiding from Socalo, and Neah, and maybe everyone else; his communicator is even off, shoved under a pillow. he brought his literature reading and he's trying to focus on it, but it's not working terribly well.

Kitty is here, and Link is here, and Lincoln is here, that last tucked securely against his side and sleeping comfortably. he wonders if Lavi caught wind of where they were off to, but he wasn't about to pause to find him when Socalo was quite literally out for his blood and Link was throwing himself equally in the man's path. so he dragged his watchdog and his actual dog here to where Kitty would keep them safe for a while.

and he's oddly reluctant to put the communicator back on. he just wants to -- wind down for a while, without having to worry about the things out there]
The 129th Day
22 August 2011 at 05:22 pm
Marina Asylum Denizens
Good morning, inmates. It is the 129th day of the third generation.

I have managed to restore my communication faculties. I am sorry for being unavailable yesterday. The confusion with the extraneous inmates is regrettable, however, no permanent damage was done, and no inmates were harmed. The inmates who arrived yesterday were not processed and so they were not properly extricated from their timelines, and as such, they were able to be returned until their data is properly collected and their trials are held. Rest assured that should they be settled once again in their native dimensions while awaiting trial, they will have no recollection of their time here.

The system will be available for requests once more.
[Video || Action]
22 August 2011 at 05:25 pm
Buffy Summers
[Buffy is out on the beach again this morning barefoot, wearing yoga pants and a white tank. She's got The Bangles playing on a radio--don't judge her for her music.]

Tai Chi class in twenty minutes. Bring your coffee. I think it helps you find your chi. Even better if its chai instead of coffee.
[Video | Open]
22 August 2011 at 05:30 pm
Komui Lee
[Have a grown man in a crooked white beret, in the middle of a full-on crying tantrum complete with buckets of tears, wailing, and a runny nose. Good morning, Marina!]

Where is she?! Oh Lenalee, you can't be gone again!!! [All those exclamation points? totally audible.] But I just got back here! This -- this isn't fair!!

[And then he collapses face-first onto the already-soaked sheets of her bed, no end to his hysterics in sight.]

(( OOC: I know technically Lenalee was dropped just before 4th wall, but I talked to Reme and she said it would be okay for Lenalee to just be a little under the weather and not vanish until "today". /wibblyface ))
[voice/open | action/closed]
22 August 2011 at 09:38 pm
[ she's lain in the hospital bed for three days, unmoving, not breathing, and without a heartbeat. her skin has been cold and greyish, unpleasant to touch. today, though, something changes.

first, a heartbeat. and her color slowly returns. she inhales, and slowly opens her eyes. movement comes slowly; she looks up at the unfamiliar ceiling, expecting to see the stars in the dome sky. the last thing she saw... she thinks. she shivers as her body starts to warm up, and she fumbles for, for... for someone who is usually there when she wakes-- except that once, with the Sigfried -- and her fingers brush something... ]


Lel... ouch...? [ her lips are dry and voice not as strong as she's used to ]

((ooc: Voice replies are open! Action is closed to anyone who would have a reason to be there.))