11 December 2010 at 10:46 am
Suzaku Kururugi
[ The room above the arcade is decorated today -- nothing too much, just streamers and balloons and a dorky handmade banner with "HAPPY BIRTHDAY LELOUCH" written on it in large colorful letters. It's a dinner party, albeit the least formal dinner party ever, with plates and silverware spread over multiple tables of random shapes and sizes, and a buffet-style table of foods.

Help yourself to as much of the food as you want; some of it was made by ORIHIME so it will look very weird but taste great and some of it was made by CECILE (Suzaku is so sorry in advance, he didn't know) so it will look great but taste very weird. There's also some actually-normal food, made other, less scary people, and some by bots at the last minute. There are also several completely different strawberry shortcakes, all of which have candles in them.

And don't forget to leave a gift! There's a pile of them on one table near the door. ♥ ]

((ooc: Event-style posting! Tag once to arrive at the party and then reply to other people's tags to interact. :D EVERYONE WHO IS a.) a friend of Suzaku's or b.) a friend of Nunnally's or c.) a friend of Lelouch's or d.) on the DF or e.) generally seems nice is totally invited. If you just saw the lights from the street and got curious, you can also wander up.

ALSO, CHAR: if Milly wants to interfere with the decorating or add anything else to the party, IM! ♥))
11 December 2010 at 12:48 pm
[Lenalee was not planning on coming out so soon. The light Grecian sunburn on her nose felt horribly raw against the chill of the Dome's winter.

But then she hit Miranda's card and, with it in one hand and the wicker basket in the other, she emerges. Her face is still framed with the device she woke up to, and the bare thighs against the snow are at least contrasted with the scarf and gloves from the welcome basket (quite content now, she was, that the scarf wasn't going to noose her on contact. this place must have some trick, after all).

One can only wonder what a place with such a warm welcome has to make up for.

Surely not the cold.

[drifting about, wary and confused, the name "Miranda" now pressed in to her chest.]
[voice | action | open]
11 December 2010 at 03:30 pm
Kitty Pryde (Shadowcat)
[Late, sometime after ducking out of Lelouch's party, she's sitting on her porch smoking.]

With the way time moves around here I guess that would make around now Hanukkah. Maybe a little past. Hmm.

[No, she's not wishing you all a Happy Hanukkah. Just...acknowledging it.]