[ action ] [ closed ]
02 April 2010 at 12:02 pm
[ One of the best things about Beagle is that he gives her a perfect excuse to go wandering under the pretense of taking him for a walk. She watches him roll around in the grass on the baseball field and tosses his ball from hand to hand. Eventually, this catches his attention and he wiggles up to her, tail wagging until she tosses it for him to chase. She's decided she likes dogs. They're very uncomplicated. ]

((ooc: Closed to [info]screenedmemory definitely and [info]black_as_knight if he wants, just in separate threads. Or together at some point might be fine IDK because YAYYWON ISN'T ONLINE. :| ))
Location: Athletic Complex/Early Evening
02 April 2010 at 04:26 pm
Soubi Agatsuma
[He feels listless. There's no purpose to him being in this place if Ritsuka is not here.

But he's waiting. He has been waiting. He will continue to wait.

The sound of the storm drew him from his room, the wind's screaming, the light flashing and the thunder cracking in the sky.

It is so alive.

So he sits outside the shelter on a bench, not having bothered to put on a coat or use an umbrella--he'd barely remembered to put on his shoes--and staring up into the sky. He doesn't have his communicator. He hadn't even bothered to put it on that day.

It hasn't provided him a way to reach Ritsuka and so it's useless. Instead he holds his cellphone, every so often hitting the "call" button, but knowing it won't go through.]

{OOC: If you don't want your character dealing with someone who is extremely depressed and apathetic...steer clear? Soubi only knows Japanese and SOME English--meaning he's not fluent in it.}
Location: outside shelter/late afternoon
[Text | Open]
02 April 2010 at 05:27 pm
[The notice board is getting a workout again. Everything is set up as usual, but the question is much longer this time. It is written in small, precise script, slightly cramped - one person in particular may recognise it, as he has seen it before.]

Who is the criminal: the man who crafts the perfect solider to perform his deeds, or the solider who performs criminal acts under this man because it is all they have ever known?
02 April 2010 at 08:24 pm
[Filtered to Elizabeth Middleford]

Lizzie, there's someone I want you to meet, he has a new type of doll for you. His name is Lelouch -- feel free to contact him about it. I've arranged for him to meet you.

[Filtered to Grell.]

It's done, Grell. Sebastian will meet you in the park in Sector Four.

[of course he's got everything lined up and waiting. He'll be there himself, enjoying his late afternoon tea, he has the best sort of surprise for Grell, afterall. He wouldn't want to miss it for the world.]
[Action|Open] Il trillo de diavolo
02 April 2010 at 10:46 pm
[Jun isn't feeling so good. It's not the storm, but he's had a little too much time to think. So he's gone to the educational center, where Acumen had told him there are violins. It's been a little while--he hasn't had much time, of late--but he doesn't think he's too rusty.

He picks up one, and begins to play. Occasionally he messes up--sometimes more obviously than others--and starts over again. From the beginning.

He'll do this all night, until it's right. Unless someone bothers him.]
[Voice | Filtered to Lelouch]
02 April 2010 at 11:15 pm
Lelouch? This is Elizabeth, Ciel's fianceé. He told me that you have a doll to show me?