[How To] Make IJ Less Ugly
23 December 2011 at 12:25 am
It's about time this guide got re-pimped, I think.

What that will let you do:
  • Replace all IJ's icons with an icon set of your choice.
  • Remove Tweak (the IJ mascot) and his words.
  • Change the base font from Times New Roman to Verdana (or any other font you like!)

More changes and other bonuses...!

Some easily-customizable IJ layouts:Any profile code you like will still work on IJ, but here's some very pretty ones:There! That should make IJ much more palatable for our incoming LJ refugees. ♥

Questions here, if you've got 'em!
Firefox 5 / LJ Login
24 June 2011 at 05:26 pm
Get it here!

I hacked this myself, and I'll update the download when the official version is out. /o/ This was just a quick fix, but don't worry, I'm on top of future updates too. I managed to get it working for Firefox 4, I think I can handle whatever the future throws at us. >>
Bringing it Back! Need some help with that CR?
25 January 2011 at 07:49 pm
Hello, my fellow Marinarans! Some of you may remember last year that I shared the CR Generator.

What does this have to do with anything? )

If you prefer last year's version which had two names and a location, I've got a revised version of that one too, but it's more for lulz! Just like last year, if you want, you can plot out CR here with the characters you get through the generator or have some fun thinking up scenarios for some of the random CR pairings that you get from the second one.
Helpful Tools
15 December 2010 at 11:58 pm
Hi all! Just wanted to link to a post I have been working on, which lists a few helpful tools and tricks that people can use to make RPing easier. Things like LJ Login, Texter, Tab Renamizer, etc.

Both newbie and veteran players alike can take something away from this, I hope, so without further ado: enjoy!

( Helpful RP Tools, Tips, & Tricks )

(This fake LJ cut leads to the page on my Touma journal, so that I don't have to redo a dozen comments to repost it here. XD But feel free to comment on either post!)

ETA: Fixed the cut. Thanks, Haunt. I fail. OTL
Weird things you make when you're sick
22 June 2010 at 12:59 am
Yeah, I'm still not feeling well, but when I'm sick I make things to keep me focused, and this time I made:

For all of us who sometimes just don't know to do about tagging )

Thank for you time. Please return to your regular late night programming.
[Sharing] FST
09 June 2010 at 12:05 am
It's still June 9th SOMEWHERE and so that means it's still Itachi's birthday!

And for his birthday I made a semi-Marina-based FST.

I'm on the Outside and I'm looking in )

I purposefully choose not to include my interpretations for why the songs fit Itachi. I hope you guys can come up with your own. I plan to make one for each of my characters.
Character Profiles
03 January 2010 at 01:36 am
I updated my character's profiles tonight with a little html assist from Li! I thought I'd offer up the code I'm working off of for everyone else in case anyone is interested. Examples: Yuuri | Euphie | Spike | Anissina | Kitty.

Profile Template )</ b ></ center ></ td ></ tr ></ table ></ font></ td></ tr></ table>
Customizable Layouts
23 July 2009 at 11:22 am
ETA on April 5, 2011: Hey, people. :D FYI, I am still totally available to answer any layout questions you might have! I've edited the code provided below to try and help people avoid a mistake that seemed very common, sob, and also just for consistency because some of my font sizes were in pixels before. >>

These layouts will look best with at least one image, provided by you! First, a header graphic -- and second, optionally, a tiling background image (this is a fantastic resource).

1. Go here, and set your Style System to S2.
2. Under Layout & Language, choose "Complete Style" from the dropdown menu. Leave your Theme as "(Default Layout)".
3. Then...


One Column | Header Image-Compatible | Title/Subtitle Compatible
[ LIVE ]

instructions + code )


bonus instructions + code for Boxy and Flowing )
Tiny Icons For Your Layouts
21 July 2009 at 06:02 pm
A small set of tiny icons by Sarah-Dipity at DeviantArt, to replace the ones that show up on your journals. Use them with the layouts I've made, or any other layout. I think they're adorable, personally.

User Icon:
Community Icon:
Private Journal Entry Icon:
Protected Journal Entry Icon:

Paste this into your Custom Stylesheet box:

ETA: Oh, and yeah. I obviously credited Sarah-Dipity in the code there, so don't remove it if you use this set. X3 These are her icons...! I in no way claim credit for their awesome applicability to any layout.
Imageless Layouts!
21 July 2009 at 05:28 pm
Like any other layout, these can be combined with tiny icons!

1. Go here, and set your Style System to S2.
2. Under Layout & Language, choose "Complete Style" from the dropdown menu. Leave your Theme as "(Default Layout)".
3. Then...


Two Columns (All Sidebar Items Available) | Header Image-Incompatible | Title And Subtitle
[ LIVE ]

instructions + code )


Three Columns (All Sidebar Items Available) | Header Image-Incompatible | Title And Subtitle
[ LIVE ]

instructions + code )
Multiple Icon Uploading
18 July 2009 at 11:44 pm
Edit: Also check out Li's option in comments. Which also gives you the steps for saving the icons from your current icon page.

Upload multiple icons at once to InsaneJournal by:

1. Creating an account at Journal Watcher. (I don't think you even need to use a real e-mail address, though I did.)

2. Following all instructions for creating the uploadable .zip file.

3. Changing your journal password. (You don't have to do this. I just think it is safer since you'll have to provide it to the service.)

4. Uploading SUPER fast!

5. Changing your journal password back. (Or don't change it the first time and just change it afterward. Or ignore the password thing altogether.)

Note for Mac users: I found that making a .zip file through the Mac OS automatically created a folder and botched the process. My work around was emailing the files to my PC and doing it there, but I'm sure there are other ways and if all else fails, you can email your icons to me and I'll make your .zip file for you.
Making Your IJ Site Scheme Less Ugly
18 July 2009 at 01:16 am
First, go here; Sherlock has it all very neatly laid out, IMHO. The steps we're most interested in at the moment are 6 and 8.

Read more... )

...and there you have it! Questions?