Digest - Day 38 (BETA)
23 November 2009 at 05:53 pm
Day 38

¤ Sentience posted the morning announcement. [Link]
¤ The Millennium Earl introduced the asylum to Lero, his talking umbrella. [Link]
¤ Kamui stole blood from the refrigerator in the Shelter. Again. [Link]

*When the digest is out of beta, the list will be blank until Sunday. As we're in beta, this digest includes a sample of entries so people will know what it will look like.)

Please see this post if you have any questions. Please do not post questions to this entry. Use the linked post, or catch me on AIM at apapazukamori!


Nesting is key! Day of the week, which contains nested comments linking to posts, which contains nested comments linking to individual conversations on posts.

This is a public archive, not a personal timeline. This is so everyone can find out what is happening in a game with over 100 characters at a quick glance. Please include character names in the subject lines to help with this.

You don't have to report every "hello" you exchange; wait until there's enough CR to be descriptive, or comment to your original comment (Lelouch tagged Kanda) to give a short version of what happened (Lelouch approved Kanda's soba-making ability, but Kanda's dismissal pissed him off).

Participation is optional, but strongly encouraged. You can also report other people's posts or conversations if you want to. Just don't forget to put their names in the subject lines.
Marina Digest Test Run!
23 November 2009 at 09:50 am
Hi there!

So, I have a little idea I've been working on; and we're doing a test run of it this week to see how well it works.

If you're anything like me, you don't know what's going on in 3/4 of the game at any given time. This is sort of sad, since we have so many great players and characters and story lines going on. I'm proposing putting together a sort of digest for the game, that people can contribute to on a day-to-day basis, which will help everyone keep up with everyone else.

Here's how it works. After Sentience posts the morning announcement, the digest post for that day will go up on the ooc comm. Each post will have a comment for each particular day of the week. (For example, this week's will have comments for 11/23, 11/24, 11/25, and so on; plus a catch-all "backdated" comment to be used later.)

If I post for Chuck today, I would comment on the comment for 11/23 and write a very brief blurb ("Chuck hid under his bed.") and copy/paste the link. (No coding needed!) If C.C. tags him, I could comment on Chuck's digest comment and say that she did. (This part would be appreciated, but not essential; if anyone does this, please be sure to tag the original digest comment (on 11/23) not the day you tagged him (ex., 11/25).) If I post with Kamui on Wednesday (11/25), I would comment on the comment for 11/25.

Let me know if any of that doesn't make sense! (Once the post comes up and the layout's there, it may be less confusing, too.)

On Sunday, I'll compile a list of who did what and put it in the body of the digest post (ex., "Chuck hid under his bed and talked to C.C. [Link]"). I figure this could also help people with their AC summaries.

This week's will be a test run. Please use this post for any questions/comments/feedback/suggestions you have! :D
Mood: chipper