02 February 2011 at 07:56 pm

THE you should... MEME
➧ post with your character (blank comments using <!>)
➧ people respond telling your character what they should do
     • either in the future, asap, in game, etc.
➧ responses can be either ic, ooc, or anon!
➧ obviously, each response should start with "You should..."

(stolen from Splendorocity, who stole it from Amat /o/)

Meme Time!
22 January 2011 at 09:54 pm
Guess what guys? It's time for a

✘ Reply with your characters
✘ People will ask questions about any headcanon you have for them
✘ Answer questions!
✘ Go ask other people questions!
✘ Repeat unto infinity

Some basic question ideas...
✘ When is _____'s birthday?
✘ Did _____ have any pets as a child?
✘ What is _____'s favorite genre of movies/music/books/video games?
✘ How does _____ take his/her coffee?
✘ Does _____ have any phobias?
Random CR meme!
30 December 2010 at 01:22 pm
Random CR meme go!!

Because some of us are bored and we like talking about our characters' relationships.

We all know how these work, right? Comment with your character, and other characters will respond. Then you tell them what their character thinks of them! Planning for future CR or discussion can ensue~

Bonus points: Social links!! If you feel like it, pick a major arcana card to represent each character (survey here if you prefer the internet to pick for you) and give a value of social link from 1-10. 1 for acquaintances, 10 for bff/family/etc; "reversed" if you don't get along!
Meme: Testimonials!
17 December 2010 at 06:00 pm
Meme for no reason! Well, because people were bored.

᠉ Post with your characters, one per comment.

᠉ Other characters respond ICly as if they're explaining their personality to a third party.

᠉ For instance, Character A comments, and Character B pretends to be telling someone "Character A is a real hothead, but I'd trust him at my back any day!"

᠉ Have random goodtimes.
/borrowed from everywhere, ever
05 December 2010 at 02:34 am
the love me meme

You see someone. Lo and behold, you're in love with them; it's as simple as that. - Oh, I'm sorry, what? You're not in love with them? Well, you are now. The question is just... how are you in love with them?

♥ Post with your characters. Repliers go and generate a random number between 1 and 5. Remember, that particular number only applies for that one thread.
♥ Match up that number with the appropriate category of ~*~love~*~ below, and that's how your character now feels about the person they posted to!
♥ (If you really want a certain type for that thread, feel free to just pick one of the symptoms. But it's much more fun to draw one at random, sometimes!)
♥ Remember - just because Character A loves Character B doesn't mean Character B loves them back. (Or is going to be any less creeped out by this sudden change of heart...)

*e_e )
❤ Love Dice Meme ❤
24 November 2010 at 11:10 pm

Comment with your character(s).
Other characters will roll the dice. (Replace 100 with 12 in the "Max" field in the True Random Number Generator then press "generate.")
Respond with the rolled number in your subject line and play out the corresponding act below!

1. Link arms
2. Hold hands
3. Kiss forehead
4. Kiss cheek
5. Kiss on the lips
6. Hug
7. Dance together
8. Snuggle
9. Neck/shoulder rub
10. Carry him/her bridal style
11. Grope
12. Your Choice!
19 November 2010 at 05:09 pm
I'm bored at work and want a meme.


How it goes:

→ Comment with your character journal and either be "truth" or be "dare".
→ Tag! Ask someone a difficult question! Dare them to do something embarrassing, hilarious, hilariously embarrassing, or just ~naughty~
→ Have fun! AND PROFIT.
10 November 2010 at 12:56 pm
Okay, this is an oooold meme we did. This was our mid-month meme like -- a year and a half ago. Our first meme since moving to IJ! So naturally, most of you haven't done it, and even those of you who have done it might've switched icons in like 16 months, right?


  • Post here with your character's journal in the comment. (One journal per comment!) It's helpful to link your icon page in the comment! :D

  • People respond to you linking between 1 and 3 of their icons. These can be favorite icons, prettiest icons, lulziest icons, whatever jumps out at you.

  • You respond to them with the following:

  • You can request more icons once your first batch has been responded to. And, of course, you can comment on the response!

  • Have fun, be nice, etc.
27 October 2010 at 11:29 pm
~*~The Morning After Meme~*~

The artificial sun filters through the half shut blinds, and you find yourself slowly stirring awake. But you’re not alone. Just what did you do last night? What inmate(s) did you wake up next to? Did you do enough to get collared? Is it suddenly very awkward? ♥

How the meme works:
  • Comment with your character journals individually.
  • Tag people, setting up the scenario that your character and theirs woke up together.
  • Make it awkward, make it funny, totally forget what happened the day before. Up to you. Bonus points for waking up with 2+ other people.
  • ???
  • Profit!
~ ♥ The Marina Asylum Wedding Meme ♥~
20 October 2010 at 07:52 pm
Hey guys! I hope everyone's having a good week, and that you're not tired of memes yet (of course not! Y'all love memes, just like me X3 ~♥) cuz here comes another one! :D

Got this idea from an image/fanart meme going around (better known as "My Anime Wedding"), and I thought that it might be fun to have a Marina Asylum version !

So it's pretty simple :

♥ My Marina Asylum Wedding ♥

Sample and codes under the cut~ )

With that said, have fun! :D
10 October 2010 at 10:29 pm

And I just saw this sort of thing going around on a community I just discovered the existence of, so...


  • Here's how it works: Make a post for YOU with a list of all your characters. (Dropped/fourth wall characters too if you want!)

  • Then someone will comment to you to ask you a question. (One question at a time!) This can be either about your characters, or about you in the game.

  • "What does A's underwear look like?"

    "How does B feel about X?"

    "If C had to choose between these two romantic interests, who would she choose and why?"

    "What does D think about Y's relationship with Z?"

    "What character would you app if you could app anybody, including already taken characters?"

  • You answer the question, and return with a question. It can be a similar question or a completely different question.

  • You go back and forth this way until we're all bored of answering questions. So even super latecomers can play as long as they have questions to get the ball rolling! (Ari.)

Who would you play? meme
28 September 2010 at 12:57 pm

1) Comment with yourself! (Your screenname and maybe a list of your characters so people remember who you play now. Edit Or maybe a link to your personal journal or if you have a list of fandoms to link to somewhere.)

2) People will reply with fandoms.

3) You will tell them which character you would be most likely to RP from that fandom AND WHY! (Even if you would never app another character or someone from that fandom. Even if you don't know the fandom! Look it up and choooooose even if you are choosing based on pretty or something.)

Quick links to kissing meme
04 September 2010 at 02:21 pm
I thought having individual links to the threads on the kissing meme might make it easier for people who have trouble loading large posts. Then I realized having it on a cut over there meant you'd have to load it anyway, so to cut down on having a really long/wide post there I'm just posting them here separately.

Quick Links to Kissing Meme! )

Is this helpful for anyone? Any mistakes? Let me know! ♥

Don't forget the HMD/AC!
Kissing Meme!
03 September 2010 at 12:27 am

1. Comment with your characters.
2. Other people will demand your kisses (OOCly or, you know, ICly if that's how they roll.)
3. You write (or draw) a sentence or a drabble or a fic that may or may not destroy reality about this kiss. (How they end up kissing. The kiss itself. Moments after the kiss. Your call.)
4. Redeem your points for all sorts of great prizes that don't exist!

Quick links over here for faster loading!!
22 August 2010 at 07:49 am
Since fourth-wall day is almost over and almost all of us have met at least someone new from our worlds, I thought it was time for a meme.

Which little-known, minor or seldom-played character from your universe would you love to see in-game?

My answers:

Naoko Akagi - she's a one-epsiode wonder, so I highly doubt any one would take her on, but... I won't spoil, but those who know the show will know why her meltdown when she saw Rei would be EPIC.
Yui Ikari - And Rei's meltdown when she saw Yui would be epic.
Maya Ibuki - No Rei-related reason, I just love her and her big fat crush on her Senpai.
Toji Suzuhara - For fun, abusive times with Asuka.
Rei I - Obvious.

Mood: curious
Seiyuu / Voice Actor meme!
05 August 2010 at 12:04 pm
As the subject says, this meme is for you to talk about what voice talents you have in mind for your muse(s).

+ Give example(s) for the canon voice work for the muse, if you agree with it~

+ Canon voice actor is no good; share who you think would work better!

+ Telling others who it is you hear when reading their tags.

(( I know there will probably be a lot of Youtube links, so to save a little loading time for the content, I am asking please don't embed the videos, and just provide links instead. Thank you~<3 ))
Mood: curious
24 July 2010 at 11:02 pm
Due to great demand in chat, give us your characters' NATIONALITY. We are curious about who comes from where!
Unofficial meme: The character expression meme
19 July 2010 at 02:33 pm
Read more... )

Snag yourself the coding here.
Icon Description Meme
08 July 2010 at 06:05 pm
And then I decided to make up a meme...

Icon Description Meme

1. Comment with an emotion, action, description, lyric, quote, etc. in the header.
(examples: hot, blue, swimming, devastated, "revenge is a dish best served cold")

2. Others will respond with the icon that best or lulziestly (it's a word!) represents the description.

Tip: To make a blank comment just put < in the comment field.

...I didn't say it was a good meme.
RPing Meme
13 June 2010 at 03:31 pm
So, I did a meme a few days ago which was just a few days after another meme, and our official mid-month meme should be coming right up, so yes, this is excessive. I have an addiction?