8th August 2008

[info]stonegrad in [info]malfoycentric

Fic - Where Dark And Light Don't Differ; NC-17

Title: Where Dark And Light Don't Differ
Author: [info]stonegrad
Characters: Lucius/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Incest, minor character death, some dark themes
Word count: ~7800
Compliant to: OOTP
Notes: Title filched from 'Immortal', headers from Richard Siken's 'Dirty Valentine'. Beta'd by Kristin and, although she claims she was half-asleep when she did it, all the remaining mistakes are still mine. Written for [info]malfoycest_day.

Summary: Draco Malfoy - a fall in six acts.

There are so many things I'm not allowed to tell you