22nd October 2007

[info]nixxi in [info]malfoycentric


Title: Loyal
Author/Artist: Bellas_Lament
Characters : Various characters throughout, main focus is on the Lucius Malfoy/Sirius Black pairing
Rating: M+
Warnings : OoTP spoilers, tiny little DH spoiler, violence, character death, adult language, graphic sexual situations, slash!sex
Archive: I don't mind, just let me know :)
Notes: Cross posted in a bunch of places. Self beta'd tonight and slightly rewritten!
Though intended to be a one shot,several people on fic sites have both reviewed and pm'd me asking for an AU sequel. That idea took hold and I'm currently writing ch. 1.
Summary: They all thought he'd escaped Azkaban by changing to his animagus form and simply slipping through the bars. No one would believe the loyalty of Lucius Malfoy to Sirius Black.
Word count: 6,728
(Goes to my fan fic journal.)

[info]elfflame in [info]malfoycentric

Fic: Holding On - Lucius/Scorpius/Draco - NC-17

Title: Holding On
Author: [info]elfflame
Pairing: Lucius/Scorpius/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Incest and chan (Scorpius is 15), and spoilers for DH, if you couldn’t tell…
Disclaimer: The characters and settings belong to JK Rowling, the idea is mine. Not taking, don’t sue.
Dedication: To Kit, who keeps me sane and always manages to make me smile. Happy early birthday, hon. *hugs*
Authors notes: Almost immediately after she finished the last book, Kit picked up Scorpius in a new RPG, and my Draco and her Scorpius began to talk. It wasn’t long before this little idea set itself up in my head from their “talks.” ;D I hope everyone likes it.

Some think it's holding on that makes one strong; sometimes it's letting go. – Sylvia Robinson )