The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

wolfsbane and potion masters

May 29th, 2012

Fun: Postcard Exchange!

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So, I had to think this one through for a while, but now the time has come to exchange some postcards and letters of our own!

Postcard Exchange

Sign-ups end June 9. Mail must go out by June 30.

In an effort to keep this as simple as possible for all of us, if you send in your address for this exchange, you agree to the following:

1. You will accept as your exchange an address from anywhere in the world unless you write me a personal note with a very good excuse in your sign-up. Cost, especially, should not be a factor for you. Most postcards from the U.S. to overseas destinations cost $1.05. Cards are about $1.25. U.S. Residents can calculate postage here. Members in other places, please check the card and letter rates in your area if you feel you are on a tight budget.

2. You will accept a postcard, card, or letter in exchange. Personally, I have many more interesting cards than postcards, and no one should feel like they have to go out and buy something to be a part of the exchange.

3. You will accept that no matter what you write in your exchange, you might only receive back a signed postcard or card (I would hope an actual letter would contain a few lines!). No one should feel they have to write drabbles or stories, or to get personal, in this exchange. The idea is fun and mail!

4. That said, you will be honest about your age and scrupulous in minding the very few guidelines we'll be asking for here. That includes never revealing the address you receive for the exchange, no matter what.

5. You will reply to your assignment email once to acknowledge it and once again when you receive your exchange.

How to Sign-up )

I'm posting this unlocked, and while I would prefer to keep this to members only, if you're someone I'm familiar with from fandom and you can adhere to a Snape/Lupin, Snape, Lupin, or Neutral theme, you're welcome to sign up.

I only gave the email address once, so I hope you all read this entire message carefully. I made a new email account for this so that I would be the only one to have ever had access to the account. The only people you'll be trusting with your address are me and your exchangee, and I plan on making 1-1 matches (you and another person will be trading directly with each other). This is to cut down on confusion and add motivation to both keep addresses private and follow through on your half of the exchange.

I'll take sign-ups through June 9 and send out exchange emails the next week. You must send your postcard/card/letter by June 30. I know that will only give about two weeks, but that's plenty of time to get a simple item in the mail, right? Again, no one should feel motivated to do anything for this exchange besides finding a good card and signing it. Everything else is bonus. The idea is to get some cool mail and have fun. If you make a new friend, though, that would be swell, too!

Questions, comments, worries? Bring them up now while there's still time to adjust. If this goes well, we could do this a few times a year, but only if you help iron out the kinks. ^_^

love, lore

Mod Post: June challenge - Snape/Lupin and the Philosopher's Stone

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15 years ago, on June 30, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone was released in England. To celebrate, let's put together stories/art/icons/knitting/etc. involving Snape and Lupin during the summer and first year of Harry's time at Hogwarts. So, the name of this challenge is simply:

HPPS 15 years of Harry Potter Magic - with an image of the very first Harry Illustration for Bloomsbury

Now, remember when I said that Postcards and Letters would be the sub-challenge for the next few months? This is why, because one way you could approach Snape/Lupin in HPPS is to show us their correspondence.

Ideas for this challenge off the top of my head, just to get you thinking:
Snape and Remus (apart or together) spy on Harry during the summer he receives his letter to Hogwarts.
Snape and/or Remus are part of the letter-delivery crew that plagues the Dursleys.
Remus wants to know how Harry's been and thinks Snape will tell him.
Snape wants to know why Remus stayed away so long.
Remus has doubts about getting to know Harry again because....
Harry's birthday falls on a full moon that year.
Remus surreptitiously watches Harry play Quidditch.
It's Remus or Snape who urges DDore to give Harry his cloak/take him away from the Mirror.
One or both observe Harry at the Mirror.
What are Snape and Lupin doing while Harry/Ron/Hermione face the Tests and find the Stone?
Remus or Snape or both know Nicolas Flamel/deliver him the news about the Stone being a target.

The tag for this challenge is - prompt: HPPS
The tag for the letters and postcards sub-challenge is - prompt: postcards/letters

You can add both tags, as well as fic or art ratings, etc., whenever they apply. And please use the tags. It will make attempting a masterlist at the end of the challenge much easier. Anyone can add an existing community tag to entries, so if you want to be helpful and add missing tags, please feel free.

The HPPS Challenge ends June 30! If you have any questions or need some encouragement, reply here or contact me in any of the numerous ways there are to get a hold of me. Remember, any creative or academic pursuit of this prompt is welcome. You don't have to be a creator to participate. Discussion posts, a link list, a single rec, or an essay or web layout or just about anything goes as long as it involves at least one of our men and touches on the challenge.

Hope we see lots of new and interesting posts this month to celebrate the very beginnings of our fandom! Don't forget to encourage the posters with your comments, too. *hugs community*

love, lore

April 16th, 2012

Mod Post: Challenges April-August?, where else you can spread Snape/Lupin love....

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Arrgh! I won't go into personal explanations, but it's been a busy two months. Your overall challenge for April - June is:

Postcards and Letters

There's going to be sub-challenges to this in May and June - Dark side and 15th anniversary of first book. However, in a few days, I hope to organize an actual postcard exchange. So, feel free to get started on anything related to postcards and letters for this month, but be thinking ahead on what and how much you want to produce through June!

Also, I'd like a show of hands interested in a second round of a Remix exchange to run in July and August.

There's a fic search here that could use more help.

The Crack Broom is having a special Free-Flying month. I am guessing they might skip the normal June Free Flying month because of this change, so get a Snape/Lupin rec in for stories or art while you can. The community has created a new "collaboration" tag, if that inspires anyone.

Finally, while the Snupin LDWS has the minimum number of participants for this round, there's still room left on the participant roster. Sign up fast if you're interested, and I do encourage you to give it a try if you're on the fence. It's a good writing challenge and the feedback was always helpful and encouraging.

I encourage you all to cross-post to more than one community when posting so you can reach the widest audience possible. Lupin_Snape exists on LJ, IJ and DW (and JF and DJ, but I doubt people are looking there too often). Links are on the sidebar.

More when I get more time to breathe!
love, lore
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