The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

wolfsbane and potion masters

June 30th, 2012

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A Wolf Knows His Own

Author: [info]bonfoi
Rating: G
Pairing: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape; prior Remus Lupin/Severus Snape/Lily Evans
Summary: The summer of Harry's eleventh birthday saw a new addition or two to the neighbourhood.
Challenge: [info]lupin_snape’s Fifteen Years of HP Celebration
Word Count: 1,409
Genre: Alternate Universe; Pre-Hogwarts
Warnings: None
A/N: Thanks to JKR and the wonderful actors that inhabited her creations. It's been a lovely fifteen years and I'm still enchanted. This is also posted at the LJ mirror of Lupin_Snape.

It could have happened this way, before the Hogwarts' letters came.

June 6th, 2012

Fic: ~"What's on your mind?"~ NC17

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My June submission for [info]daily_deviant is another Snupin! It also just happens to fit the HPPS challenge.

Title: "What's on your mind?"
Author: islandsmoke
Characters/Pairings: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: 1) aggressive partners: arousal from being pursued/pursuing aggressively or aggressive behavior in bed, and 3) dirty talk
Other Warnings: A little groping, a little frotting, some masturbation, a blow job, and talk of bestiality
Word Count: ~3038
Summary/Description: "I'm going to fuck you."
Author's Notes: Many thanks to [info]hogwartshoney for all her help!

Read it here!

May 29th, 2012

Mod Post: June challenge - Snape/Lupin and the Philosopher's Stone

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15 years ago, on June 30, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone was released in England. To celebrate, let's put together stories/art/icons/knitting/etc. involving Snape and Lupin during the summer and first year of Harry's time at Hogwarts. So, the name of this challenge is simply:

HPPS 15 years of Harry Potter Magic - with an image of the very first Harry Illustration for Bloomsbury

Now, remember when I said that Postcards and Letters would be the sub-challenge for the next few months? This is why, because one way you could approach Snape/Lupin in HPPS is to show us their correspondence.

Ideas for this challenge off the top of my head, just to get you thinking:
Snape and Remus (apart or together) spy on Harry during the summer he receives his letter to Hogwarts.
Snape and/or Remus are part of the letter-delivery crew that plagues the Dursleys.
Remus wants to know how Harry's been and thinks Snape will tell him.
Snape wants to know why Remus stayed away so long.
Remus has doubts about getting to know Harry again because....
Harry's birthday falls on a full moon that year.
Remus surreptitiously watches Harry play Quidditch.
It's Remus or Snape who urges DDore to give Harry his cloak/take him away from the Mirror.
One or both observe Harry at the Mirror.
What are Snape and Lupin doing while Harry/Ron/Hermione face the Tests and find the Stone?
Remus or Snape or both know Nicolas Flamel/deliver him the news about the Stone being a target.

The tag for this challenge is - prompt: HPPS
The tag for the letters and postcards sub-challenge is - prompt: postcards/letters

You can add both tags, as well as fic or art ratings, etc., whenever they apply. And please use the tags. It will make attempting a masterlist at the end of the challenge much easier. Anyone can add an existing community tag to entries, so if you want to be helpful and add missing tags, please feel free.

The HPPS Challenge ends June 30! If you have any questions or need some encouragement, reply here or contact me in any of the numerous ways there are to get a hold of me. Remember, any creative or academic pursuit of this prompt is welcome. You don't have to be a creator to participate. Discussion posts, a link list, a single rec, or an essay or web layout or just about anything goes as long as it involves at least one of our men and touches on the challenge.

Hope we see lots of new and interesting posts this month to celebrate the very beginnings of our fandom! Don't forget to encourage the posters with your comments, too. *hugs community*

love, lore
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