The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

wolfsbane and potion masters

January 3rd, 2015

Saw these and had to share

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Kinda damn perfect, aren't they? So Severus!

Wolf-Moon gloves by talkingloves on Etsy

Search for store talkingloves on Etsy if you gotta have. No link because I'm not trying to sell them to you, just wanting you to join me in basking in the perfection of Snupin gloves.

Feel free to add some candid captions to this photo. Did Remus give them to Severus or Severus to Remus? What would they say about the gloves if they were given them or saw them on the internet? Who knitted them? Etc.!

(Example: "Ha, ha, very funny, Severus. How did you get Pansy to knit them?" - Remus on his birthday)

love, lore

May 29th, 2012

Fun: Postcard Exchange!

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So, I had to think this one through for a while, but now the time has come to exchange some postcards and letters of our own!

Postcard Exchange

Sign-ups end June 9. Mail must go out by June 30.

In an effort to keep this as simple as possible for all of us, if you send in your address for this exchange, you agree to the following:

1. You will accept as your exchange an address from anywhere in the world unless you write me a personal note with a very good excuse in your sign-up. Cost, especially, should not be a factor for you. Most postcards from the U.S. to overseas destinations cost $1.05. Cards are about $1.25. U.S. Residents can calculate postage here. Members in other places, please check the card and letter rates in your area if you feel you are on a tight budget.

2. You will accept a postcard, card, or letter in exchange. Personally, I have many more interesting cards than postcards, and no one should feel like they have to go out and buy something to be a part of the exchange.

3. You will accept that no matter what you write in your exchange, you might only receive back a signed postcard or card (I would hope an actual letter would contain a few lines!). No one should feel they have to write drabbles or stories, or to get personal, in this exchange. The idea is fun and mail!

4. That said, you will be honest about your age and scrupulous in minding the very few guidelines we'll be asking for here. That includes never revealing the address you receive for the exchange, no matter what.

5. You will reply to your assignment email once to acknowledge it and once again when you receive your exchange.

How to Sign-up )

I'm posting this unlocked, and while I would prefer to keep this to members only, if you're someone I'm familiar with from fandom and you can adhere to a Snape/Lupin, Snape, Lupin, or Neutral theme, you're welcome to sign up.

I only gave the email address once, so I hope you all read this entire message carefully. I made a new email account for this so that I would be the only one to have ever had access to the account. The only people you'll be trusting with your address are me and your exchangee, and I plan on making 1-1 matches (you and another person will be trading directly with each other). This is to cut down on confusion and add motivation to both keep addresses private and follow through on your half of the exchange.

I'll take sign-ups through June 9 and send out exchange emails the next week. You must send your postcard/card/letter by June 30. I know that will only give about two weeks, but that's plenty of time to get a simple item in the mail, right? Again, no one should feel motivated to do anything for this exchange besides finding a good card and signing it. Everything else is bonus. The idea is to get some cool mail and have fun. If you make a new friend, though, that would be swell, too!

Questions, comments, worries? Bring them up now while there's still time to adjust. If this goes well, we could do this a few times a year, but only if you help iron out the kinks. ^_^

love, lore

September 20th, 2011

A DECADE OF SS/RL: Snupin History Crossword

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Hi there,

I made a little Snupin History Crossword puzzle for you. Test yourself how much you know. (You need to print it, sorry, Javascript and me had a huge disagreement and I lost.)

Have fun, DS

Crossword )

September 10th, 2011

Anyone care to visit in chat?

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Howdy, folks!

Just wondering if anyone would like to be a sounding board, a muse, or just a general idea-generator tonight? Working on a couple of fests and one fic just for myself. In other words, distract me, enlighten me, entertain me. *grin*

It's 20:19 Saturday night (that's 8:19 p.m. EDT). I'll be here for a couple of hours at least.

See you, lovelies!

May 4th, 2011

A DECADE OF SS/RL: Puzzle - Word Morph

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Snupin Word Morph

Hi there, for this months entry I made a little word game for you.

Your task is to morph "SNAPE" into "LUPIN" by changing one letter in the starting word to form a new word. Repeat the process until you spell the ending word.

It is possible to solve the puzzle in ten, eleven and twelve moves.

Snupin Word Morph )

February 14th, 2011

FUN: Candid Captions - Be My Valentine

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I stumbled over this short valentine-poem by Karl Fuchs, and it just looks as if Lupin read it to Snape.

Be My Valentine )

Now, tell me, what would Snape say/do next?

July 25th, 2009

drawble from Azkatraz!

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Guys, how did I forget to post this?  It's a crappy snapshot of a colored pencil drawble I did at the Gallery Drawble Booth for drusillas_rain (maybe she'll scan it or take a better photo? eeee?)

She gave me the prompt: Snape, Lupin, and the Giant Squid.  Hee.

How do you get me into these situations, Lupin? )

Fun times!

July 24th, 2009

Snupineers at Azkatraz

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Peeps, we had a fine turnout of Snupin fans at Azkatraz, and several of us got to hang out together over the course of the con.

My Flickr set for Azkatraz has lots of other photos, too, but here's a teaser of the Snupin fun:
photos under cut including zephre, xterm, drusillas_rain, karasu_hime, tbranch, dizilla, et al )

And there's more at my Azkatraz set, and the Flickr Pool.

May 22nd, 2009

Meme for authors and those who read their works

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(forgot to cross-post this last night...>_>)

Considering all the writing that's been going on as of late (BLU, Darkside, etc), I thought this little meme would be a good thing for the writers in the comm to participate in. Might help boost confidence or show us where we need improvement so that we may grow and blossom.

How 'bout it? I suggest posting your thread link in a comment to this post, as opposed to making entirely new posts that will flood up the comm.


Rules for the meme:

1. If you’re a writer, comment to the main post with your username.
2. Commenters, no drama please. Play like adults. And writers, be prepared for any comment.
3. Pimp the meme out by posting the above code into your journal your comment thread's link in a comment below.
4. Be honest.

Ah! Note:
Commenters, please click on the links that the authors will post, and post anonymously in their thread. This is your chance to say something to an author that maybe you've always wanted to say, but were afraid of saying it.

Also, if you're an author and you've already posted to this meme, just include that link here, and we'll use your pre-existing thread. ^_^

April 29th, 2009

Fun and reminder!

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We were pretty silly in chat last night and the subject morphed into "What would LOLWolves look like?" Well, Look no further.
(two links, both loosely Work Safe. If strict workplace, tread with caution).

Also, a little inspiration, in case anyone wants to try making some for the community:
images of silliness behind the cut )

Finally, has to be said, the First-Draft deadline for the BLU project is tomorrow (Thursday). While I might take late sign-ups for artists (as we're still recruiting), if authors don't send something in on the 30th, they're not going to be in the project. Sorry to be harder on the authors, but all the other deadlines hinge on us knowing what stories are complete and in beta.

And now I am done spamming the community for the night. ^_^

love, lore
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