The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

wolfsbane and potion masters

August 18th, 2010

Fantasy fest 2010 art post

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Artist: [info]ships_harry
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Original prompt: a13. Domestic scene in their living room or bedroom, cups of tea, books and 1 or 2 jack russell terriers cuddled up with them + cat(s) and owls (and more?).
Notes: I'm thinking of them as fairly young, here. The dog likes Lupin, a lot. Snape's more of a cat person, and has no desire to get tea on his book, particularly not this early in the morning. Lupin's owl and Snape's raven are bemused by the goings-on.

Couch, cuppa, crup? )

August 9th, 2010

Fantasy Fest Drawbble No. 2

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Title: Friends, Fish and Tonks
Pairings: Severus/Remus/Tonks
Rating: G
Disclaimer: The men and metamorph are not mine, I just like to play with them!
Artist: Karasu_hime
Summary: dd39. Tonks, friendship, fish

Friends, Fish and Tonks )

August 8th, 2010

Drawbbles from Drabble night!

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Warm )

Palaces of Heaven )

Dream Vacation )

Up in the Clouds )

Sweets/Candy )

August 5th, 2010

Fantasy Fest Drawable Art, rated G

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Title: Once Upon a Time
Pairings: Severus/Remus
Rating: G
Disclaimer: The men are not mine, I just like to play with them!
Author: Karasu_hime
Summary: dd6. "Once upon a time...", kiss, chocolate frog

Once Upon a Time... )

March 13th, 2010

Art: Schmoopin, G

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Title: Schmoopin
Artist: [info]aleoninc
Rating: G as G can be
Pairing(s)/character(s): Lupin, Snape
Disclaimer: Still not my characters, even after all these years.
Notes: Um, hello again, dear Snupiners! It's been a while to say the least. I wandered into the chat last night on a whim and was immediately welcomed back with open arms. It made me feel all warm and squishy inside and also inspired an impromptu sketch session on my tablet (which I hadn't used in about 6 months). Just an idle doodle capturing that feel-good feeling.

It's what I like to call 'Schmoopin' )

March 10th, 2010

Happy Birthday RJ LUPIN!

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Happy Birthday Post )

February 13th, 2010

Romantic Craft/Fic Rec: A Bit of Whimsy by snapesgirl [G]

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Needing some love of my own, I went looking and realized I hadn't checked out the [info]severusb4's (The Severus Big Bang Birthday Bash)! Well, there was this wonderful piece of knitting by [info]snapesgirl that blows my mind! It also made me giggle!

Why I recommend it: Remus and Severus' love is unconventional, fraught with pinpricks of pride and self-doubt, and pearls of wisdom. "A Bit of Whimsy" by [info]snapesgirl captures those bits and more in her quirky expression of Severus love.

What I saw: Knitted, pearled and woven with love, Severus is snarky and wonderfully long-legged while Remus is not-at-all-tatty in his woolly splendor. Together, they are a work of art telling a lovely story.

February 11th, 2010

Romantic Art Recs (4): morbid_lizard (2) & corilefay (2) [all G]

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Both artists ([info]morbid_lizard and corilefay on have been making me grin happily for years. The art may be old, but the spirit of Snupin is still vibrant and wonderful. Tonight, as a reward for actually getting a bed to sleep upon (first time since my car accident of 2008), I wanted to give you all a peek at love and humor times four!

[info]morbid_lizard My recommendation for morbid_lizard's art... )

corilefay, 2005 My recommendation for corilefay's art, 2005... )

What I see in all four pieces: Love and laughter enrich the lovers and their relationship. This is true in life and in cartoon!

February 6th, 2010

Art: for The Cat's Paw

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So, it's been a while... I'm back to post a pic I drew for, The Cat's Paw (RL/SS, NC-17), by McKay, my Snusa gift. <3

I really loved the story and drew it soon after reading it, didn't post it before 'cause I'm just that slow. I hope you all trust me when I say the fic is inspiring - and worth a read and/or reread! sorry I'm unable to write a decent rec!:B

pawing (G, no spoilers) )

February 1st, 2010

Romantic Art Rec: "Marauder Era Picnic [sic]" by karasu_hime [G]

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[info]karasu_hime posted this lovely art at the LJ original lupin_snape lurve community on 2004-07-20.

Why I recommend it: I've been a fan of [info]karasu_hime's art for several years--the colors, the style, the subjects--and to find this piece while looking through the archives was wonderful. I thought it was a shame that so few of us have seen this early example, so I recommend that all my fellow Snupin-shippers stop by and leave a lovely comment, sharing some of the the love this month is so famous for!

What I saw: Away from everyone, Remus and Severus are like all young lovers, especially on a picnic date.

August 22nd, 2009

Rec Fest: 3 fics, 2 arts, and a vid

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So hard picking just a couple of things to rec! And I didn't think it was quite in the spirit of the thing to just copy-paste my entire "stuff I have recced or plan to rec on Crack Broom" Word doc, even after removing the ones already recced here this month. So I decided to go for one oldie, one pre-DH, and one post-DH, and only authors who I didn't think had already been recced for something else.

Thus narrowed, I came up with the following:

Title: The Diary
Author: Josan ([info]josanpq)
Length/Word Count: ~8800
Rating: R
Summary: Lupin discovers the skeleton in Snape's closet.
Why everyone should read this: This is a golden oldie from the second round of the Severus Snape Fuh-Q-Fest (2002) that I was surprised to find hadn’t been recced here before. I really like the characterizations of both Severus and Remus, not to mention the creative twists on the werewolf curse and the roots of Snape’s hostility to Lupin.

Excerpt )

Title: Missing, believed dead
Author: [info]tetsubinatu
Length/Word Count: ~3500
Rating: R
Summary: After killing/apparently killing Dumbledore, Snape flees Britain. Dumbledore’s picture reveals the truth. Remus searches for Severus, but how can he find a spy?
Why everyone should read this: The glimpses into their tempestuous past and Remus’ struggles with those memories give this a very real, gritty feel, as does the pre-DH take on what might have happened after Voldemort, both to Snape and Lupin and to the wizarding world.

Excerpt )

Title: Unbroken
Author: [info]innerslytherin
Length/Word Count: ~9100
Rating: PG-13
Summary: If someone swears an unbreakable vow, they cannot die until the vow is completed...
Why everyone should read this: There’s something particularly enjoyable about fics that take a non-canon ship through canon events and shows how they can be interpreted in a different light. This one starts in HBP and continues through and a bit past DH doing exactly that. And, always a bonus, there’s a likable Tonks.

Excerpt )

Narrowing art recs was, if anything, even harder. So I whittled the list by focusing on artists who aren't primarily Snupin artists and a vid.

Title: Fear Makes the Wolf Bigger
Artist: [info]tripperfunster
Rating: G
Summary: When the full moon wanes, Severus seeks out Remus.
Why everyone should see this: The emotion on Snape’s face is heartbreaking, as is the pain and shame conveyed by Lupin’s posture. Often black and white can be stark, but here the artist has used a multitude of grays to surround these two dark-but-not men, and the result is both fitting and compelling.

Title: Emerging
Artist: [info]ponderosa121
Rating: R
Summary: Fantasy Fest short art prompt #26: naked and wet.
Why everyone should see this: The many possible interpretations of what has just happened and what is about to happen, the expressions on both their faces, and the sheer intensity created by the lines and shading make this an amazingly compelling piece.

Title: Glittering Clouds (direct download link here)
Song: Glittering Clouds by Imogen Heap
Vidder: [info]akemia42
Rating: PG-13
Why you chose this piece: I really like the way this vid combines HP and non-HP movie clips to build the story and the clever way it’s made to extend beyond the time frame of HBP despite that movie not even being out at the time it was made.

July 25th, 2009

drawble from Azkatraz!

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Guys, how did I forget to post this?  It's a crappy snapshot of a colored pencil drawble I did at the Gallery Drawble Booth for drusillas_rain (maybe she'll scan it or take a better photo? eeee?)

She gave me the prompt: Snape, Lupin, and the Giant Squid.  Hee.

How do you get me into these situations, Lupin? )

Fun times!

April 10th, 2009

Art: No Fool Like an Old Fool

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Title: No Fool Like an Old Fool
Rating: G
Characters: Severus Snape, John Constantine (with others...)
Summary: "To dead friends. Lord knows we've both got enough of them."
Notes: Because the lovely [info]lore posted the April challenge with scans of tarot cards, one of which was from the Vertigo tarot - our old friend John Constantine.
I've always wanted Snape to meet Constantine. And John, sot that he is, insisted it was in a pub (and at some point before the smoking ban came in).
Name all the dead friends and win a No-Prize. ;)

( To dead friends. Lord knows we've both got enough of them. )

April 8th, 2009

Fools: Raspberry Fool, G

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Title: Raspberry Fool
Artist: [info]shadowycat
Rating: G
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Challenge: Fools
Disclaimer: Sadly they aren't mine, I'd have been kinder.
Notes: My weakness for dessert made this the first thing I thought of when the April Challenge was announced. Thanks so much for the inspiration. :)

raspberry fool )

March 10th, 2009

ART: Birthday Boy, G (Birthday Challenge)

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Title: Birthday Boy
Artist: Me :)
Rating: G
Challenge: For Remus' Birthday Challenge. The word I claimed was 'chocolate'.
Tools: Photoshop CS2

LOL he looks so dorky XD )

Art: Expecto Patronum! (Birthday Challenge)

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Title: Expecto Patronum! (or: The Things that Make Lupin Happy)
Artist: Omni (aka rip_von_christ on lj)
Rating: G
Challenge: Remus' Birthday Challenge (though nothing really about birthdays in the art...but the BONUS FICLET has a birthday party reference); prompt: "patronus"
Characters/Pairing: Lupin, Harry, Ron, Hermione; (implied Lupin/Snape)
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters, just the scribbles (and writing).
Note: We are never given Lupin's patronus, to my knowledge. Here are several takes on what that patronus just might be...

You know, Remus, you've never shown us what YOURS looks like... )

Art for Remus's Birthday :D

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Title: Wolfsbane
Artist: [info]shadowycat
Rating: G
Pairing: SS/RL
Challenge: Remus's Birthday Challenge
Notes: Just a quick sketch to say...Happy Birthday! :)

Wolfsbane )

February 10th, 2009

Desktop Calendar Art, May, G

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I can't believe I forgot to post this.

Title: Snupin Desktop Calendar for May 2009
Artist: [info]twilightsorcery
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Rating: G
Media: Photoshop
Art preview:

Posted in my journal -->

You can get the whole project, which includes many lovely pieces, here. (That's also where you should go if you want actual desktop sizes of this one.)

February 8th, 2009

ART: Interaction, G

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Title: Interaction
Artist: [info]juvenine
Rating: G
Summary: Just a sketch of Remus and Severus in their school years. Anime/manga style.
Warnings: Nothing, really...


January 23rd, 2009

Art: Various

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I've been a-digging through my unfinished/unposted art folders and found a few things that're actually halfway decent.

Titles: various and non-existent
Ratings: G/PG
Disclaimer: they belong to JKR, not me

There're a couple of Snupin (including my original sketches for illustrating Whartson Hall for Trading Places!) and some Snape too.

( Fake cut to my journal is fake )

January 14th, 2009

ART: Kiss Me, G

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Title: Kiss Me
Drawn for: This was drawn for [info]lupin_snape's Snupin Santa mods for running another amazing exchange. Thank you, [info]scribbulus_ink, [info]koppernik, [info]real_life_rosy, and [info]jedirita!
Rating: G
Warnings: Kissing.
Media/Style: Anime. Pencil and pigment liner.
A/N: I was studying poses when I drew this. xD So, yeah, not the most inventive pose, and I didn`t think it up. It`s only a sketch, too, but it is officially the first fan-art I have drawn and posted ever! :) I had so much fun this year, and am looking forward to next year!

Kiss Me

January 13th, 2009


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I haven't been around much and didn't even have anything for Snapes birthday, and these pics don't have anything to do with that but, still, I wish him a belated Happy Birthday!♥

Title: Grooming
Artist: [info]ghot
Rating: G
For [info]hogwartshoney, mi amiga! Alright, you asked for "Grooming an animal is a one-on-one endeavour which can be a very bonding experience between animal and groomer. Severus secretly enjoys grooming Moony during the night of the full moon and particularly likes untangling his tail with a wide-toothed comb. Moony isn't always eager to begin the process, often preferring to expend some of his energy hunting outside or pacing back and forth inside if the weather is foul, but once he acquiesces, the werewolf enjoys it almost as much as Severus. Gentle lighting a plus, fireside or cozy scene, Moony splayed out on his side mostly-asleep. Severus' contentment.". I hope you like (...even if it has no background)!! *hugs*

Read more... )


This the art of my contribution to the 2009 Desktop Calendar project:

Rating: G
Summary: I couldn't think of any good theme for July so they're, um, getting ready for Harry's party.

Read more... )

January 11th, 2009

Desktop Calendar Art: September, G

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Title: September
Artist: [info]zephre
Rating: G
Characters: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin
Medium: Photoshop
Summary: Back-to-school is no longer quite so onerous as it once was.
A/N: Drawn for the [info]lupin_snape 2009 Desktop Calendar project.

(full image)

January 10th, 2009

Happy Belated Bday Severus!

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Always a day late!

Title: Half Blood
Artist: Karsu_hime
Rating: G

Half Blood )

January 9th, 2009

Fic and Art: Indulgence

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Title: Indulgence
Author: [info]chazpure
Rating: G
Challenge: Severus's Birthday Challenge
Prompt: "Presents"
Word Count: 345
Summary: Severus Snape had one annual indulgence.
Author's Note: It's short, it's schmaltzy, but what the heck! Happy Birthday, Severus! (G-rated?! OMG, I wrote something without smut in it! Eep! Alert the media!)

Indulgence )
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