The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

wolfsbane and potion masters

August 12th, 2009

Reccity recs.

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I bring three recs for this most lovely of fandom comms. Think of it as a nice big bag of pic'n'mix: there's something for every taste!

Firstly, a long fic. Possession by [info]nehalenia is simply a masterpiece of storytelling. I'm sure you've already read it, as it's a Snupin classic, but there is something very satisfying about falling in love all over again!

Secondly, a ficlet. Angel in the Centrefold by [info]skree_ratling is a little slice of sexy, saucy hilarity with the boys at their loveable best!

Thirdly, art. Legilimens by [info]julythirtyfirst a set of lovingly-crafted Lupin-Snape strips follows the slow progression of their relationship. Beautiful, witty and unique.

So, I hope you will enjoy today's pic'n'mix, and let these lovely ladies know how immensely talented they are!

All that remains is for me to say au revoir [info]lupin_snape it's been a blast! Thank you and goodnight.

August 10th, 2009

two recs for day ten

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A couple of recs for today: one short fic, one long fic, both absorbing and...not exactly G-rated.

Best Served Cold, by rexluscus
Summary: Severus discovers over morning kippers that there are consequences to his actions.

I was a relative latecomer to Snape/Lupin (I just passed the two-year mark on this little fic bender of mine about a month ago) and before I mustered up the courage to try to find a few like-minded friends, I pestered my poor non-like-minded friends with links and general flailing like whatshisname in 1849 discovering there was gold in California. After a while, I settled down and addressed the fic talk to two trusted longtime friends who, alas, read het fic almost exclusively.

How did I know this delightfully smutty ficlet was good? They both loved it. I was floored.

Fraternizing with the Enemy, or, The Best Christmas Ever, by [info]dazzleberry
Summary: Teenagers doing wildly inappropriate things in inappropriate places.

Because I enjoy a bit of Christmas in August. (Also, because it's nice and long to balance out the shortness of the first rec. And because there's smut.)

Note: Is it weird that I picked a fic that I discovered about this time two years ago and another one from this time last year? The first was coincidental, the second not so much. Hmm.

August 9th, 2009

Three fic recs

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I couldn't bring myself to choose just one, so here are a couple of older favorites and something new: "Choices," "The Mills of Manchester," and "Hidden in Plain View."
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August 8th, 2009

Fic Rec: "Strictus Snipe and a Cure for Writers’ Block"

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Title: Strictus Snipe and a Cure for Writers’ Block
Author: [info]rowen_r
Rating: PG
Summary: Romance, intrigue, and distinctly bad prose are unleashed on Hogwarts when the identity of the mysterious Gertrude Perkins is finally revealed.

This is one of the first Snupin stories that I read when I entered HP fandom and discovered the joy of Snupin, and while rereading it for this rec found it just as funny as I remembered it to be.

Originally posted in 2004, it was before the last two books came out, and there was still a sense of possibility for a happy ending back then that fics like this one had. It has classic snarky Snape and a mischievous Lupin, and their interactions are wonderfully portrayed.

This particular fic also has an added subplot of the fictional character "Strictus Snipe" and his romantic escapades in the form of popular Wizarding Romance Novels. The stories surrounding Strictus Snipe are also completely self-referential to the HP books, and feature other characters such as Romulus Vulpin, and my favourite, Lord Vol-au-vent.

If you're looking for something entertaining to read, with a clever Snape and a Lupin who never veers into pathetic territory but is instead a strong character in his own right, I highly recommend "Strictus Snipe and a Cure for Writers' Block" by [info]rowen_r

Excerpt under the cut )

August 7th, 2009

Fic Rec: "Thirteen Ways" and "The Boggart in the Wardrobe"

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Title: Thirteen Ways
Author: Sinope/[info]eponis 
Rating: R
Warnings: mention of previous Remus/Sirius
Summary: Facets of a relationship of necessity. Too little is given and too much is wanted, but Lupin and Snape don't have the luxury of new beginnings. Post-OotP
Reason: This story sells me in a way pure romance is usually lacking.  Not to say I don't love even some of the gooiest fics out there - but something about the stark, raw quality of "Thirteen Ways" draws me to it like few others.  It's painful in parts, wrenching, and is made all the more beautiful for it.

And for something light...

Title: The Boggart in the Wardrobe
Author: [info]westernredcedar 
Characters: Remus/Severus
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: public sex
Summary: Remus was tired of Severus avoiding him, but he didn’t mean for them to get this close. Fun with PoA-era canon.
Reason:  I'm an utter pervert, and combined with the talent for humor that this author possesses?  I'm there.  This fic is comical, it's kinky, it's fun without being bizarre or cheesy - a perfect pick-me-up!

But mostly, I'm a pervert.

August 6th, 2009

Birthday Wishes in the spirit of our newest "challenge"

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Okay, so because I happen to notice things like birthdays, and find that they really do make the best excuse to do nice things, this would be my fun way of killing two birds with one stone. [info]ellid's birthday was a few days ago, and often we enjoy popping out drabbles and whatnot as gifts, but I figured that it might be cool to do this instead. Since our new challenge for the month is recs, that's what I thought I would do. Comments and cheers would certainly be appreciated just as much a couple drabbles.

And as great as my idea was, I realized too late that this will be two in one day for this popular girl. XD

Title: On the Dynamic of an Asteroid
Author: [info]ellid
Rating: NC-17
Summary: The last Death Eater has a cunning plan. Remus and Severus must travel to the past to stop her.

Why this fic?
Why not? It smooshes two fandoms that I adore together. I'm a Sherlock nutter, and I really enjoy the fandom. So slapping Snape and Remus on top was enough to make me squee for several minutes before being able to read it. ^_^

This is part of the Motherless Child series, but it's not completely necessary that you read that first. Remus is once again just trying to help and it looks like Severus is now along for the ride. And just to give you an idea of what to expect here's my "random" excerpt that I picked simply because [info]ellid really is the best reporter for the Daily Prophet that we've got. XD

Excerpt - Newsclippings )

And of course the mission of our wonderful new challenge is to comment and pass on the word. So, yay! ^_^ Happy (belated) Birthday, [info]ellid and happy reading.

REC FEST 2: The Chemical Wedding of Albrecht Grindelwald by Ellid

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Title:The Chemical Wedding of Albrecht Grindelwald
Gaining Access: Accessible to all
Author: [info]ellid
Length/Word Count: Six chapters, 27993 words
Rating: R
Pairings: Lupin/Snape
Author's Website: Author's Fanworks IJ
Summary: December, 1938. As Christmas approaches, Heidelberg, home of the Student Prince, prepares to host a great celebration. All is in readiness for the wedding of the Führer's favorite, Albrecht Grindelwald, as he prepares to take a young and beautiful bride: the castle, the guests, the spells that will ensure a long and fruitful marriage.

Only two men know why Grindelwald is to marry here, and marry now: Remus Lupin and Severus Snape. Why have they come from the future to disrupt the greatest moment of the Wizarding Reich?

Why you chose this piece: This was Ellid's contribution to the Snupin Big Bang, and I have to say she did fabulously. This is an Altered Reality fic that isn't in any way compatable with THAT book. You know the one I'm talking about. It's a prequel to her "Motherless Child" series, which can be found on Moonshadow, however it isn't necessary to have read the series to understand or enjoy it.

I woud consider this a historical or era fic. Remus and Snape go back in time to Nazi Germany, and Ellid obviously did her homework. She not only accurately portrays the setting, she does an exquisite job of merging both the historical information and the Potterverse. As well, I found the slight mystery regarding Severus' connection to the Third Reich engaging and ultimately satisfying in the end. It was so deftly done, I wasn't quite sure if he had already come back in time before or what was going on!

I love her use of magic and alchemy, and I found her premise extremely unique and creative. You become involved in the story and the danger of the situation Remus and Snape find themselves in. It's engaging and wonderful.

I would reccommend this story to anyone who enjoys a good story, and especially likes historical settings.

Excerpts )

REC FEST 1: Nice Work If You Can Get It by Chazpure

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Here's your first rec of the day! There will be another one later!

Title:Nice Work If You Can Get It
Gaining Access: Accessible to all
Author: [info]priscilla_hack aka [info]chazpure
Length/Word Count: Five chapters, ~ 25,850 words total
Rating: NC17, with warnings of slash, wanking, oral, anal, toys, mild restraints throughout
Pairings: Lupin/Snape
Author's Website: Author's LJ
Summary: After the war, life goes on - perhaps not as it once did, but if they've survived Voldemort, Severus Snape and Remus Lupin will find some way to keep body and soul together...even if it means working together.

Why you chose this piece: I really don't remember how I first stumbled across this particular fic, since it's been about three years since it was written. However, I've kept it bookmarked because it's simply one of those wonderfully humorous, romantic and smutty comedies that I keep coming back to when I feel like I need a bit of a smile.

Set in what would now be considered an Altered Reality (Post War, accurate up to HBP), the story picks up with Severus on "parole" and Remus helping the Weasley Twins create products for their store. When Remus gets the idea for a sex toy, however, he asks Severus to help with the development and proposes they start their own business making magical sex toys. It switches focus between Severus and Remus, letting their separate stories dovetail into one single story. They aren't an established pair to start with, and so we get to see how they go from being reluctant (on Sev's part) business partners to lovers.

What I absolutely love about this story is its humor, which is witty and raunchy and just plain fun. ...oh, and the sex. Since this is a story about the creation and testing of various sex toys, there are lots and LOTS of very well written sex scenes. Chazpure blends steamy smut and humor extremely well, and her characterization isn't to be sniffed at either! Her Severus and Remus are so very believable and real, that you end up laughing with them and genuinely hoping they wind up together in a relationship in the end.

I recommend this to anyone who loves witty humor, the ribald romantic comedy, and the steamy smexins.

Excerpt )

August 4th, 2009

Fic Rec: "Once Upon a War"

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Title: Once Upon a War
Author: [info]skree_ratling
Length/Word Count: 9757
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Rating: Hard R

Summary: Summary: Prompt: Severus has had a serious Muggle hobby all along to keep himself from going crazy from the stress: he's a member of the SCA, preferably as a fighter or fencer. A year after surviving the battle of Hogwarts, he's shocked to see a familiar werewolf wandering about at the Pennsic War.... Romance and sex, please, with optional Teddy. Can be as SCA-specific as you like.

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August 3rd, 2009

Snape/Lupin - "In Clothes A Wantonness", by Scribbulus Ink/McKay

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This rec is going to do double-duty because I'm riding the Crack_Broom this month as the Snape/Lupin rec-er. By the way, if all this rec'ing gets anyone interested in doing more, you are welcome to get into the rec'ing queue over at the Crack_Broom on LJ. Here is where you go to sign-up to rec Snape/Lupin, and there are further instructions there and in the community for how you can participate. So, here's my rec for the day in official CB format!

Title: In Clothes A Wantonness
Author: [info]scribbulus_ink/McKay
Length/Word Count: 18540
Alternate Links to Fic/Art: Reversathon entry
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Rating: NC17
Author's Website: Chocolate Frog

Summary: When the Ministry refuse to believe he acted as a spy during the war, Remus Lupin is forced into hiding, choosing to spend his exile performing in a Muggle drag club while he searches for the one person who can provide evidence of his innocence: Severus Snape.

Why everyone should read this: Let me make a list. I'm better at organizing my thoughts that way.

1. The cross-dressing is absolutely believable, necessary and yet the bulk of the fic is not descriptions of cross-dressing.
2. Remus' emotional journey through the fic is complete and fulfilling to read.
3. Still, there are no guarantees in this fic. The outcomes along the way are suprising and the end remains in doubt until late in the reading.
4. The secondary characters are hilarious and well-drawn.
5. There is definitely wantonness, and it is hot.

Excerpt: )

This is a smart, well written, fully fleshed romance. There are no easy answers, not even at the end, and if your heart doesn't break a little for Remus along the way, then this fic would never have been your cuppa in the first place. ~_^ Go read, enjoy and comment!

love, lore

August 1st, 2009

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Ok, now I can really type and not make hash of it (computer still isn’t fixed tho’).  The story is Wanting and Having by Gateway girl.  It was done for a Fantasy Fest prompt where a shared kinks turns into more.  The fic shows Severus at his Slytherin and insecure best, while you see Remus with and without his backbone (the backbone does win).  Yeah, the kink is watersports and I know that’s a big squick, but there is no humiliation involved.  Severus calls the kink a ‘questionable pleasure’ here.  They enjoy it, you will enjoy the story..really!  When Harry and Tonk s then make their appearances, the characters are brilliant!  Warning Watersports ahead!  Try this!  It’s worth the time.



Part 1  

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

August 2nd, 2009

Snupin Fic Rec Day 2!

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Lukewarm Trilogy by Juxian Tang

Lukewarm (R):
Mine (NC17):
Out of Darkness (PG-13):

If you like your Snupin in a slightly darker shade of gray, this trilogy should be on your reading list. These are older fics, and one reason I am recommending them is that they aren't archived in Moonshadow, and might be hard to find for Snupin readers hunting for fics. Another reason -- and the best one -- is simply that these are beautifully written and characterized stories with great POV voices and emotional depth. "Lukewarm" and "Out of Darkness" are written in Lupin's POV, "Mine" is in Snape's. All are done in First Person present tense POV, and even if you normally don't care for 1P, please give it a look because Juxian Tang does it beautifully.

What really blows me away about these stories is not only how well the author establishes Snape's and Lupin's characters, but how we get to see them change. One reason I go back to these fics so often is because, as a writer, I'm fascinated by her technique. The Remus we first meet in "Lukewarm" is not someone who could allow himself to love Severus Snape, but he becomes someone who can, and does. The Severus we see in "Mine" constantly struggles with his own insecurities, and with even allowing Remus to love him. Juxian Tang's Remus and Severus are both very flawed individuals -- weak, petty, indecisive and jealous. They are also courageous, humorous, determined, caring and tender. They are intensely, beautifully real characters whom I loved at first reading, and still love to this day. (I've been known to tear up a bit while reading these, especially the last two.)

Be aware that these contain dark themes, especially "Mine", which depicts graphic (but never gratuitous) torture, including rape. (The other two are pretty safe, as I recall. And if you're worried, there is no main pairing character death.) Despite that, this trilogy is at heart a love story, and it is true to that in the end.

Juxian Tang no longer writes in the HP fandom (at least not in English), and while this is a great shame, it doesn't detract from the value and enjoyment of the stories she's left with us. If you haven't read them and think they might be up your alley, definitely give them a read.

July 30th, 2009

August Rec Event!

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August is going to be a a little more low key on [info]lupin_snape while our Lovely Mod is taking a break and the rest of us take a respite between the end of BLU and Chocolate & Asphodel and the start up of Snupin Santa.

Instead of a new creating challenge, we're going to do something a little different: a rec challenge! If you're interested in participating, then check behind the cut and pick one day in August to claim as your reccing day. I'd prefer to spread things out as much as possible, but if more than one person signs up to rec on the same day, that's fine.

What can you rec? Anything related to Snape/Lupin! A story, art, a vid - whatever you like as long as it was created by someone who isn't you. There isn't any template you have to follow (although if you want a little guidance, you can check out the template they use at Crack Broom), and you can be as brief or as lengthy as you like.

To sign up, just pick a day and leave me a comment in response to this post letting me know which day you want! I'll add your name to the list, and when your day comes around, all you have to do is post your rec (or a link to the rec in your journal) here in the community. Cross-posting to LJ and IJ is appreciated, but not required; I'll do a weekly link round-up to all recs on both communities.

August Calendar )

ETA-1: You may rec more than one story/art/whatever, either by reccing more than one thing in a single post or by posting more than one rec over the course of your assigned day.

ETA-2: Please do try to pay attention to what's been recced before you (if applicable) and avoid repeating recs. This is meant to be an opportunity to share wide and varied RL/SS love, so the more variety, the better!

ETA-3: LURKERS! This is an excellent, low-stress, minimal commitment opportunity for you to get involved! If you've read or seen something recently that made you squee, this is a great time to share it with the rest of us!
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