The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

December 9th, 2012

December 9th, 2012

Snupin Santa Art Rec: Evening at Home

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Title: ART: Evening at Home [G]
Author: a most remarkable elf
Pairing: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape
Rating: G
Original Summary: You asked for a domestic scene with Lupin in wolf form; I hope this is what you had in mind. I really enjoyed drawing it. Merry Christmas, Garonne!
Genre: Established Relationship, Romance
Warnings: none
Why everyone should see this: This picture is lush, rich with details and two characters at ease on a quiet night at home. It's as if the artist sat in the living room with Severus and Moony, a fly on the wall as it were, drinking in the homey details that make up a restful evening: the spines of the books are wonderfully intricate—I know I've read some of those titles—and the looks on both faces—furry and flesh—are relaxed and even a bit playful. I can only encourage everyone to go look and be truly amazed at the talent in this fandom. I feel like it was my gift, too.

Snupin Santa Round-Up, Week 1

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As we pause today to give you all a chance to catch up on your reading and commenting, I have a personal request.
Usually, I manage to make some recs toward the end of the exchange. This year, because I'm organizing Snupin Santa, tradition will keep me from making recs during December. I'd love to see a reader who hadn't planned on reccing to go ahead and rec to take up my slack. Kind of like a vote exchange, right? ^_^ If you're willing to take this on, the reccing posts are here, just choose your platform: Livejournal, InsaneJournal, and Dreamwidth

I've only linked the web site links here, but don't forget that you can also comment on the journal posts for these works. Just check out the community on any one of the three journals we're using to post Snupin Santa!

Evening at Home, for Garonne, G
DS9 Snape, for rkold, PG
After the Battle (Stop for Death), for Writcraft, G
Snupin Icons and Wallpaper, for Myene01, PG
Cho Cho, for Osmalic, G

In Case of Emergency, for Nepenth, G
The Tenderness of Wolves, for Serpenscript, NC17
One Last Horcrux, for Islandsmoke, NC17
I Want You to Want Me, for Shrinknviolet, PG13
A Romance in Reverse, for Alafaye, R
Ripples Of Kindness, for Nimrod_9, PG13
Severus Snape and the Orders of the Phoenix, for Bonfoi, NC17

Regular posting resumes tomorrow - remember, it's two gifts M-Th, and 1 Fr-Sa.

How are you liking the exchange so far? Feel free to let us know what you think here!

love, lore
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