The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

October 3rd, 2007

October 3rd, 2007

Drabble: Word prompt - Rebirth

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Title: No zebras today
Author: blpaintchart
Rating: 13
Word count: 100

Rise and Shine

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PG Three drabbles in one, 100 words each. Remus is still alive, and finds the twitching, poisoned Snape in time. Prompt word: "rise", but I doubt you won't realize that if you read it. Enjoy!

Portable Necromancy

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PG Lucius, a long-time friend, revives Snape with dark magic. Snape concocts a potion to revive Remus.
159 words, prompt word: "creation."

Other-worldly Pleasures

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PG Lupin, Snape, and Tonks all return to Hogwarts as ghosts. 100 words, prompt word: "Ghostly."

The Real Basis for the Ship

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G Remus and Snape are reborn as two characters mentioned in DH.
100 words, prompt word: "Rebirth".

He Who Guards the Gates of Heaven . . . Loves M-preg

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PG Snape and Remus get a deal. They can come back to earth if Remus has a child (because Snape certainly wasn't having it).
2 100-word drabbles, prompt word: "Growth."

In the Next Life

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PG Remus and Severus are reincarnated, but not as humans.
100 words, prompt word: "Reincarnation." 

Drabble: Word prompt - Growth

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Title:  Snape-ish
Author:  blpaintchart
Rating:  13
Word count:  100

Mercy Chat

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I am in chat to escape from real life for a little by drowning in the unreal and adoring characters who, though fictitious, have suffered more than me....come join me?

The Kinky Gates of Heaven

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PG-13 Snape and Tonks are lucky Lupin cheated. (Snape cheated too.)
350+ words, prompt: "Ankh."


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G A living Remus somehow revives Snape.
100 words, prompt: "Breath."

Ironic )

Fic:(G) The Things You Do For Love.

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Not a Resurrection Drabble I'm afraid.. but when the muse strikes as it so rarely does these's best not to ignore

Title: The Things You Do For Love.
Rating: G
Pairing: SS/RL
Disclaimer: Not mine.. sadly.
Wordcount: 668.
Warning: Discussion of Mpreg.
Notes: This is sort of a follow up on Maybe Baby.. But you don't need to have read that.

The Things You Do For Love. )

Planning Transitions

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My last one!

PG-13 Snape figures out a plan to get them both from the afterlife back. It's rather unorthodox.
100 words, prompt word: "transition."

Resurrection challenge - "Grave"

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Title: A Grave and Serious Undertaking
Word Count: 151
Rating: Gen
Challenge: Resurrection
Characters: Severus, Lupin
Notes: JKR owns all the characters


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Title: Take Two
Author: [info]bluestocking79
Rating: PG
Pairing: a way. ~looks shifty~
Word Count: 1141
Challenge: Resurrection Drabble Challenge
Prompt: Reincarnation
Summary: Two hard-luck cases get the second chances they deserve.
Disclaimer: I don't own them; JKR does.
Warnings: Gender queering, in a way...but please, don't let that put you off, because it's very innocent.
Notes: I started this for the Drabble challenge, but it took on a life of its own, so that it is now more of a fic than a drabble. I'm not quite sure what to make of the result, but I thought I'd offer it anyway.

Also: this is my first actual post here!

Follow the link to read the fic on my IJ: Take Two.

Art for the Resurrection Fest

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Title: Resurrection
Artist: neodandiesrule
Rating: PG-13 for the subject ?
Characters: Snape and Lupin
Challenge: Resurrection Fest
Disclaimer: the two of them belong to JK Rowling.

Notes: the concept of this drawble appeared into my head when I read about the fest, so here you are, an unofficial entry :)
PLEASE don't scroll down immediately, first look at the top and then downward, if the pic isn't too small for that.Thanks :D. Also, this was drawn quite quickly, so please excuse the sketchy look ...

On a dark foggy night

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