The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

August 26th, 2007

August 26th, 2007

War Wounds, Part 3

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Title: War Wounds, Part 3
Rating: PG-13 for pre-slash and concepts
Summary: two war casualties meet in St. Mungo's. Can they aid each other while the rest of the world goes on its way?
Note: this is DH-compatible. I expect there to be 2-3 more sections
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This is it! The last reminder that sign-ups for Snupin Santa will close TOMORROW at midnight, EST. I'll begin matching up participants on Tuesday morning, so anyone who wants to participate but hasn't left a request is going to be SOL (and honestly, I can't guarantee there will be fest next year; not that I don't love running it - I do - but there's no telling where I'll be, what state the fandom/the ship will be in, etc. in a year's time, so if you want to participate, this is the time to do it).

If you've been on the fence or wibbling over your request or if you've made a request and want to make any changes to it, NOW is the time to act. Sign-ups are still open HERE and will remain so for only another 34 hours or so.

The count-down is on!

Spoiler Fest Prompts and Sign-ups!

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All right, it's time to get our September-October Fest underway! If you remember, this is a Fest filled with Spoilers, so do not click the cut-tag if you haven't read Deathly Hallows. Many thanks to [info]mnemosyne_1 and [info]aunty_marion for prompt list organization, ideas and beta!

Spoiler Fest Rules and Prompts under the cut.... )

Final deadline for all posts for this fest is October 31. You may begin posting, however, as soon as you have something, if you haven't signed up for a week in October.

love, lore

P.S. If you need this post in alternative formats, especially if you use a reader, please let me know and include an email address and I'll send you a version that isn't in a table. Thanks!

Drabble: Not a Total Loss

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Title: Not a Total Loss
Author: Sweet Melody
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Category: Drabble
Summary: Snape finds unexpected comfort.
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I do not own. Please don’t sue.

Not a Total Loss )
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