January 26th, 2010

[info]ellid in [info]lupin100

Title: A Night on the Town, VII
Challenge: the Dursleys [info]snape100, myths [info]lupin100
Word Count: 100

"Dudley Dursley is a professional boxer," said Remus faintly. He gulped down half his pint. "Harry's great lump of a cousin."

"Not such a great lump as all that." Severus stared at the huge, perfectly muscled man striding into the boxing ring. "Not my type, but not the obese little sod Potter used to whine about."

The Killer Whale swirled a cape stitched with Native American gods from his shoulders and raised his meaty arms. The crowd roared its approval as he turned in a circle.

"Harry never told me Dudley had taken up boxing." Remus signaled for another pint.