June 11th, 2009

[info]ellid in [info]lupin100

Title: Presentation
Challenges: Mercury (Hermes) [info]snape100, chocolate [info]lupin100
Rating: G
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Word Count: 100

"…the reformulated Wolfsbane is, therefore, manifestly a success." Severus looked to the back of the ballroom and nodded. "The addition of detoxified mercury salts and unsweetened cacao powder alleviates the worst skeletal damage caused by the monthly transformation - "

tick tick tickety tick tick

" - which lessens wear and tear on the lycanthrope's joints."

tick tick scramble leap

"This reduces the lycanthrope's dependence on analgesics for minor discomfort from osteoarthritis. "

nuzzle yip

Severus paused to scratch Moony's ears. The crowd had gone silent as they realized just what, and who, had leapt onto the stage.

"Any questions?"