May 11th, 2009

[info]red_day_dawning in [info]lupin100

Always coming home: Remus/Severus.

Title: Always Coming Home.
Author: red_day_dawning
Prompt: Remus takes a vacation
Pairing: Remus/Severus
Rating: Gen
Warning/s: Character death
Disclaimer: JKR owns all recognizable charcters etc.
Word count: 100

Always Coming Home

"Thanks for looking after the place while I was gone."
"Did'ja have a good holiday, Mr Lupin?"
"Yes. It was lovely seeing the kids, Harry and Ginny. Good to be home, though," Remus said, looking past the pale stones burnished in the sunset, to the single black obilisk.
Waving a quick farewell, Remus walked briskly to the obilisk. Sitting himself on the edge of the grave, he leaned forward to gently trace the outline of the inscribed name with roughened fingertips.
"Hello, my love, I'm home. Missed you," he whispered, pressing his face to cold black stone.
"Always miss you."