May 2nd, 2009

[info]christophem in [info]lupin100


Title: Existentialism
By: Brr (on DW), Christophem (IJ/LJ)
Pairing: Remus/Fenrir
Word count: 100
Rated: PG-13?
Challenge: #244

Fenrir remembers many things. He remembers a tiny child, carefully dressed, picking his way across a freshly mowed lawn. He remembers the surge of disgust in him at the sight. The salacious need to bite and destroy that cleanliness.

A werewolf is the filthiest of creatures.

But after the bite, Lupin was unstained, immaculate, a puritan treasuring books and order.

The lust to annihilate remained in Fenrir. Another grew.

Now Fenrir finds Lupin alone, a boy of twelve, sleeping in the shack after a full moon. He reaches, fingers bent like claws. His hands shake. His heart stops. Remus wakes.

[info]scribbulus_ink in [info]lupin100

Prompt #245

NOTE: Due to modly RL stuff, this prompt will run for two weeks rather than one. A new prompt will be posted on Saturday, May 16. For that reason, I'm giving more options than usual.

All prompt posts are cross-posted to Lupin100 on IJ, Lupin100 on LJ, and Lupin100 on DW.

Tags: the LJ, IJ, and DW communities all have author/artist and pairing tags now. If a tag you need isn't on the list, leave me a comment, and I'll add it asap. There aren't any tags for individual challenges. You can see the tag list for IJ here, LJ here, and DW here. More will be added on an as-needed basis. Please don't forget to tag your entries with both author/artist and pairing (or gen)!

Drawbles are welcome!

Prompt #245:
1) Lupin takes a holiday

2) Remus/Bill

3) Remus/Fleur

You may use just one or mix and match any/all of the three choices.