April 6th, 2009

[info]ellid in [info]lupin100

Title: Interrupted Picnic
Challenges: "A jug of wine, a loaf of bread - and SNAPE?" [info]snape100, Remus/Narcissa <lj user=lupin100? Note: DH references but not compatible. Also, Lucius is a dirty cad ;). "Thank you for accepting my invitation," said Remus. He carefully lifted Narcissa over the stile. "You're welcome," she said. "This is lovely." Remus offered his arm. "Andromeda is quite the matchmaker." "Yes, quite." Narcissa settled onto the picnic cloth as Remus unpacked their meal. "Lucius - " "Isn't worthy of you," said Remus. "'A jug of wine, a loaf of bread and - '" A raven dropped a scroll into Narcissa's lap. She gasped at the handwriting. "He's - oh Remus!" "If he's not dead, he will be soon." Remus stood up and glared. "Snape? Come out and show yourself!"