Jul. 16th, 2010


Date: 17 July 2010
Characters: Sirius Black, Cosette Myriel
Location: The Three Broomsticks
Private/Public: Private
Rating: PG-13 for Language
Summary: Sirius gets ready to go walk around town and sees something very unexpected.
Completion: In progress

You, you got me going again
I swear Ill never have enough time
To ever get you out of my mind
Now, Im stuck here in the past
With all the memories of me and you
And all those things we used to do )

May. 30th, 2010


When the wheels come down

Date: 29 May 2010 (backdated)
Characters: Cosette Myriel and Emmeline Vance
Location: Cosette's room.
Private/Public: Private
Rating: Can't see it being very high, watch for a little swearing on Emmy's part.
Summary: Emmeline is getting to the bottom of things and Cosette is going to help.
Completion: In progress

and you feel like it's all over, there's another round for you. )

May. 29th, 2010


Date: 28 March 2010 (Backdated)
Characters: Lily Potter and Fiona Smith
Location: Once of Lily's secret spots and she's glad it's already there in 2010.
Private/Public: Private
Rating: PG-13 for possible language. Lily isn't as innocent as she likes to play at.
Summary: Lily and Fiona decide to sneak out.
Completion: In progress

Behind the... next to the... )