Jun. 10th, 2010


I'm over my head

Date: 3 June 2010 (backdated)
Characters: Connor Moran and Cam Alverez
Location: The Hogs Head bathroom
Private/Public: Private
Rating: R, just because they both swear like sailors.
Summary: Cam tells Connor some unsettling news and he doesn't take it all that well.
Completion: Completed.

out of my head )

Jun. 8th, 2010


How about just a little

Date: 8 June 2010
Characters: Aine Troy and open!
Location: In the middle of Hogsmeade
Private/Public: Public
Rating: TBD will change as needed.
Summary: Aine decides enough is enough so she goes outside and runs into someone.
Completion: In progress

peace of mind )