Jul. 15th, 2010


Becarful what you wish for...

Date: 15 July 2010, afternoon
Characters: Murphy Moran and Dominique Weasley
Location: Room 212 of the Hogsmeade Inn (Dom and Vic's room)
Private/Public: Private
Rating: PG-13, probably for language.
Summary: Dominique discovers something this morning and she's not exactly thrilled about it.
Completion: In progress

Son of a biscuit. )

May. 30th, 2010


You make me dizzy

Date: 30 May 2010, morning
Characters: Murphy Moran and Dominique Weasley
Location: Murphy's room
Private/Public: Private
Rating: PG-13, probalby for language.
Summary: Dominique finally gets to go see Murphy.
Completion: In progress

running circles in my head )