Jun. 10th, 2010


I'm over my head

Date: 3 June 2010 (backdated)
Characters: Connor Moran and Cam Alverez
Location: The Hogs Head bathroom
Private/Public: Private
Rating: R, just because they both swear like sailors.
Summary: Cam tells Connor some unsettling news and he doesn't take it all that well.
Completion: Completed.

out of my head )

May. 28th, 2010


Connor meet Dorcas

Who: Dorcas Meadowes and Connor Moran
What: Both Connor and Dorcas meet under rather strange circumstances.
Where: Hogsmeade Station.
Rating: PG-13, if only for Connor's potty mouth.
Public/Private: Public
Complete/Incomplete: Compelte

This wasn't right... )