p a x
l e t a l e
At Pax Letale, an awakening has begun. As these gods rediscover themselves and each other, the seemingly invisible but ubiquitous management tracks each of them quite closely, and the very building itself seems to have an agenda of its own. And as the gods made humans in their own image - or humans made them in theirs - so will the the behavior of the people of Pax turn as dark as their deities. Blood, strife, sex, petty plots, torture - even murder will wind their ways into Pax Letale.

Posts Tagged: 'meme'

Jul. 26th, 2011



They Made Me Do It

The result of one off-handed comment in a chat room. Dee, I hope you see this.

... )

Edit 2: I added ones I could think of, and then I ran out of steam. If you have an idea for your character, by all means, make it and post it! Or if you don't have photoshop/a program equivalent, then make a comment and I can do it for you!

Aug. 29th, 2010



So it's been a long time since anything has been posted in here, so I thought I'd kick something off because I'm bored senseless!

So it's a Meme time! And the meme in particular will be Never Have I Ever....

So. I really don't now exactly how this should work. But. I figure you post a comment with a "Never have I ever..." and fill it in with something that your character has or has not done and then wacky conversations ensue. Or at least that's how it goes in my head.

Feel free to make as many threads as you'd like! No limit to the chaos!

Aug. 6th, 2010


As a last hurrah, have my crackiest meme yet. I take no credit for it because I saw it on another game's meme list and decided it was too funny not to do. Been saving it for awhile. Pax people, get your asses over here too and we can have some cross-game hilarity :D


Aug. 3rd, 2010



Okay. Meme-time which is more of a Kore-thinks-things-too-much-time.

We've all gotten a chance to play straight-up fable/literary/fairytale stuff and include a fair amount of interaction (and interpretation) between incarnate and fable. So, adding in Pax kids as well, who here has any specific head-canon for their kids' stories?

Aug. 1st, 2010


So lately I've been thinking about superheroes, because they are awesome. And I got to wondering. What would our Bellum kids be like in a Superhero Universe?

Here's your task! Post on your character's journal with his or her superhero story. Assume an AU that's similar to the Marvel/DC world of masked heroes. They can be a hero, a villain, an unaffiliated person, or some combination of the three. Give us a backstory and a name, hell, describe their costume if you're bored! I want to see how awesome Bellum would look in colorful tights.

But wait, there's more! )

Jul. 22nd, 2010



I'm making a formal request for less angst today. Via meme-age.

Cliff, Shag, Marry Version 2.0. We haven't done it in awhile :D If you weren't here below, comment with your characters in seperate comments with their name in the header. Go and reply to them with three options to Cliff, Shag, or Marry. Repeat the last step as many times as you like xDD

Rules - if you respond to the post please try and respond to other people. It's a two-way street. You can give three options as many times as you like. What happens in the squee comm, stays in the squee comm unless all muns say otherwise.

...I think that's it.

Jul. 21st, 2010



I like memes and I cannot lie

Here's a simple one - how did you settle on your character(s)' pb? Did you have a back-up option? WHAT'S THE STORY WISHBONE?


Yeah off-topic but Wishbone was the best thing ever in my childhood. And it was my first introduction to Phantom of the Opera. Launched a fear that lasted about ten years. Whee. Random fact about Kore you probably didn't really need to know.

Distract me from the bad things Luther is doing, please?

Jul. 14th, 2010


I just found this meme. I thought it was cool :D A bit morbid, but cool.

Answer IC and for Pax/Bellum.


Jul. 13th, 2010


Okay, because memes are like yummy crack, I have another fix for you all. Here's how it works:

1) Comment below with each of your characters a single comment in their own journal.
2) Other players comment OOC with a single sentence they think describes your character(s).

Simple, right? Have fun! This is game for Pax as well as Bellum.
Tags: ,

Jul. 8th, 2010



So guys, I’m out for the next couple of hours because as you may have heard me complain – there’s no AC at the house I’m staying at. I decided however, a meme was in order. This is a meme, I’ve actually put away and been meaning to do for awhile – but didn’t have a good time or felt weird about it.

Considering the recent emails, news, and talking, I decided it was time.

Click me. )




Okay, so because tomorrow is Friday and I am already suffering from weekend!brain, I'm going to do a Thing. Yes, a Thing. It's not hard but I think it'll be fun. Directions:

- Comment here and I'll give you a song that reminds me of your character. Pax and Bellum, either or!

If you have multiple ones, that's fine. You can put it all in one comment or you can spam me, IDGAF. :D And we'll all get some music and music is love!

And because I will never find this NOT to be funny )

I'm sorry, but I just can't help myself!
Tags: ,

Jun. 17th, 2010



Simple meme. Ten facts list about your character(s). Themes are up to you and people can assign them, if they like. They can be as silly or heartbreaking as you like. Just go-go-go.

And yes, feel free to do this for both Pax and Bellum. :D

Jun. 13th, 2010




Reply with your characters and everyone will give a five things list, whether it be five people Luther would kill if the law allowed it or five secrets Joss has. Go-go-go!

May. 23rd, 2010



I lied. You guys get a meme. Again.

This one's pretty simple. You might have seen this go around before, but you simply fill in the table with the appropriate icons (sample, unfilled under the cut as well as the html in a box.) Sound good?

Click me! )

May. 19th, 2010



It came to my attention that a meme would be an excellent way to procrastinate spend non-logging time during this event. :D

So, this meme is a cross between that Cliff/Shag/Marry that you all liked and the IC meme. Reply to this post with a blank comment for each of your characters and another character will respond with a number or numbers from the list below the cut. Then you reply in-character and so on! Keep the meme love going, feel free to spam and ask multiple characters multiple questions and etc.

One for the money - two for the show - three to get ready, now GO CAT GO- )

May. 16th, 2010



Okay, so it's been a few days since we had a meme. Which means that I'm going through withdrawal. So I'm posting my first meme here in Bellum!

I want to know which TV or movie characters your Bellum babies would be if they were on the silver screen. Nobody that their PB has played though - that's too easy.

If you have suggestions for other people, post them too!

No, I did not think of this after too many House marathons wherein I decided that Luther is totally Dr. House, what are you saying.

May. 11th, 2010



I decided that the best way to procrastinate on studying is a meme. I'll be fine >.> Besides, people enjoy my spamming supposedly :D I'll keep doing it anyway

It's more evil than it looks. )

May. 6th, 2010



So, I'm having trouble with IJ. And instead of just making a post asking hey guys, if I leave a tag smack me? I thought I'd just combine this with a meme-question thing.

Because it's fun. Or something like that.

Anyway it's just a question - what's the story behind your character(s)'s username? What made you pick it? Did you have a runner up idea?

Pretty much anything goes :D

FIRST. Or if I don't take part this would look a bit silly. )

May. 4th, 2010



IC Meme!

So, we've never done one of these. I think. IN ANY CASE WE ARE DOING ONE BECAUSE THEY ARE FUN.

Short of it - have your characters fill out the questions below. IC, characters can reply IC, or you can reply ooc. Anything goes xDD

And yes, this is total crack.

Mar. 9th, 2010



Memeeeeeeeeeeee question thingy

So, I used to pick character name's based on randomness and how they sounded. However for awhile, name choices tend to have a deeper meaning. Lots of time on sites like Behind The Name. Anyway I was wondering...

If there's a story behind your characer(s)'s name(s), what is it? 

And I might as well go first...
