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Jul. 20th, 2008


"Brand New Day", FF7

Title: Brand New Day
Author: Cephy
Rating: PG
Word count: 370
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII - Zack/Aeris/Cloud/Tifa - Happy endings - Sometimes, things needed to be made right.
A/N: Set at the end of Advent Children. Also, I rambled again-- sorry.

The water didn't feel like water. )

Jul. 15th, 2008


It Runs In the Family - FFVII (Zack/Cloud)

Title: It Runs In the Family
Author: [info]cleflink
Rating: G *sigh*
Word count: 1250
Prompt: Zack/Cloud - AU - "You're the General's little brother?"

Summary: Actually, I think the prompt pretty well covers it.

All things considered, Zack was just surprised he hadn't found out sooner )


Unexpected Urges, Final Fantasy VII, (Sephiroth/Zack/Cloud)

Title: Unfamiliar Urges
Author: jessara40k
Rating: NWS/NC17
Warnings: Threesome, double penetration, intersex character
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII - Sephiroth/Zack/Cloud - mating/ in heat - “His scent is hard to ignore.”

Sorry about the early posting, but I won't have internet access tomorrow or the day after, so I figured I'd post now rather than two days late.

This had never happened before, it had taken Zack and Cloud a year each to work their way into his trust enough for him to feel any interest in them, before that he’d thought he was simply asexual, because of his fucked up biology. )

Jul. 14th, 2008


Hazards of Having Kids Serve You Food, FFVII (Sephiroth/Zack/Cloud)

Title:  Hazards of Having Kids Serve You Food
Author:  yami_no_tenshi
Rating:  NWS/NC17
Words: 1580
Disclaimer: Blame of Anthroverse goes to [info]ciceqi
Prompt:  Sephiroth/Zack/Cloud(Wildcard!Sephiroth/Wolf!Zack/Chocobo!Cloud) - Anthro/Aphrodisiacs - Someone slipped Cloud some Carob nuts without his knowledge and Sephiroth and Zack deal with the results.

Jul. 13th, 2008


This is Home Too, Final Fantasy VII, Cloud/Tifa

Title: This is Home Too
Author: [info]amphigories
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Word count: ~2,200
Summary: Tifa has helped Cloud through his bad memories, but sometimes she needs help with hers.
Prompt: July 13, Slow, reverent sex--welcome home
A/N: I'm so sorry! I got the home part and the sex part, but not quite the "slow, reverent" part. I hope it's still okay.

Sometimes it's like this too. )

Jul. 12th, 2008


The Keys to My Unfettered Self, Final Fantasy VII, (Loz/Yazoo)

Title: The Keys to My Unfettered Self
Author/Artist: Lalaithial
Rating: R
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII – Loz/Yazoo – philosophy – “Everyone underestimates your intelligence -- and that, dear brother, is what makes you dangerous.”
Summary: Yazoo has never fully understood what place a self defined by beauty could have in a world of conquest. Loz proposes to teach him.
A/N: Apologies for the lateness.


Jul. 10th, 2008


Of Solace - FFVII (Sephiroth, Zack)

Title: Of Solace
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Word count: 840
Prompt: Sephiroth/Zack - nightmares - lay your headdown/go to sleep/to the rhythm of the war drums
A/N: A little late, sorry!

Summary: Patience. Friendship. Quiet. What more do you need to chase the bad dreams away?

Sephiroth was awake even before the knock came )


The Meaning of the Word, Final Fantasy VII (Rude/Reno)

Title: The Meaning of the Word
Author: joudama
Fandom: Final Fantasy 7
Rating: worksafe
Warnings: bad werdz, yay! *hearts Reno*
Word count: 1,165
Summary: Sometimes, having a limited vocabulary is a good thing.
Prompt: Rude/Reno - Injury/Escape - ", yo."
A/N: None! :D

The Meaning of the Word )

Jul. 7th, 2008


Wanna Wake Up With You, Final Fantasy VII (Cloud/Rufus)

Title: Wanna Wake Up With You
Author/Artist: [info]gardensgnome
Rating: M
Warnings: nekkidness pfft
Word count: 822
Summary: Rufus should not answer phones first thing in the morning
A/N: Mmm Rufus and Cloud = yummy!
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII - Rufus/Cloud - quasi-incest - "Just look at us."

Wanna wake up with you )


The Scorched-Earth Policy, Final Fantasy 7 (Genesis/Sephiroth/Angeal)

Title: The Scorched-Earth Policy
Author: joudama
Fandom: Final Fantasy 7 (Crisis Core)
Rating: worksafe-ish
Warnings: This started out crack, and then the middle grew, like, a plot 'n' shit and got all deep. Then the crack came back! With exhibitionism for flavor.
Word count: 5,584
Summary: There were some sounds that Sephiroth never wanted to hear. Ever.
Prompt: Genesis/Sephiroth/Angeal - Brake Failure - "This. Cannot. Be."
A/N: What I know about cars is pretty much limited to "you put gas in it and turn the key and it goes." Yes, I am a Packled. I'm OK with this.

This takes place well before Crisis Core, during the Wutai war, and Sephiroth, Genesis, and Angeal are about eighteen or nineteen. All the city names, I made up, but for those of you geography types: Wutai is split into five provinces (hence the "wu," which is "five"--and yes, I actually went to the Chinese wikipedia page for FF7 and dug the name out of the morass of Chinese characters); "Daerimmun" (Gate of Great Woods) is in the Chochung Province (in the middle part of Wutai), "Gingseng" (Border Castle) is on the border between Chochung and Gwongnaam to its north, and "Nankyo" (Southern Capital) is in the Yamato Province in the south (...dur) and was the old capital of Wutai long, long ago (also, dur). I, um, kinda like writing Wutai, if you hadn't noticed. ^^;;

Oh, and *kissieface*, I love you, Gacktesis~ *kissieface* >:D heh heh heh.

The Scorched-Earth Policy )

Jul. 4th, 2008


"Instinct", FF7, Vincent/Cid

Title: Instinct
Author: Cephy
Rating: R
Word count: 650
Prompt: Vincent/Cid - xeno – he never feels quite human, even when he looks it
A/N: I swear this idea was more cohesive before I started writing it down. ^^;

Of the four, it was the least human and therefore the most ruled by instinct. )


[Fic][Less than saintly][FF7:CC] Angeal/Sephiroth

Title: Less than saintly
Author/Artist: [info]pleiades
Rating: R
Warnings: Sex, swearing
Word count: 1276
Summary: Angeal tells Zack the story of what happened to Genesis's Loveless book.
A/N: Late, as usual, but enjoy! FTR, I laughed my ass off while writing this. Prompt: July 2--Final Fantasy VII - Angeal/Seph - office sex - desecrating Genesis's Loveless book

Read more... )

Jul. 2nd, 2008


Purple, Final Fantasy VII (Cid/Vincent)

Title: Purple
Author/Artist: [info]gardensgnome
Rating: M+ for swearing & nuditity
Warnings: Cid swearing...a lot
Word count: 1890
Summary: Cid gets a very unexpected late night visit
A/N: Not precisely Vincent/Cid but it could still go that way :3
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII, Vincent/Cid: Demons - $#%*@-ing purple fur is hard to explain off the &$%ing sheets.

Purple )

Jul. 1st, 2008


Aharit ha-yamim, Final Fantasy 7 (Aerith/Sephiroth)

Title: Aharit ha-yamim
Author: joudama
Fandom: Final Fantasy 7
Rating: PG
Warnings: Worksafe! But maybe not so very keeping-brain-unbent-safe. ^^;;
Word count: 1,235
Summary: In the end, he would be the one who stood in the flames of the end of days, the planet at his feet.
Prompt: Sephiroth/Aeris - healing - Lights will guide you home/And ignite your bones/And I will try to fix you.
Author's Notes )

Aharit ha-yamim: The End of Days )

Mar. 29th, 2008


Da'at, Final Fantasy VII (Loz/Yazoo/Kadaj)

Title: Da'at
Author: stopthatgirl7
Rating: R
Word count: 1,118 (excluding A/N)
Prompt: March 29 - Final Fantasy VII, Loz/Yazoo/Kadaj: Clonesex/Blurry sense-of-self - "The finest thing in the world is knowing how to belong to oneself."
Summary: Reunion will make you whole.
The A/N. )


Reunion will make you whole. )

Mar. 28th, 2008


Shevirat ha-kelim, Final Fantasy VII (Sephiroth/Cloud)

Title: Shevirat ha-kelim
Author: stopthatgirl7
Rating: R
Word count: 1,713 (not including A/N)
Summary: Rejoice, for in some way, you shall be the ruler of this world.
Original prompt: March 28th - Final Fantasy VII, Sephiroth/Cloud: sensory overload - "the earth opened up and promised him the stars" (yay, timezones!)
A/N:This is the prequel (of sorts) to "Malkhut" that I mentioned before.

The rest of the notes. )


Rejoice, for you shall be the ruler of this world. )

Mar. 24th, 2008


Not Love, Final Fantasy VII, Cloud/Tifa

Title: Not Love
Author/Artist: [info]gardensgnome
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: err het? I write yaoi usually so het is my warning ;)
Word count: 431
Summary: Just a little romp in the kitchen
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII, Cloud/Tifa: rough sex, spontaneous sex (anywhere but bed) - It wasn't love, but she didn't care
A/N: I don't write het so I actually think this may be my first het smexing scene...may have to check that. I blame the prompt *nods* It showed me an image and the mind said write it. Thanks to Kalli for the quick read.

Not Love )

Mar. 22nd, 2008


Final Fantasy VII, Aerith/Sephiroth

Title: Soft
Author: [info]shiegra
Fandom: FFVII
Pairing: Aerith/Sephiroth (sort of)
Rating: R

March 22: - Final Fantasy VII, Sephiroth/Aerith: Hair fetishization - soft and warm

Read more... )

Mar. 21st, 2008


Malkhut, Final Fantasy VII (Kadaj/Sephiroth)

Title: Malkhut
Author: joudama
Rating: PG!...ish
Word count: 2,112 (Oh, hey, cool!)
Summary: He is a vessel, a shell made only to hold the Word.
A/N: *puts on Joudama Explains It All hat* The title of this fic comes from the sephira Malkhut, which is the lowest point on the Tree of Life, and is according to some Kabbalistic thinking, the point above the Qliphoth (The Tree of Death, or the "shadow" of the Tree of Life, formed when the first imperfect vessels shattered because they couldn't contain the Word of God.) Highest above Malkhut in the Tree of Life is the highest of all the sephirot, Keter, which is only below the source of the sephirot, Ein Sof. Keter is pure consciousness, and is the point that crystallizes out of the Ein Sof, and commences the process of emanation of the Word.

But the funny thing of it is, Keter may be the highest sephira, but everything from the world below--namely, our reality--has to be filtered up through Malkhut to reach Keter, and anything coming from Keter can only be felt by those on the planes below when filtered and interpreted through Malkhut (which is why Malkhut is associated with the mouth and the power of speech.) *takes off Joudama Explains It All hat and sets it on fire*

Malkhut )

Mar. 20th, 2008


"Good Advice", Final Fantasy 7, Seph/cloud

Title:Good Advice
Author: Mitsuhachi
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Pairing: Sephiroth/Cloud
Rating: R
Length: 1,101
Prompt:Final Fantasy VII, Sephiroth/Cloud: Wet dreams or erotic dreams - "Nothing was more embarrassing than waking up in a full dorm, with your commander's name still on your lips."
A/N: Note to self: do not ever schedule yourself to write stories during midterm-week ever again. Huge apologies to anyone who expected this on the 11th.

Good Advice )

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December 2008




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