Nov. 28th, 2008


Tell Me Tonight, Suikoden III (Hugo/Lilly)

Title: Tell Me Tonight
Author/Artist: [info]catdevigri
Rating: PG
Prompt: Hugo/Lilly - masquerade ball - "You are dense. Why do you think I invited you to begin with?"
Word count: 1,890
Summary: Hugo attends an Independence Day ball in Tinto at the invitation of Lilly Pendragon.
This was his first time in Tinto. )

Nov. 11th, 2008


Porcelain Doll/Mirror Image, Suikoden III (Sasarai/Sarah)

Title: Porcelain Doll/Mirror Image
Author/Artist: [info]catdevigri
Rating: G
Warnings: None.
Prompt: Sasarai/Sarah - fancy dress-up ball - "Care for a dance?"
Word count: 1,311
Summary: Sasarai meets a mystery girl at a party.
A/N: This was really fun. I should write more Sasarai/Sarah in the future!
A wallflower and a social butterfly )

Nov. 10th, 2008


Faith Proves Nothing, Suikoden III (Albert/Sarah)

Title: Faith Proves Nothing
Author/Artist: [info]catdevigri
Rating: R
Warnings: Touching, foreplay
Prompt: Suikoden III - Albert/Sarah - restraint - faith proves nothing
Word count: 1,599
Summary: Albert and Sarah have different views concerning both Luc and love.
A/N: I'm not entirely satisfied with this... And some discussion of Luc/Sarah inevitably slips in.
Yes, no, maybe so. )

Nov. 3rd, 2008


Autobiographical Fictions, Suikoden III (Luc/Sarah)

Title: Autobiographical Fictions
Author: [info]catdevigri
Rating: PG
Warnings: None really.
Prompt: Suikoden III- Luc/Sarah- stolen moments- We breathe, we think, we conceive of our lives as narratives
Word count: 1,119
Summary: These are the molds Luc and Sarah have created for their lives.
I see it my way and you see it yours )

Jul. 3rd, 2008


Last Night, Suikoden III (Ayame/Chris)

Title: Last Night
Author: Person
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word count: 1639
Prompt: Suikoden III - Ayame/Chris - tracing scars - "you'll be gone tomorrow"

Chris was glad, of course, to be returning to her duties as a knight of Zexen after so long an absence, but she couldn't help but feel a little sorry that doing so required leaving Budehuc Castle behind. )

December 2008




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