Jul. 15th, 2008


Etymology (Digital Devil Saga, Roland/Argilla, Roland->Greg)

Title: Etymology
Author: [info]puella_nerdii
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Language, implied sexual content
Wordcount: 7,000
Prompt: Roland/Argilla - education - the pursuit of memory
A/N: So late. D: And apologies for deviations from the prompt. This, um, kind of went its own way. Roland's last name was [info]mithrigil's idea first.

Etymology )

Jul. 12th, 2008


Work of Art, Saiyuki (Gojyo/Hakkai)

Title: Work of Art
Author/Artist: [info]purkledragon
Rating: G
Word count: 175
Summary: Sometimes the form provides the words.
A/N: July 10: Saiyuki – Gojyo/Hakkai – hot wax – “Let’s spice things up a bit.”

art from love )


Rooftop, Air Gear (Kaito/Yayoi)

Title: Rooftop
Author/Artist: [info]shiegra
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: consent issues out the wazoo
Word count: 1329
Prompt: Air Gear - Kaito/Yayoi - wall sex - looks can be deceiving

Read more... )

Jul. 11th, 2008


There's going to be a downside, Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro (Higuchi/Yako)

Title: There's going to be a downside
Author/Artist: [info]shiegra
Rating: R
Word count: 332
Prompt: Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro - Higuchi/Yako - intoxication - "he will worry about guilt and conscience later"

Read more... )

Jul. 10th, 2008


Good Dog, Final Fantasy XII (Basch/Vossler)

Title: Good Dog
Author: [info]threewalls
Rating: NWS
WC: 630
Warnings: puppy-play
Summary: "Gamboge's more than enough chocobo in my life, but I could use a dog."

A/N: This isn't what I originally planned to do with this prompt (but it's happier!), so the icon's a bit more tangentially related than it would have been. With thanks to [info]lynndyre for beta and hand-holding.

Prompt: Final Fantasy XII - Basch/Vossler - D/s - "You're still wearing the collar."

Good Dog )


Leverage, (Albel/Cliff)

Title: Leverage
Author: [info]chichirinoda
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Smut ^_^
Summary: I think the prompt sums it up well enough that there's no need for any further summary: Star Ocean: Till the end of time - Cliff/Albel - touching/voyeurism - Cliff watches Albel touch himself in his sleep.

Then I guess you'll just have to give in. )


"Appetizer," Persona 3 (Shinjiro/Akihiko)

Title: Appetizer
Author: Laylah
Rating: not worksafe
Word count: ~800
Prompt: Persona 3 - Shinjiro/Akihiko - blowjob - kiss the cook
A/N: This is set a few months after Memento, my Yuletide 2007 story. That one has ending spoilers, but it's where I do my homework to explain how they get to this point. This story doesn't make any references to game events, so it's pretty much spoiler-free. ...also it's probably not compatible with FES, which I still haven't had time to play.

Appetizer )


fortitude, [ffxii/ffx, basch/kimahri]

Fandom: Crossover FFX/FFXII
Title: Fortitude
Rating/Warning: R/Xeno
Characters/Pairing: Basch/Kimahri
Other: for kinkfest prompt ‘Kimahri/Basch, xeno - unexpected but not unwelcome’


The Meaning of the Word, Final Fantasy VII (Rude/Reno)

Title: The Meaning of the Word
Author: joudama
Fandom: Final Fantasy 7
Rating: worksafe
Warnings: bad werdz, yay! *hearts Reno*
Word count: 1,165
Summary: Sometimes, having a limited vocabulary is a good thing.
Prompt: Rude/Reno - Injury/Escape - "...partners, yo."
A/N: None! :D

The Meaning of the Word )


Role and Duty, Death Note (Light/Misa)

I usually try to post at night so this matches the dates in the west a little better, but I won't be getting home until midnight or close to tonight, so. It's the 10th where I am? ^^;

Title: Role and Duty
Fandom: Death Note
Rating: not worksafe
Warnings: Sex, but of the rather unsexy variety. Also, bukkake.
Word count: 943
Summary: It is his role and his duty, but he will make her as dirty as he feels.
A/N: *buries face in hands* I have lived in Japan too long and have no idea what the correct word for "yokuzai" is in English. I went with "bath pellet," but if any of you know the right word for the things you put in the bath to scent the water, I would love to know, because it's not in my dictionary, and I was ready to just cry because, oh god, my native language, I'm losing my native language.
Prompt: Light/Misa - domestic responsibility - Even though he is the one to initiate, Light cannot help but feel befouled.

Role and Duty )

December 2008




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