October 1st, 2007

[info]writerzilch in [info]kinkfest

[fic] "Small Comfort", Saiyuki (Gojyo/Hakkai)

I'm SO sorry this is being posted so late. IJ was giving me more problems than I wanted to deal with twice yesterday, and then... yeah. I shouldn't leave my fic-writing for the last minute, I really shouldn't. Anyway.

Title: Small Comfort
Author: [info]writerzilch
Rating: PG
Warnings: None! Worksafe.
Summary: It's been a rainy, cold, and totally miserable day.
A/N: I like how this came out. It's more of a mood-piece than anything, really, but I'm pleased with the narration.

Small Comfort )

[info]skeren in [info]kinkfest

Final Fantasy Seven (Zack/Yuffie)

Title: Long Road Around
Author: [info]skeren
Rating: PG, cussingish
Warnings: None, unless you have something against fix-it styled fics.
Word count: 3620
Prompt: Seduction - She hadn't realized that -her- Zack was his Zack. Though she did once the man had come back from the grave.
Note: I'm so sorry this was late, I thought it was due a few days after it actually was, but I got it done! Also, this is set post DoC. I also know loster is not a word. Yuffie disagreed.

Zack was a common name )

[info]skeren in [info]kinkfest

Final Fantasy Seven (Seph/Cloud)

Title: Remembered
Author: [info]skeren
Rating: G
Warnings: Tis a post death fic.
Word count: 559
Prompt: Absence makes the heart grow fonder - "I never realized how much I missed you."

He was stubborn )

[info]pleiades in [info]kinkfest

fic, Flurry of Unexpected, Kingdom Hearts 2, Axel/Saix

Title: Flurry of Unexpected
Author Pleiades
Rating: Pg-13
Wordcount 312
Warnings: implied killings because Axel is mean
Prompt Kingdom Hearts, Axel/any: fireplay - it's fear, more than pain, that brings the rush Sept 20th
Notes: Sorry so late. Anyway, this came out differently than I thought it would.

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December 2008



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