September 30th, 2007

[info]sheffiesharpe in [info]kinkfest

"On Common Ground," FFXII (Zecht/Zargabaath)

Title: On Common Ground
Author: [info]sheffisharpe
Fandom: FFXII
Characters: Zecht/Zargabaath
Rating: NSFW
Length: 5000 words
Prompt: "Fencing: a series of endless feints, and the truth behind them."
A/N: This did all kinds of things it wasn't supposed to do, like be pre-game by more than twenty years, refuse to be a literal go at the prompt, go on forever, and get finished late. Apologies, dear prompter.

There is a new candidate for the judiciary in Zargabaath’s class. )

[info]puella_nerdii in [info]kinkfest

Bad Cop (Final Fantasy VII, Rude/Reno)

Title: Bad Cop
Author: [info]puella_nerdii
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: explicit m/m sex. Against a wall. Also interrogation. And language. And Reno.
Wordcount: 1,715
Prompt: teamwork - "let's clock out early"
A/N: I definitely took the "paired" approach here. Apologies for the lateness.

Bad Cop )

[info]ladyofshadow in [info]kinkfest

FFVII (Sephiroth/Kadaj)

Title: Within
Author: Ladyofshadow
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Word count: 115
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, Sephiroth/Kadaj: angst and comfort - “Mother loves you best!”

Within )

[info]sheffiesharpe in [info]kinkfest

"moves not up, but down," FFXII (Basch/Vossler)

Title: moves not up, but down
Author: [info]sheffiesharpe
Fandom: FFXII
Characters: Basch/Vossler
Rating: NSFW
Length: 1500 words
Prompt: “Leather: no shame, no hesitation”
A/N: Apologies: a day late. I blame the last prompt for that.

The boots are one of the few things he still has from home. )

[info]guiltyred in [info]kinkfest

FFVII (Sephiroth/Kadaj)

Title: Just Stop
Author: GuiltyRed

Warnings: none
Word count: 435
Summary: While Sephiroth is busy fighting Cloud, Kadaj has an unexpected revelation.
Prompt: September 30 – #8. Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, Sephiroth/Kadaj: angst and comfort – “Mother loves you best!”
A/N: I’d always wondered why, at the end, Sephiroth just hovered there and accepted Cloud’s attack. Perhaps this is why.

Just Stop )

[info]manga_queen in [info]kinkfest

"Rendezvous",Transformers G1 (Starscream/Rodimus)

Title: "Rendezvous"
Author: [info]manga_queen
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Bondage and implications.
Prompt: 24. Transformers G1, Starscream/Rodimus Prime: illicit meetings - "bondage is hoarse and may not speak aloud"
A/N: I'm sorry it's so late. School got in the way.

bondage is hoarse and may not speak aloud )

[info]guiltyred in [info]kinkfest

Harry Potter (George Weasley)

Title: In Loving Memory
Author: GuiltyRed

Warnings: spoilers for the book; reference to masturbation and twincest
Word count: 198
Summary: In which a lone twin communes with the dead.
Prompt: September 30 – #15. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, George Weasley: Solo – "I'm Fred. Honestly, Mother, can't you tell us apart?"
A/N: It’s not a typo.  ~_^

[info]manga_queen in [info]kinkfest

"Prank Gone Wrong", Transformers G1 (any combination)

Title: "Prank Gone Wrong"
Author: [info]manga_queen
Rating: NC-17 (to be safe)
Warning: Red Alert being molested by four other characters.
Summary: Sideswipe and Sunstreaker had been trying to prank Jazz and Prowl with one of Wheeljack's "inventions", and it backfired. Poor Red Alert just happened to show up at that point in time.
Prompt: 20. Transformers G1, any combination: aphrodisiac or sex virus - "They've all gone mad!"
A/N: I'm sorry it's so late. School got in the way,

They've all gone mad! )

[info]manga_queen in [info]kinkfest

"A Little R&R", Transformers G1

Title: "A Little R&R"
Author: [info]manga_queen
Rating: NC-17 (to be safe)
Warning: Skywarp and Thundercracker having some fun with Starscream
Prompt: 26. Transformers, Starscream/Skywarp/Thundercracker: 2-on-1 seduction - a little distraction for the commander.
A/N: I'm sorry it's so late. School got in the way. Umm...all three kinda look the same, so Starscream's the one in the middle, Skywarp is in front and Thundercracker is in the back.

a little distraction for the commander. )

[info]allira_dream in [info]kinkfest

Hold You Back. [Yami no Matsuei, Hisoka/Tsuzuki.]

Title: Hold You Back.
Author: [info]allira_dream
Rating: NC17.
Warnings: None.
Word count: 580.
Summary: Hisoka knows that it's impossible to promise forever.
Prompt: Yami no Matsuei, Tsuzuki/Hisoka: trust – “I finally understood the word ‘partner.’”

Hold You Back. )

December 2008



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