September 25th, 2007

[info]guiltyred in [info]kinkfest

Little Shop of Horrors (Seymour/Audrey II)

Title: Feed Me Now!
Author: GuiltyRed

Warnings: Tentacles and bodily fluids
Word count: 589
Summary: Seymour’s running out of blood, and Audrey II is still hungry: what to do?
Prompt: September 25 – #14. Little Shop of Horrors, Seymour/Audrey II: Tentacle sex - "Feed me, Seymour!"
A/N: I’d apologize for the crack, but it was just too much fun.  ^____^;;

[info]allira_dream in [info]kinkfest

Almost Like a Fairytale. [Fruits Basket. Yuki/Tohru]

Title: Almost Like a Fairytale.
Author: [info]allira_dream
Rating: G.
Warnings: None.
Word count: 409.
Summary: Yuki was going to kill Ayame. Purple ribbons?!
Prompt: Fruits Basket, Yuki/Tohru - crossdressing, charity auction: "It won't be so embarrassing if you're not the only one, will it?"
Notes: Sorry! I've been having internet troubles.

Almost Like a Fairytale. )

[info]allira_dream in [info]kinkfest

Between a Man and a Butterfly. [Loveless, Ritsuka/Soubi]

Title: Between a Man and a Butterfly.
Author: [info]allira_dream
Rating: PG13/R.
Warnings: None.
Word count: 750 words.
Summary: It's all about what we choose: Ritsuka's ears or Ritsuka's touch, one dream or another.
Prompt: Loveless, Soubi/Ritsuka: Virginity - butterflies

Between a Man and a Butterfly. )

[info]quaedam in [info]kinkfest

ART: Death Note (Light/L)

Title: Pause
Author/Artist: [info]quaedam
Rating: R for nakedness, blood, and six inches north of a blowjob
A/N: No one's being actually killed--I just got carried away with the blood. They're just playing, really!
Prompt: L/Light: knife-play - it was different, somehow, when the prospect of death was so immediate..


[info]bofoddity in [info]kinkfest

Fic: "Brittle", FFVII (Sephiroth/Cloud)

Title: Brittle
Author/Artist: [info]bofoddity
Rating: Worksafe
Warnings: Unusual Cloud?
Word count: 351
Summary: Trust is a delicate thing.
Prompt: 5. Final Fantasy VII, Sephiroth/Cloud: trust games - so easily broken.
A/N: Sadly, this turned out to be a gen fic posing as slash (although the undertones are there). Also, since I dislike existing fanon, it doesn't exist in this story. Sorry!

Brittle )

[info]icedark_elf in [info]kinkfest

Changes (FFVII, Sephiroth/Zack)

Title: Changes
Author/Artist: [info]icedark_elf
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Gender switch.
Word count: 237
Summary: Zack isn't as sneaky as he thinks.
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII, Sephiroth/Zack: gender-switch, seduction - How did you know it was me?
A/N: So very, very sorry that this is late. RL kicked me in the face and got me stranded out of town for a bit. *hides from Wilcox, afraid the town will eat me again*

Changes )

[info]ladyofshadow in [info]kinkfest

Saiyuki (Gojyo/Goku)

Title: Primal Urges
Author: Ladyofshadow
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Dubcon, masturbation, penetration
Word count: 574
Prompt: Saiyuki, Gojyo/Goku: dub-con: "The monkey's like a little brother to him, and if he learned anything growing up, it's that some things need to be kept in the family."
A/N: Dubcon was a difficult challenge to write, along with this pairing. There was also a duality of ‘innocence’ and the hidden, animal soul that snuck its way into this fic in regard to Goku.

Primal Urges )

[info]icedark_elf in [info]kinkfest

Sunlight (FFVII, Sephiroth/Zack/Cloud/Aeris)

Title: Sunlight
Author/Artist: [info]icedark_elf
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Word count: 294
Summary: The ends justify the means.
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII, Sephiroth/Zack/Cloud/Aeris: Getaways - "Months of work for one weekend of bliss."
A/N: So very, very sorry that this is late. RL kicked me in the face and got me stranded out of town for a bit. *hides from Wilcox, afraid the town will eat me again*

Sunlight )

[info]jojo_kun in [info]kinkfest

[ART] - 'Nobody's Perfect' - Death Note - L/Light

Title: "Nobody's Perfect"
Artist: [info]jojo_kun
Rating: PG
Warnings: none, except not really safe for work.
Prompt: Sept 25: 1. Death Note, L/Light: imprisonment - truth is an abstraction.

I wanted to make this dirtier. :(

Nobody's Perfect - L/Light - Not Really Work Safe )

[info]icedark_elf in [info]kinkfest

Hatred (FFVII, Sephiroth/Zack/Cloud/Aeris)

Title: Hatred
Author/Artist: [info]icedark_elf
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Word count: 370
Summary: She had her own thoughts on uniforms.
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII, Sephiroth/Zack/Cloud/Aeris: Clothes fetishization (uniforms) - "Her mother hated their Shinra uniforms - Aeris loved them."
A/N: So very, very sorry that this is late. RL kicked me in the face and got me stranded out of town for a bit. *hides from Wilcox, afraid the town will eat me again*

Hatred )

[info]icedark_elf in [info]kinkfest

Helping Hand (Fruits Basket, Yuki/Tohru)

Title: Helping Hand
Author/Artist: [info]icedark_elf
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Word count: 242
Summary: Tohru hates it when her friends are uncomfortable.
Prompt: Fruits Basket, Yuki/Tohru - crossdressing, charity auction: "It won't be so embarrassing if you're not the only one, will it?"

Helping Hand )

[info]sheffiesharpe in [info]kinkfest

"By Any Definition," FFXII (Balthier/Reddas)

Title: By Any Definition
Author: [info]sheffiesharpe
Fandom: FFXII
Characters: Balthier/Reddas
Rating: R
Length: 1000 words
Spoilers: Identity spoilers (mid- to late-game)
A/N: Prompt: Partially clothed sex—“The balcony provides quite a view of the port.”

Remind me, again, how I ended up in this position. )

[info]kemis in [info]kinkfest

Recipe for Disaster, Final Fantasy VII (Sephiroth/Zack)

Title: Recipe for Disaster
Author: Kemis
Beta-reader: [info]skeren
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Word count: 4409 words
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII, Sephiroth/Zack: intoxication – mako boosts are a bitch
Summary: Zack is a man on a mission. You'll better start running.
A/N: I'm posting this a bit late, sorry, but I honestly couldn't manage to finish it on time. Also, the title? Totally Cloud's idea.

In hindsight, they probably should have turned their tails and ran, pride be damned, when they saw Zack walk into the cafeteria with such a mournful expression. )

December 2008



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