October 2015




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Sep. 2nd, 2015



[No Subject]

i've been trying to grow some herbs, but they're not doing too well. am i over-watering them? not watering them enough? does anyone have tips on how to keep these things alive?

shark's gained a couple a pounds. do you have anything to do with this?



[No Subject]

So this has been a week for celebrity gossip. OMG Kermit, you slimy little toad:

Kermit the Frog's new girlfriend is younger, thinner and blander

Sep. 1st, 2015



[No Subject]

How long can you watch this trypophobia video without itching?



[No Subject]

Deliveries for Jewel Calderón )

Delivery for 'Tigger )

Aug. 31st, 2015




Remember me for my wit and talent. #PumpkinSpiceEve




Well, I officially have a new battlecry to test out.

'Apex. What's good?' What do we think?

Aug. 29th, 2015



[No Subject]

The 11th most likely identity for Shade is Slenderman? And number nine is the Faceless Woman from WTNV? Really, Buzzfeed? I have to say, I'm a little disappointed.



[No Subject]

Fine fine fine fine fine fine fine.

Because they will not allow me a second studio to store all of my clothing, Grace I have decided that I will sell many of my articles of clothing and accessories for greatly reduced prices. I say greatly because my belongings are very - ah - costly. And I must charge because I have to afford eleven airplane tickets for December.

And so:
Dresses - $30
Jackets/Outerwear - $30
Skirts/Pants - $25
Tops - $20
Shoes - $100,000,000,000 $15
Purses - $15
Jewelry - $15
Belts - $10

I will have everything available in the history classroom both Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning.

Furthermore, I reserve the right to ask how my clothes are doing at any time following your purchase.

[I still blame Hayley and Kaitlin for introducing me to this, but if anyone wants to know what Jewel's non-couch potato attire looks like, 20 examples can be seen here. What? She's really easy to make outfits for. Pen and Erin have things too, but, you know, they still have closet space.]

Aug. 28th, 2015



[No Subject]

Um, okay Lady Gaga. Way to try and relate to the little people.



[No Subject]

I realized today that I didn't give anyone else notice about where I was going. In my defense, I had other things on my mind.

My mother died. Funeral's tomorrow.

Aug. 27th, 2015




I'm finding that, as time goes on, solitary exercise doesn't hold the appeal that it used to. If any of you want to join me, you've almost certainly seen me jogging around the facility at one time or another. I go every day at 6:00am, except for the days when my team has the early patrol (which, right now, is Mondays). On those days, I go jogging at 8:30am. I follow that with an hour in the pool. It's really quite exhilarating, and a lovely start/end to the day!

Anyone who wants to start coming with me is welcome, whether you want to bring more activity to your day or you're just looking for something a little more social! I might even be persuaded to whip up something tasty for afterwards, so we can undo a little of our hard work!

Aug. 26th, 2015



[No Subject]

I am writing this to inform you of the unfortunate and unexpected passing of my mother this morning. The funeral will take place in Tennessee, possibly four days from now. I would've liked to use the remainder of my leave time to attend her funeral, and to put her house in order.

Aug. 25th, 2015



[No Subject]

So apparently One Direction is having a trial separation or something? Deciding who gets to keep the kids in the impending divorce? I don't know, man.

But, seriously, my 8-year-old niece and my 26-year-old sister (Who has a real-person job doing real-person things, and I am pretty sure that they are lawyer shit involved real-person things. So they are actually legit and not working in a Wawa. Which are apparently closing? Which is not the point. And not implying that Wawa is not legit. Anyway. Whatever. Totally crying at each other over the phone for like hours this afternoon. And Sarah has stolen MY phone to stare longingly at pictures of whoshisface. Y'know. The one with all the hair.

I mean, I'm just kinda wondering which one of them gets to be Justin Timberlake?

I bet it's Whoshisface McLonghair.

Aug. 24th, 2015



[No Subject]

Taking literally any volunteers with crafting abilities better than mine to help me decorate my classroom.



[No Subject]

there is a God and He has bestowed upon us this gift

what is a rabbit's favorite type of music?

hip hop



[No Subject]


Soooooooo. I was sort of hoping you might be willing to help me with something? It's probably stupid, but...

I just feel kind of...idk. I know my abilities aren't suuuuper amazing, but I have to try something. If you're not busy, of course. I know you've probably got like a million other things to worry about. I just wanted to see if I could try to use them offensively.

Aug. 23rd, 2015



[No Subject]

Can we talk?

I wanted to apologise if I've been short or rude to you this last week. Won't happen again.

Aug. 22nd, 2015



[No Subject]

I know it might seem early, but it's not too early to get a flu shot. We've got them, come and get one. You'll thank me when the first round of the flu hits in September.

Aug. 21st, 2015



[No Subject]

The dust needs to settle before anyone thinks of speaking up, or chastising others. Don't make me use a hose on you guys. Because I will

Can I protest against being called a 'Senior', or is that a lost cause?




[No Subject]

that might've been the boringest weekend of my life