October 2015



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August 20th, 2015



[No Subject]

Board games have become bored games. Final Fantasies are bleeding together. Disney movies have lost their glow of nostalgia and ventured into the obnoxious.

Lockdown with my siblings has lasted longer than the actual lockdown. My soul is weary.



[No Subject]

I know I should be grateful we saved that professor and only Zenith got away.

But instead I'm just really, really cranky and irritated because I'm hella sore and covered in bruises from Zenith. And I'm lucky to be alive because I went into that fight already hurt because some idiots here thought that it was a grand idea to start a riot. I hope you're fucking proud of yourself.

I'm upset as any of you about Paul, trust me, but the solution isn't to put in danger the people who risk their lives every week to keep you safe. These outside threats aren't a joke, you should all know that by now. Zenith isn't a joke, and I know that after Monday. Eight Agents dying last March wasn't a joke either — Agents might not have our powers but Juliett, Whiskey and November are just as much my teammates as the rest of them.

So maybe some of you should use your brains, for once.



[No Subject]

The limitation of riots, moral questions aside, is that they cannot win, and their participants know it. - Martin Luther King Jr.

Perhaps those of you who succumbed to base impulses will think twice next time you decide wailing and throwing tantrums like children will yield the results you so vaguely desire.