October 2015



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August 4th, 2015



[No Subject]

This week is so stressful!

First, Manuel ends his relationship with Rosita, but he doesn't know she's pregnant with his child. And she won't say! Because she is not sure the child is his or the child of one of the agents, Luis. And Luis is trying to hide the fact that he is really a delta from the rest of the DMS, which is brilliant because he is Agent Delta, and I do love these writers but I hate them, and Luiiiiiis, do not fall in love with Isabella. She is your sister, you just refuse to see the signs! You only feel great sympathy for her because she sliced out her own tongue because her ability to snack on inorganic items was too much for her to bear. If only she had realized she had a choice in what she put in her mouth.

And now Valentina is potentially dead or gone forever, because she and her agents were attacked by the terrorist group VERTEX while she was using her day pass to find her missing mother, a beta who supposedly had cancer but might, in fact, be related to the President of Mexico. And someone at the Miami facility is possessing others with some sin powers and so Juan and Candice are now having sex like bunnies because it has stirred some secret lust in them, but I know they will get caught because the Head Operative Lysander Ramirez is recording them with a secret camera. And we all know he and Head Field Agent José Martos are in cahoots - as well as also being sex bunnies - because Ramirez believes that his seed will cure Martos' cancer, and it is working.

Yo falto Valentina. Si ella está muerta, voy a estar muy muy muy muy enojado.



[No Subject]

Only Eugene could make me watch Sailor Moon. And maybe Keith.

Oops, I did it again is quickly becoming my latest personal theme song.



[No Subject]

I started watching Game of Thrones. Thanks, Ji Won, for the hours of my life that are being stolen every day. I'm two episodes from the end of series one.

Sansa is such a whiny bitch.