October 2015



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July 30th, 2015




Two days past my birthday, and no surprises. I think I'm in the clear

My mother is visiting in August. I told her she's (still) not allowed to see where I work, but if there's suddenly a lot of fresh food in the break room, that's why.



[No Subject]

Sometimes powers really do make a mess of one's concentration. Like when I walk past a residence and I can tell that someone has moved the forks to the left side of their drawer when they used to be on the right. And now I can't stop wondering if it was accidental or intentional.

Oh, and whoever lost a sapphire earring, I found it under my booth at Capers.


I can't thank you enough for the other night. Regardless of how things went or how well or poorly I did, it was the most fun I've had in a good long while. Though it may be another good long while before I do it again.

Noah, Brian, Simon

From what I can remember of the other night, I didn't act very [...] favorably. I am so sorry. My behavior is inexcusable, regardless of what prompted it, and I should have been smarter about my alcohol consumption.

That being said, what I do recall is that each of you was absolutely wonderful and I appreciate your kindness in the face of such behavior. I hope you don't mind, but I made a little apology gift for each of you. You can't underestimate a good coffee sleeve, right?



[No Subject]

Omfg E I fucking love you 🙆🙆😘 😘 😘 😘 and whoever has my old one can keep it idgaf