October 2015



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July 13th, 2015



[No Subject]

Pandora knows how to introduce me to new music. This song was preeettyyyy awesome.

This was not a pandora introduction, but I found this song and I liked it, too. This was me getting lost in youtube forever. I have to thank youtube for having the subtitles because I definitely would have been lost otherwise.



[No Subject]

You know you're in the middle of summer when you go outside and it feels like you're breathing in a swimming pool. Anyone have the power to thwart humidity yet? If so, we need to become friends.

Seriously. My hair needs you.



[No Subject]

Charming fella. More talkative than I expected, honestly.

Here's hoping we get assigned the next prison convoy.

Welcome back, Blue Team.



(backdated to Sunday morning after the email from Ares)

First person to get me a coffee wins a gold star.

Well, thank fuck.

13 July 2015.

Someone help me settle a bet. How sick are you of seeing me and/or having me around.? Scale of one (eh, you're all right I guess) to ten (I hate you and your stupid face, Zulu). If you don't know me, your answer is automatically a ten.

This is a serious question, so don't be shy.



[No Subject]

I forgot how good it feels to have two days off in a row! I definitely ate way too much yesterday and today, but I fully intend to go for a long run tonight. Totally not going to binge-watch all those Dateline episodes I have saved up on the DVR instead. No way.



002; let's get down to business

Azrael and I interrogated Montagne, the APEX member I arrested over the holiday weekend. My report's turned in already but the summary of it is that he's was mostly unhelpful, but a number of things he said may be helpful.

  • We can probably nail his civilian identity based on what we already have on him and a few things he told us. He was admitted to Harvard before his powers manifested at the country club incident 9 years ago, so he's probably around 27. If we can check which of the country club members went to Harvard and had a son admitted there about 9 years ago, specifically one who played water polo, we've got him. His family also has a place on the east side of the Hamptons.

  • APEX seems to have distinct divisions, though we couldn't get much out about them except that Montagne is in the "busting up shit" one and Shade does intelligence for them. He seemed to indicate she's actively watching 003 specifically, and it was her information that lead to the convoy attack two weeks ago.

  • Past reports of Shade have been conflicting, but Montagne describes her as 5'8 with brown hair and brown eyes. He also joked that her name was Anne or Bethany, which is probably not the case but should be followed up on anyway. Perhaps missing persons reports from pre-1998 for women named Anne and Bethany. It's also possible she and Zenith are romantically involved.

  • Most importantly, Montagne heavily indicated that APEX may try to attack again when he's transferred to Max. It might be a red herring, but we can't take that risk. And I think we need two teams on duty for the transfer. I also think APEX is going to use that time to do something else in the city while our focus is on the transfer, so the regular patrol team should be extra vigilant.

    I hate to say it, but I think we need to be on the lookout for another rogue agent in the Lock.