August 25th, 2011


[No Subject]


[info]silverage via [info]silveragemod: The only multifandom game set in 1964 and created on whim by Doctor Sheldon Cooper.


Super Glee RPG


Premise | Rules | Holds | Apply | Cast | Timeline

Marvel Prep - Apply Today!


Game Info
Xavier School Stark School

IC Comm
Stark Comm
OOC Comm


Charles Xavier is a man born into a world that isn’t ready for him.

Howard Stark is a man who was born ahead of his time.

Two Futurists – two men of science with visions of a better world the world around them does not seem ready for.

Charles Xavier earned Ph.Ds in genetics, biophysics, psychology, and anthropology, and an M.D. in psychiatry. He is the foremost authority on matters of genetics, mutation, and psionic ability, and is extraordinarily skilled in other areas of science, as well. Arguably the world’s most powerful telepath, Xavier is also a skilled physical combatant.

All of these gifts have been directed toward one purpose – engendering a world, through education, where homo sapiens and homo superior can peacefully co-exist.

In 2007, Xavier opened the doors of his former family home and founded the Xavier School For Gifted Youngsters. Here, young mutants would be taught to explore and control their powers in an environment of acceptance and support, settled in picturesque Westchester County, New York.

Howard Stark is a billionaire, a brilliant inventor, and a genius, years ahead of his time. With Ph.Ds in physics and mechanical engineering, Stark is adept in atomic physics, robotics, artificial intelligence, computer imagery and biochemistry. A ruthless businessman, Stark is also a skilled fighter, whether barehanded, or using any kind of weaponry, from man made to alien technology.

His goal is to make the world and our future a better place to live, through the technological advancements created by the best and brightest minds of today.

To that end, in 2009, Stark founded the Howard Stark School of Tomorrow in Hartford, Connecticut – open to only the best, the brightest, and the most gifted students. While students with Xavier’s significant X-Gene are not excluded, most of the Stark student body consists of meta-humans, and those individuals with super powers.

Here at Marvel Prep we will explore the rivalries and camaraderie’s within and between both of these very unique schools as they come into their own, and begin to shape a future that will be anything but mundane.

And who can forget the joys of teenage hormones?

Join us, and experience the fun for yourself!

GAME BEGAN July 29, 2011. Join today>>>>>


Pax Letale: A Modern Myth Game


In Southern California, there recently opened a new luxury apartment building. Impeccably designed, impossibly convenient, ideally located, Pax Letale is the sort of residential Shangri La where Southern Californians spend all manner of favors and years trying to secure a spot. But Pax doesn't have a waiting list, nor can a place there be bought or sold. The people who find their way to Pax Letale belong there.

Every tenant of Pax is a reincarnated deity whose worshipers are by and large long dead. Once very real, these gods began to fade as science and reason dispelled the probability of their existence. Reborn as mortals, their essences remain, waiting to be awakened. Somehow, sometimes one by one, sometimes in groups or pairs, these creatures of destiny have discovered Pax, and have not been able to resist its pull.

For at Pax Letale, the awakening has begun. As these gods rediscover themselves and each other, the seemingly invisible but ubiquitous management tracks each of them quite closely, and the very building itself seems to have an agenda of its own. And as the gods made humans in their own image - or humans made them in theirs - so will the the behavior of the people of Pax turn as dark as their myths. Blood, strife, sex, petty plots, torture - even murder will wind their ways into Pax Letale.

A lovely place. A peculiar place. A dangerous place.

Available Tenants:

Enki is the Babylonian god of water, crafts, intelligence and creation. Twin of and best friend of Ereshkigal, goddess of the Underworld, he is often seen as a positive foil to his brother Enlil, utilizing his magic and cunning for the good of others; he brings aid to deities and humans alike, serving as a rare masculine nuturer in a chaotic and often oppressively patriarchal pantheon. He will likely have connections to Tiamat, Ereshkigal, and other Sumero-Babylonian deities.

Brighid is the Celtic goddess of the forge, inspiration, compassion and creativity, and a patron goddess of artists, craftsmen, and other creative types. In her mortal life, she may have connections to her parents, her siblings, or any of the Celtic pantheon.

Masauwu is a Hopi deity sometimes called the Skeleton Man, Keeper of Fire, Spirit of Death, and the Master of the Fourth (present) World. He is depicted as a dark-skinned man wearing a mask; sometimes the creature beneath this mask is described as handsome, sometimes as a disfigured monster. Connections to Native American deities and gods and goddesses of death or enlightenment are likely.


Don't see a tenant that interests you? Other deities and pantheons are welcome - pick one of the active pantheons in the game, or talk to a mod if there's one you don't see, and make your modern god as you see him/her/it.

Holds and applications are being accepted for all available pantheons.



[No Subject]


Ok, who moved the Whomping Willow?

Just before the end-of-year festivities in their sixth year, the Marauders set into motion a series of events that would set the tone for the following year. While they claim it was purely incidental, the students of Hogwarts are pretty sure that what happened last year was definitely intentional. After all, it was only the Slytherin house that was affected by the charmed bubbles in the baths that turned their skin green and hair silver. Intentional or not, that day began the soon-to-be infamous Prank Wars.

September 1, 1977. The first day of school, the Marauders' final year. The Slytherins are prepared to launch their first attack of the new school year's Prank Wars at the Marauders and the Gryffindor house and the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws are forming their own allegiances.

Which side will you be on when the food starts flying across the Great Hall?

Pranksters is an AU MWPP roleplaying game set at Hogwarts in 1977. While Voldemort exists, the war outside of the school is not a main focus of the game. Most canon characters are currently open for play.

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